______ ______ _____ ______ _____ ____...............W .......rI .Z. by Carol-Ann Oster This isn't exactly a newsworthy item, perhaps. But it is one of those interesting, but useless, bits of information. On Sunday morning, 1 was happy to finally hear the honk of the Canada Goose and to sce the familiar V formation as it came into sight. They were flying ia northerly direction. Good ncws, right? It's finally warm enaugh for them ta corne back from their sunny southern climes. Well, later that afternoon, 1 again heard the honk, but this turne the 'VY formation was heading .. . south. Maybe they know something we don't! Here are this week's card gaine resuits: Arlene Stapleton, 88; Thehua Clark 85; James Lowery 83; George Tufford 81; Doreen Lowery 80; and Dorothy Stubbings 80. Tht draw winners were: Lii Bolderstone, Norma Moffat, Martixa Budd and David Thrower. Tht next card game wil bc held April 16, at the Newtonvilie Hall. Places to Go Easter Egg fever strikes at Heber Down Oct your baskets ready. Tht Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority will be hasting tlieir 4th annual Easter Egg Hunt at Heber Down Conservation Mcea in Whitby an Saturday, April 10, 1993. The event will run froin 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with many different activities for children up ta the age of 10 years aid. Egg hunts wilI take place with variaus cgg groups at different trnes: Children 3, 4, 5, years aid at 11:00 and and 1:00 p.m.; 6, 7, 8, ycars aid at noon and 2:.00 p.m.; 9, 10 years old at3:00 p.m. Parents are Pot allowed ta participat in the egg hunts but may watch from thc side. Admission ta tht grounds is fret with pleniy of parking. For more information or in the case of inclement weathtr please contact tht Auîhority office at 579-0411 for up-to-date information. Epilepsy Durham monthly meeting Epilcpsy Durham Region will be holding uts monîhly meeting Tuesday, April 13th, 7:30 p..m ai the Kinsmen Centre, 109 Coibomne St. W., Oshawa. Oîuest speaker is Dianna Findlay, Chief Executive Officer for Epilepsy Ontario. Topic is employmient and joint co- aperation in working together. New members and visitors are always welcomne. For further details cail 666-9926. Newcastle Library presents Tales for.Twos 'tht Newcastle Public Library would like ta invite iwo year olds k and their parents ta discaver what we have ta affer! Taies for Twos will introduce you and your two Sitar old ta tht Library and aur many services. Tht program will take place ai the Newcastle Village Branch at 10: 15 a.m. ta 1045 a.m. beginning April 14 and ending on May 19. Registration bas already begun. If interestcd you may contact the Newcastle Village Branch at 987-4844. Join us for stories, sangs, fingerplays and mort! For children aged 24 ta 35 montbs, accompanied by an aduIt Association for Bright Cbildren Meeting The Association for Bright Cbildrtn meeting wil ho held on April 14, 1993 at Cadarackque Public School, 15 Milis Drive, Ajax at 7:30 p.m. Ouest speaker will be Claire Zeller, Co-ordiniator of Special Education for Peel Board of Education, who will bc speaking on "Flow parents ,can help their bright children and what parents should expcct frain schoo1.'" New members welcome. For more information cail 728- 4274. COPE Mental Health Program training course The Town of Newcastle COPE Mental Health Programn is offering an 8 week training course in Helping and Communication Skills beginning Thursday, April lSth. It is available frce of charge ta anyone interested in helping others cape with changes in their lives. For information contact Janice Kraft, COPE Administrator at 623-4123. Register early ta avoid disappointment. Making changes group for aduit children Tht purpose of this group is ta help adult children of alcoholics make changes in their lives by providing the needed information and support The fîrst step of making changes is seeing the past and tht present in a new light and changing one's feelings and behaviaur with tht support of others. Tht format will be short talks, videos and group discussions. This eight session study group begins Thursday, April 15, 1993 from 7 - 9 p.m. at Durham House Child and Family Centre, 1521 Simcoe Street N., Oshawa. Tht cast of this group be $48.00 plus $1 1.95 for the text. Ta -register or for more information about this or any ailier study group or workshop offered by the Family Education Resource Centre please cail 579-2021. Bowmanville Museum Treasure Cinic Do you have any antiques or collectibles at home that you have wandercd how old they are? Whcrc they are from? Or what they are made of? If so, bc sure ta attend the Treasure Identification Clinic at tht Bowmanville Museum. Tht clinic wiil ho hcld on Thursday, April 15Ui ai 7:.30 p.m. and wil be conducted by noted antique expert Mr. Brian Mussclwhite, of Uic Royal Ontario CarollsCounty rate up Carol'sby 5.4 percent Bit Northumberland County oni (Continued frofli page 8) has struck its mill rate for thc year probably a luxury item. Getting which shows an increase of 5.4 Corpraton o* * electricity at the turn of the Percent. century, was probablY like seeing . This is the only single digit people today drive by on the increase for Uic county in the past highway in a Jaguar, while you four years. putter along in a 1977 Honda The tax incrzase in 1992 was up~ TENDER Civic. It's like people buying by 15 percent, up hy 26 percent in1 laser-discs, while yOu have-n't even 1991 and a further increase of 29 SEALED TENDERS, ctearly made the giant Ieàp ta compact Percent in 1990. marked as ta contents, for the disc. TC mayfollowing requirements listed -dis TCS may ...below, submitted ta the aeor idi o thh detttte e.stt Corporation of the Town of Grade 7 Trinity College School in Port Hope may reinstate Grade 7 at the school. île school offered grades 7 and 8 until five years ago when grade 7 was eliminated and grade 8 was moved to senior school. A number of students are interested in grade 7 this year and consideration is to be given to re- openmng the grade. Be successful Use Want Ads 983-5301 conveniences that we now enjoy and rake for granted, they was no such thing as a couch potato. Maybe these îechnological advances that make are lives easier also make us ail extremely lazy. And 1 thoughk.. Years ago, a starm, and icy coverings, would not have put a stop to everyday life. Things would go on ini their normal routine. Perhaps if something bas the ability to tiirough aur life int a tizzy and bring everything toaa sudden hait, it really isnt worth having. As the hour struck eleven that night and I was curled in a ball, under four feet of blankets, trying to get warm and wishing 1 had enough light to read myseif to sieep, ail of sudden the lights came on. t was a relief. 1 could read. 1 had heat. If 1 had a C.D. 1 could play it. This littie luxury is one I was really going to appreciate as I fell asleep in my roomn that was slowly starting to heat up. And 1 thought... that ail of my other thoughts about why we could do withaut the advancements in technology, were probably just the resuit of the "Zen Experience" of glistening ice and feet out a window and candielit glow. Museum. The location of this event is at the Museum, 37 Silver Street, and the cost will be $5.00. This includes admission, the examination of one object, and refreshments. Additional objects cas be brought for an extra charge of $2,50 per item. For more information please contact the Museumr office at 623-2734. Personal Development Seminar The Bowmanville Business and Professional Women's Club will host a Personal Develapment Seminar with Sue Valentine, ýM.Ed., Myers-Briggs I Qualified User an Saturday, April 17, 8:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the Flying Dutchman Motel, Bowmanville (Hwy. 401 and Liberty St.). The cost $50.00 each (including lunch) or $90.00 per couple. The day will include self- assessment, discussion and information sharing. Understanding yourself cas enrich your rclationships, improve your self esteem, and expand your horizons. For more information, please cail Susan Bowers at 416-436- 0846. Practical Parenting Famnily Education Resource Centre is offering an eight session study group for new parents in their task of parentinq. This (Continuçd page 11) 983-5598 (Orono, Newcastle) Newcastle, Office of the Cierk, 40 Temperance Street, Bawmanville, Ontario, LI C 3A6, are invited and wiIl be received an the forms and in the envelape provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office ai the above acidress. TENDER NW93-1 2 Grass Cuttlng and Trlmmlrtg TENDER NW93-13 Horticultural Services CLOSING TIME & DATE 2:00 P.M. (Local Time) Wednesday, April 21, 1993 A bid deposit in the amount specified in the tender documents must accompany each bld submitted. This tender may or may not be awarded, whichever is in the best interest ai the Town of Newcastle. The Iowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, A. M. C.T. (A) Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 268 Date of Publication: Wednesday, April 7, 1993 P.O. 2809 "BUILD SAFE - BUILD SMART"I April llth to April llth is BUILDING REGULATIONS AWARENESS WEEK throughout Ontario. The Town ai Newcastle an April 15, 1993 wiII be holding an information display and seminar in conjunction with Bulding Awareness Week at the Bowmanvilte Recreation Complex, H ig hway #2 and Regional Road 57, 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 P.M. PUBLIC WELCOME BUILD SAFE ... BUFLD SMART PLAN TO ATTEND Date of Publication: Wednesday, April 7, 1993 P.O. 3245 - Weed Spraying - Fertlilzlng - Insect Spraying - Ptug Coraeration Yearly programs avallable for the month of April only 2001 off. See the Difference Quality Makas