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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Apr 1993, p. 2

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What way will the move be Economic development and a new approach to commercial development are two issues that are before the Town of Newcastle counicil. Both issues can, no doubt, bo somewhat contontious and further the issues are new to this municipality. In economnic development Newcastle han by no means been a leader and there bas nover been any organized approach to gaining industrial development inany moaningful manner. Even the effort for tourisin bas beon hap-hazard This bas not been the case of other neighbouring centres as Wbitby with two developinent officers and likewise with Oshawa being eut ini the front ranks for developanent with a organized department. Travel to the east and one finds Port Hope, Hope Township, Hamilton and Cobourg seeking developmont through their joint Diamond Triangle department. It is not that Newcastle is strapped for funds for an alottment bas been set aside for economic develepment in 1993 which is within, wbat appears, a reasonable overali 1993 budget. Perhaps we can expect some delay la mevement but lots not wait forever. And thon there is the recent consultants report as to commercial development in the Bowmanviile area with the introduction of somo new idean an Le future development to the western section of Bowmnanviile in the arena area an well an endeavouring te maintain a vibrant downtown area. This in iseif will require some firm decisions if council intends te foilow the direction of the consultants and to pickup on some of the new approaches being proposed. Certainly one han te agree, wo would think, that iL is ime for a change in that of developing mails as in the pant. They have nover added te community. Newcastle bas an option of making some change by combining commercial developmont along with residential and office space. Really iL is not a new idea but rather a stop back into the past where part of the ciientel lives within the commercial area. IL is difficult to put a real handle on the approach but this corner would feel iL is well worthwbile to consider. One would bave te feel there are some major changes coming in the life-style of communities and the grid systean and block systemn as being proposed by the consultants may just bring something new to this municipality. If counicil wants Newcastle to ho progressive thon coundil iLsoîf han te bc progressive and stop out from behind the veil that for too long bas hunLa over te municipality. Liberals to cRioose cndidate'May lO0th la ecleral Durham Liberal candidates to date have made their Association bas set May 10th te intentions known te seek the hold their nomination meeting for nominations. a candidate for the forthcoming Those sceking the nomination federal elecion expected latter are : Glenn Malcolm, Scugog, this year. Alex Sheperd, Scugog, Dave The meeting is be-ing held L. Robinson, Seagrave and Bowmanville. Rosemary Conneil, of Port Perry. IL is understood that four Clarke Township hard hit by ice storm The ice storan last week bit bard la an area including parts of Clarke Townkship and an area north te Port Perry. Sections of the Village of Orono wore without hydro mid Thursday aftemnoon te late in the Kendal News by Phyllis Lowery What a woek this has been, Tuesday iL was such a mild beautiful day, and thon on Wodnosday it started to get colder again. Light coats were warm enougb the first 2 days of the weok and thon back into winter coats. Thon on Thursday to wake up to ahl that ice, go out te the kitchen expecting to have a hot cup of coffee, only to fmnd that there is no evening ana even, mn some cases te the next morning. Ironically the Orono Estates were not botherod by a hydro outage. Rural Hydro brought in ouiside crews to assist a dlean-up and the reconnection of hydro to rural residents. Not all rural residonts were affected even in the Orono area. hlYçro. Ut course no hyçiro means that you soon won't have arry water, so you fMI a couple of kettles before lte pressure in the tank is gone. We are lucky that wo have a Quebec heater in the basemoent se I start Lo go down te light a fire, hit the light switch, forgot about the hydro boing off. Finally light a candle and gel the stove going, stood thero pouring theoiing Water frOM the kettie, through the drip and got the coffec ready. Cofîc neyer tasted s0 goua, 0f course every time you wanted a cup it was down to the basement. Luckily a few years ago, whetl 1 had thoughts of turning the basemnent into a family roomn, I had brought a fair amount of wood in $0 iL was nice and dry and put up a good heat. One doesn't realize until there is no hydro or pjjiling water, just how many time§ YOu go to turn themn on. Hydro Was back on for supper and the evçning and then off it went agaidiÎ oh well get out an extra blankOt and go to bed. How many times did you have to reStart the microvlave clock, the coffee, makor, the VCR and thon just when yotu think you have everything on the right Lime, it is daylight savings time and you have to set them ail again. The world Iooked 50 bright and shiny on ,Sunday as I drove to church, ice stili everywhere, the evergreen didn't seem to bc damaged as much as the other treos, birch always look so nice but they cettainly cannot stand up to icy or windy weather. Not many at the ski bill this weekend. Sunday was the 6th Sunday of Lent, Psalrn Sunday. Prior to the service we cnjoyed a hymn sing, we wii have a hymn sing the first -Sunday of each month. T he service opened- with the hymn,' "Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross," the Invitation to Worship and the Prayor of Approach. The hymn, "How Firm ,a Foundation was sung followed by the prayer of self- examination, and the words of Assurance. The scripture reading was from Mark 11: 1 -10. The sermon was titled, "The Inspiration of Holy Week". The whole world loves a parade, even, if it is only a few cars, a few people, a parade of any kind wii cause people to stop and look.' The entry of Jesus. into Jerusalem was a parade, this was not an impromptu parade, it was carefully pianned. It ail went back to a~ few weeks before when an ugly crowd stoned Jesus, Jesus took his disciples and went over the river and rested, it was there that word came to him of the illness of Lazarus. Jesus knew what was going to happen if ho retumned. Ho know exactly what Ho was doing, from the ime Ho started back, everything was planned, everything Jesus did fulfiiled a prophecy. The march into Jorusalem was no casual Lhing, tho donkey ho road was ready for Hian, it had no blemish on it and had nover been ridden. In history, a king rode a horso into battie, but when ho came to dlaim a victory or what was rightfulily his, ho road a donkey. So when Jesus road the donkey Ho was proclaiming who ho was, before ai the people, Ho proclaimed His power. Jesus thon went into the Temple and drove the money lenders out and Ho freed the sacrificial animais. Jesus cleansed the Temple in doing this Ho proclaimed that Ho was the Messiah. The people cheered hlm, they would have cheered anyone> who stood up to those who abused their authority, as long as neither Rome nor their leaders were too ,EASTER!f GUFTS *FILM * CARDS Draw to be held Aprîl lOth ORONO, ONTARIO 9350 cheered him on Pga1m Sunday algo yelled, crucify him on Good Friday. What side are you on? IL is easy to sit on the sidelines and applaud as the parade goes b~y but there are ines when we must stand alone, when we must stand up for someone or somothing that is not popular yet we believe in it. God calis us to foilow Christ on Maunday Thursday and Good Friday, as well as on Psalm Sunday. These are the imies when Christ stands alone, those are the imes when even the most devoted are tempted to mun and'hide. These are the imes when we mnust stand alone, if we would stand with Christ In a world full of insistent voices, demnanding, begging, insisting that their vision of trutia is the only one. In the midst of the din, in the centre of the storm, in the hidden recesses of your heart, in the silence of prayer, what is God saying, to you? Jesus knew what was going to happen to him. Jesus did what hiad to be done. Today as we begin the most sacred and solemn week ini the Christian year, may you be open to the presence of the risen Christ giving fresh meaning and purposo to your life. The hymu, "When Voices are Confusing" was sung, the Prayer of Thankfulness was given and the Prayer of Concern and Commitmoent was said. The Service closed with the singing of the hymn, "Because Ho Lives". On Maunday Thursday there will ho a service at Newtonvilleat 7:30 p.m. with special music. On Good Friday there will bc a service at Kendal at 7 p.m. On Easter Sunday al people are invited to ake part in a Sunriso Service at Yates Beach, Newcastle, at 7 a.m. Breakfast to follow at St. George's Anglican Church, Newcastle. .Services will be held at the regular imes on Easter Sunday at Kendal and Newtonville. Kendal Church wil ho holding a Ham Supper on Saturday, May l5th. Tickets must ho purchased ahead of ime, due to the limited, soating. Until noxt week, koop those sump pumps working, your cheerful correspondent. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SIJNDAY SCHOOL, 9:30 a.m. OROMO PASTORAL CHARGE * Rev. Dr. Ken Howlett S Malene ' Rlsebrough, M-35702 Church orne 983-5502 NOTE: Unless otherwise stated Regular Services for Kirhy United - 9:30 a. Orono United - 11:00 a.m. UPCOMING SERVICES GOOD FRIDAY , APRIL, 9TH Orono United - 10:30 a.m.- EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL il Regular Services Note: Kirby United will be holding a Breakfast beginning at 8:00 a.m. Ail Welcome. SUNDAY, APRIL 18TH Baptism Sunday Regular Services A Farewell to Rev. Howlett will be heldat Kirby United at 12:30. SUNDAY, APRIL 25TH Confirmation and Communion Regular Services A Farewell to Rev. Howlett ill1 be held at Orono United following the service. EXPLORERS Wednesday, April 7th 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Kirhy Church A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.

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