OmnWekIylm------------it7, 9~. Blue Suede Shoes Anether group ef young performances being hld Iast performances. These skaters have skaters performed with Saturday. been competiting in many events enthusiasm ai the Orono Kating The event feaiured many of during the past skating season and Club Annual Carnival with two the Orono skaters in solo were most entertaining. Saturday afternoon the __________________________________________ prograin included the Whitby Ice ~ Elusion skaters who have been performing for the past 13 years ._..__.__.._..__.._..__.__.._ and have many Gold medals te 3.HOME ____ We have been rather sidelined on the issue of bird watching these past few weeks and ne doubi have missed some of the early action along the lake front. It bas been interesting reading, however, that those dreaded Zebra Musseis may be baving some effée on the appearance of the bay and sea ducks in Lake Ontario during the recent months. The stoney beutom of the lake in and around Burlington is known te be a great area for the development of Zebra Mussels as they cling and multiple te the stones. Il se bappens that this year the area bas beceme a bot spot for the sea and bay dueks and it is tbeught the beds of Zebra Mussels just may be tbe feeding grounds for tbese ducks. Se it was te ibis area that Bill Bunting and I took off for eariy Sunday moming. The searcb was for the tbree families of Scoter Ducks along with the Eider famiiy and we would have boped the possibiliiy of a Haricquin duck Dropping down te No.2 bigbway at Oakville we took the many opportunities te visits parks affronting on the lake and being able te sight mnany of tbe usual diving ducks. The Cemmen Goideneyes favoured us with tbeir usuai mating antics as did some ef the other breeds. It was net until we reacbed the Burlington waterfront tbat we werc rewarded with a sea duck, the Surf Sceter. There were somne six well eut in the lake bcing five femnales and one male. It was interesting tbat on arriving borne and reading the Star ail three failfies of Scoters and a King Eider were recerded at Buriington on Saturday and likely were also on Sunday but you just bave to be there ai the right time. Bill and 1 ceuid afford ne more tha an heur in this one location. On our return trip we travelied No. 2 te Toronto and did again visiltbe lakefront wbere access was available. It was quite noticeable tbat the diving ducks did peter eut as wc left the Buriington area and jusi perbaps the beds of Zebra Musseis may bave sometbing te do with the presence of sucb ducks in that particular area. It is an ill wind ibat blows ne one somne good - or somnetbing like that. It was some different travelling along old Higbway 2 rather tban the 401 or 403. One might say it was much more cemfortable. Both Bill and 1 were sornewhat surprised with ahl the access peints that take one down te thee lakefront te small and some large size Rural Cluster (Continued from page 1) Cluster te make way fer furiber residential dcvelopmenl. Ogden said bis well water was polluted as was one of bis neighbours. "We don't want the area designaied a Rural Cluster", he said. Jili Hill alse spoke ai the bearing saying she couid sec notbing negative about the application. The application created censiderable debate ameng counicil members witb Ceun- cillers Scott, Dreslinski and Novak veting against any further action as te the designation of a Cluster. The majority of coundcil did bowever support that the issue bc sent back te staff fer furtber precessîng. Counc. Dreslinski stated that tbe Regienal Official plan did stàte tbat a cluster once designated couid net be expan- ded. She noied tbai tbe Crooked Creek area did bave a cluster area prier te ibis application. Co-op (Coniinued from page 1) the Orono Co-op. Bob Ailin, president of the Board, ouîlined many of tbe events of the year stating that fertilizers will stili be availabie ai the Co-op tbrougb a Port Hope arrangement He also said that the board bad agrecd that thc local Co-op would continue baving the UCO as ibeir wholesale supplier. He said the mili eperation wil continue as usuai. In speaking of tbe purchase of the Grafion Co-op Allin said it was a good fit for the local organization. Wayne King, manager, reported as te the cbanging turnes for the co-op and for agriculture in generai. Steven Bark, auditor, outlined tbe financial staiement stating ibat tbe Co-op was in a solid position and bad earning power. Total sales for tbe C-op in thc pasi year reacbed $4.3 million cemparing witb $4.2 million in 1991. Tbe statement shoed a $7,585 bass frorn operation for the pasi year comparing witb $23,785 in 1991. Net income did risc te $34.801 fer 1992 cemparing with $1,614 in 1991. The Co-op is net deciaring a patronage on business for 1992, nor do tbey inîcnd te pay patronage ini 1993. The Co-op is te pay 8 percent intcresi on member loans for 1993. There was somne cencern raised of acceunits receivable wbicb had reacbed a total of $435,473. The annual meeting eiected tbree new directers te the board being Paul Burnbam, Lorraine Olive, both from Uic Graften area and Gordon Barrie of Bowmanviile, Other mnembers of the 1993 board are Charlie Harris, Lerne Allin, Robert Kimbali, Ralpb Greenwoed, Jim Ceombes and Bull Tomlinson. Gord's View. "Talking Trash" After travelling souîb te Florida, te indulge in my love of spring training and warm sunny days, 1 found myseif caught up in the storm of the decade instead. New, on rny return te Orono the sun is sbining again. Wben Uic sun cornes eut in thc spring 1 fmnd lx a good turne te pause and ceuni our blessings. Nething makes me bappier on a sunny day tban te tbink of how wreng 've been in the pasi. Old fears of people like me about thc computer, Uic fax, the car phone, the answering machine, bave afferded me great privacy and freedom, net iess. Television advertisements, became a pain. New ibat we bave remote centrel, nebody watcbes commercials anymore. Thai particular pain bas gone - thank geodness! We still bave radio taik shows. Tbe bosts rani and rave. They & ', 0 0e don't lisien, especially if the caller disagrees with them. I cail it "Verbal Violence." Some bosts stir up emotions beyond the boiiing point. Tbey induce rage, hostility and, yes, hate among their listeners, who seem to ibrive on ii. That is what is most disturbing of ail. It seems that some talk show cailers show more intolerance, bigetry, narrow-mindness, mean spiritedness and even iack of respect for other opinions, than is acceptable to ordinary people. Tbere are a variety of causes, to be sure, but its aiso truc tbat you could spend time in a mail, in restaurants, in a bank or in an office or just about anywhere and stumble across tbe saine attitudes. It seems te me that "Tallcing trash" has become a lifestyle for many. It manifests in other ways tban talking down te someone or burling threats ai anyene who gets in your way - the way I see it Town tables Economic development The Town of Newcastle has deferred a decision on Economic developrnent plans for another two weeks. 'Me issue was breught forward fer discussion at the generai purpose meeting on Monday. A motion by Couns. Hooper and O'Toole tabled the issue for a second time te, again come before committee in two weeks. Counc. Dreslinski and Counc. Scott both stated that the issue bas been before commitice for the past month and a haîf and that no progress bas been made in the debate. Dreslinski did state that there were differences of opinions on the issue Of economnic develop- ment but that everyone was weli aware that the matter was cemning before committee on Monday. She also said tbe issue had to be dealt witb in the publicforum. Cedar Valley Resort SEASONAL. TRAILER CAMPING BEAUTIFUL $912 - 1993/94 7 km. eat of Orona/Hwy. il15 on Cana. Une 5 1-416-786-2562 r DENTISTRY FOR THE FAMULY <Omueral D.ntlstry Inludlng Orthodontlcs and Implants) DR. B. KOSTIUK,, .S. DENTAL OFFICE ONE 30 Cobbiedick Street Orono, Ontario cal 983-5825 DENTAL OFFICE TWO 5 King Street E. Newcastle, Ontario cal M8-5256 -New Patients Welcme* Sardoy Appoinmnt Avaiable AUTO WORKERS CREDIT UNION A Where CON VEIENCE Is What Credit Unions Are Ail About Drop ini and ask us about Home Bnk ... Direct Deosit.. AutoCash Mastercrd. Overdraft Protection Everythlng lxi the way of personal banking convenience. AUTO WORKERS CREDIT UNION OSHAWA OFFICE BOWMANVILLE OFFICE ORONO OFFICE 322 King St. W. 133 King St. E. 5331 Main St. 728-5187 623-4821 983-5561