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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Apr 1993, p. 4

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-Oun. WU Witfl*~Wd~~Sdày, ~pnI ?~ Dcufferin Tykes with 5 wins, 1 loss, i1tie in playoff action The Dufferin Aggregates are doing cxurcmely welli n thc BRHL playoffs, they bave now to date 5 wins, 1 loss, 1 tic. On Sunday, April 4, 1993, thc boys playcd Deigbton Associates ini Newcastle for a 13-0 win. Ian Crashley tending goal for the Aggregates had a rather relaxing evcning as the play was in the other end almost ail of thc gaine. With al the boys playing a great gaine after being away from hockey for almnost a wcek thc points wer as is: Goals Assists Matt Caruana 8 Bryan Bickell 3 1 Jef Mercier 2 1 Kevin Martin 3 Doug Garlick 3 Mat Mitchell 1 Dustin Weagant 1 Evan Moore 1 Colin Maitland Brian Pisani We hope that you boys keep up the good work and rest up for next wcekend. Next scbeduled games arc Sunday, April Il at 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. in Newcastle. Monday, April 121h at 7:30 at Orono. Sec you and all your fans there and good luck. The J&M Custoin Framing Tykes continued their batle for a final playoff berth by winning two games this wcek for a 5-2-1 playoff record with îhrec more gaines w play. [n the first gaine played on Sunday, April 4, 1993, J&M Custom soundly defeated MacGregor IDA by a score of 8-O. MacGregor IDA kept tbc game close in tbc first period only allowing two Orono goals scored by Nathan Adegeest and Curtis Robinson. However, J&M opened the scoring up in the second period. Nathan Adegeest scored an unassîsted goal twenty seconds into Uic pcriod. Six minutes later, Jordan Bcacock made an superb pass across tbc mouîb of MacGregor's net, and Stevie Gregg tippcd Uic puck in. Nathan Adegeest went on 10 score two additional goals before Uic period ended. Curtis Robinson notched two insurance goals against MacGregor IDA in the third peniod. One goal was assisted by Jordan Beacock. Foliowing this afternoon gaine, J&M Custom Framing Tykes took on a more competitive team, Skylight Donuts at 7:00 p.m. in Uic Newcastle arena. Skylîght Donuts piayed a strong first period and kepî Uic Orono fans on Uic edge of their seat, bowever J&M Custom rose to the challenge and eventuaiiy wcre succcssfui in wmnning Uic match by a score of 7- 3. Jordan Beacock scored Uic first goal for Orono one minute into Uic gaine, assisted by Curtis Robinson and Kyle Cox. Curtis Robinson gave Orono a 2-0 lead, assistcd by Jesse Price, midway Urougb Uic opening period. Skyiight Donut scored two quick goals in the last îwo minutes of thc period wo even j Uic score.1 Lcss than onc minute inb Uic second pcriod, Chris Moffat1 scored Uic go-abead goal assisted i by Jordan Beacock. Chrîs, Moffat repeated ibis effort îwo minutes 1 later 10 give Orono a 4-2 lead. Skylighî Donuts kept in Uic game by scoring their Uird goal midway through tbc second period. However J&M Custom cnded Uic pe-riod with a 5-3 Iead wben Curtis Robinson scored once more, &çsîsted by Jesse Price. The third period belonged to Orono, as they took control of the game. Curtis Robinson scored a short-handed goal and Chris Moffat earned a hat-trick by scoring on a pass by Kyle MacDonald and Nathan Adegeest. Kevin Martin was the goaltender for J&M Custom in both games. Aithougli he didn't have much work in the first game, Kevin made six important saves in the second game. Kyle Allun had a good offensive game working hard against the boards and geuting severai shots on net. Tyler Gregg and Kienan Williams both had strong defensive games, breaking' up plays and keeping the puck on- side in the opponents end of the ice. The next playoff game will be held at the Newcastle arena against Shopper's Drug Mart at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, April 11, 1993. This will bc followed by a game against M&M Meats in the Orono arena at 5:30 p.m, on Tuesday, April 13, 1993. Biook Review from Crystal Pages THORNYHOLD by Mary Stewart - An enchanting story, English as the day; - full of the 1 herbai remedies, second-sight, midnighî gatherings and pigeons carrying secrets through the nighL. Our heroine, a young lady who we live with as she grows from at repressed and unnurtured child into a thoughtful and reticent woman, had the great good fortune to be lovcd and understood, t though very infrequently, by aa godmother, a cousin who 'woven tiny spelîs,"1 lb's an interesting story, there is t magic, and there is an ongoing f other world flavour whichU encouraged one to read on! b Coronet Books - Recycled Teqüachers ask for mediator The elementaly teachers of the Durhamn Separate Scbool board have asked that a mediator bc appointed to get negotiations underway. The teachers had sought a wage incre-ase of 4.4 percent in a one year contraçt, The board had offéed a 0.6 percent increase. At a recent meeting the teachers had cIropped their demand wo a 1.85 percent increase in four stages over thc year. The board bas not moved on thc latest request from thc teachers. The teachers aISO request that the level of service bc maintained. No increase for Bell The Canadian Radio- Television and Telecommuni- cations Commission has spared Bell Canada's customers a proposed rate incrcase that was 10 come into effect as of tic first of April. Bell bas asked for a $ 1.40 residential home phone increase and an average monthly increase of $3.25 for commercial phones. The CRTC nuled out Uic increase. Bell has also askced for increases that would come inwo effect as of thc tirst of September providing Uic increase meets the approval of Uic CRTC. More No Profit housing on fine The Durharn Region Non- Profit Housing Corporation bas plans for a $6.8 million 55-unit bousing developinent for downtown Oshawa wbich could begin in thc vcry near future. One-third of the apartments will bc allocatcd 10 needy families witl the remainder bcing rented at market value. The Corporation now manages 965 units at 15 différent locations across Uic Region. Durham wary of disentanglernent Gary Herrema bas been rcported 10 state that Uic province bas been thc big winner in the disen- tanglement agreement it bas negotiatcd wiUi Uic Association of Ontario Municipalities. The agreement bas Uic province aking over ail cosîs of welfarc wbereas in Uic past tbc province provided 80 percent of Uic funding N hile local municipalities shared he other 20 percent of the cost. Flic new plan cornes mbt effeci at lhe first of 1994. Wb.ile thc province takes over LII costs of welfare the nunicipalities will now shoulder the cost of operation of property assessment and will also take over maintenance and operation of 200 miles of provincial bighways Iat are within the larger -unicipalities. Durham will bc îking over 60 miles of what bave )een forrncrly provincial highways n Uie region. Durhiam is asking the OMA to ýnegotiate the-agreement. Suggests budget threatens safety The Oshawa Firc Firefighters' Association suggests that Uic City cut-backs in the fire departrnent's budget, affects the safcîy of Uic firefighters and as well Uic public. The cut-back came whcn Uic City decided not to filI seven vacancies on tbe fire department Uis year. OPP officers receive min or injuries Two OPP officers received mninor injuries last Friday wben their cruiser was hit during an ice storre. Constables Harold Burke and Gcrry Gibson werc sitting in their cnuiser which was parked along bbc sie of bighway 2 just west of Morgan's corner when a passing car went out of control and bit bbc cruiser. The driver and occupant of Uic other car also received minor P~om #sr ;.:. Michael Spooner and Sheila Stephens Spooner ROSE - ARB OR -AfNTIQUES i k EARLY CANADIAN PINE - OIL LAMPS - QUILTS OPEN APRIL TO DECEMBER HOURS: Saturday, Sunday and Hoidays - 10:00 a.m. Io05:00 AISO BY APPOINTMERN OR BY CHANCE (416) 983-9091 6179 Andrews Rd. 4.8 an. east of Hwy. 115/35 R.R. 1, Kendal, Oit LOA 150 on Clarke 6th Cane. 33% OFF mostPaperbacks CRYSTAL PAGESvd Holist1c Heallng andi Introductory Talks at the Store April 13,.7:30 p.m. DREAIMTALK includes numbers & synibots in dreamas - Rev. Don Stiles April 20, 7.30 p.m. - HOMEOPATHY treating illness by stimulating the bodys~ own defenses - Dr. J. Hawiylak Apr. 27, 7:30 p.m. - THERAPEUTIC TOUCH expanding our potenfial for healing - Barbara WakerM Ed. Cost $8.00 per session WARNING99 THIS AD MAY MAKE YOU UNHAPPY WITH VOUR PRESENT AUTO INSURANCE RECOMMENDED COVERAGE FOR CAREFUL DRIVERS! * 91/92 medium size - $250 deductible collision * 1 million iability - $50 deductibie comprehensive * Accident benefits - Family protection endorsement * Loss of use/rentai vehicle NOTE: Careful Drivers Over Age 25 with Preferred Driving Records may qualify. This rate also includes limnited drMvng ta work. Two car policies may qualify for additional discounts. SEMI-ANNUAL PREMIUM ......... $U83.00 à 623-0331l or 623-1838 -AA PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 3 SUîver Street, Bowmanville Establlhd 1978 Oshawa - 436-6239 injuries wbich were treated at Memorial Hospital. Damage to the two vehicles amount to $15,000. Region supports cancer centre for Oshawa The the province wanting to buid Uiree cancer centres outside, of Toronto includinig one that would be east of Metro to serve those living in Scarborough, Durham as weII as up to theý Peterboroughi area the Region of Durham bas given their support for an Oshawa location. Other Oshawa area organizati-ons are also out supporting a centre for Oshawa. The Region is asking those iný the Region to write the inistry of Health asking that a centre bc located in Oshawa. Kiwanis Festival opens The annual Oshawa-Whitby Kiwanis Music and Theatre Festival opened its curtain on Monday 10 an increasing number of musicians and actors and adtresses. The event runs from April 5rb 10 April 28 with the first week fcaturing theatre and the foilowing wceks being musical competitions. J&M continue their battie for a final playoff berth

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