rOrono Weekty Times, wednesday, AprIl 21, 1993 - 5 Orono students place seconda at Think Bowl Andrew Reid, Greg Kuno, on April 8th. The competition Thie Orono group debated the Meghan Crookshank and Alecia was for schools in the western possible future use of computers Staples of the Orono Public seýtion ofdie board. in homes for educating students School placed second out of 21 The Orono students have and the problems which may teamis in the Tbink Bowl qualified for tue Board's finals wo arise from thiS new form of competition held ini Bow~manville be hl on May 6th. "homne schooling." Queen's Park x Report from Gord iis, MPP Durham. East education bas a hge rate of retum than almo1st any alternative investment project. Canada could save $26 billion if the dropout rate by Rev. Marg West I1n just going to write, down a few quotes I've read tbis week. The -,eeks seern to go by So) fast that before 1 know il it's Monday and no atice fr the paper. I pray I soon get back on track. Don't stay away from Church bec-ause: You are poor; tbere is no admission charge. Because it rains; you go to work in the rain. Because it's hot; it's bot at your bouse too. Because it's cold; ît's always warrn and friendly at church. Because no- one invited you; people go to movies witbout being invited. Because we have an emotional religion; how about tbe bail games? Because you have very smiall children; what. if you no longer had thlem? You; don't like the preacher; remember he's hum-anlike you. Your job makes you tired; you could lose you r job. There are hypoc,-rites there; you associate with them every day you should be, used to tbern by now. You have company; they will .............................................................. kn -sio uch time you've goL, Thcee s a saying weuse in worlly hing, "t's better to be safe than ory How rnluch more this applies w, thin!gs of GO, GOD bas mnade a way for us to be safe. The safety is in HIS SON JESUS CHRIST. The safety is by asking JESUS to corne into our lives and SA'VE us. Save us frorn what? To save us from being sorry after we pass frorn this life. The above scripture says a-fter deatb cornes judgement. 'Me judgement for those who bave not asked JESUS CHRIST to save tbern is etemity in HELL. Caîl on JESUS today. Ask HLM to reveal HIMSELF-to you. HIE loves you just the way you are. You don't have to do any special preparation inorder to ask JESUS to corne to you and reveal HIMSELF to you. What bave you got to lose? l'Il tell you ýsome of the things that I bad ýto lose. STý,RESS, STRIFE, SICKNESS, U N RE ST, INSECUJRITY, D!ISTRES S, HATE, BITTERNESS and lots more. BUT irn place of awful things JESUS gave me, JOY, PEACE, LOVE, HEALTH, SECURITY, ABUNDANCE, and it ke eps I don't intend to dwell very 24 can apply wo the programn. were, recluced trorn 34 pet cent to admire ~youui iyauLy inyouu inite gettiig bocuer every uay. 1 reaIIy much on the Speech from tbe There are no restrictions based on 10 per cent by the year 2000, them along, or tel tbem to wait didn't give up any tbing buta Throne, since I'm suire you have race, or st udent/non-s tu dents Perhaps frorn these statistics you until you get back. bunch of garbage. I know HE read as much as you want already. status. Call the Ontario Youth and will understand wby I tbink de- Your clothes are Dlot good loves me and guides me into al] As I already gave warning, somne Training Hotine at 1-300-387- streaming, and the second chance enough; we do not conduct a Lruth. If we are walking in truth new tax increases will surface in 0777 for information. it will give sorne students, is a step fashion show. we are going te be kept from ai] the May Budget. The comnplete Prom time-to-time 1 get letters in the rigbt direction. Our church standard is too high; the garbage in life. What a trade' economie package wiîî also telling me tbat Fitm eitber over paid Next week, 1 will be telling you Lake a look at tbe Bible standard if GLORY. JESUS is wonderful. include reducing goverrnent for what I do, or tbat my pay as about my plans for increased you tbink ours is high. CalI on HLM today. expenditures and negotiating a your MPP sbould be cut in baîf. public transportation in tbe riding. You have plenty of time; are you "Tbose that CALL on the social contract with the public Tbe l6th Report of the Until next week - Salacrou once sure? name of the LORD s hall bc sector. We bave pledged te bave a Commission on Election Finances said, "Economy is a way of Heb. 9-27 says, "It is appointed saved." deficit of no more tban $ 10 bill ion. 'bas been publisbed. This is the spending money witbout getting unto men once to die, BUT after Comments or Questions, write This presents a great chalenge for body that makes recommendations any pleasure out of it." tbis tbe judgement." R.R. 2, Orono. Watcb Total everyone, we intend te maintain to the Board of InternaI Economy You may tbink you've got all Christian T.V. Ch. 49, Buffalo. investments in jobs and training. in regard to the whole range of the time in the world, only GOD To improve essential services. To indemnities and allowances paid to work out, in partniersbip witb MPP's. One of their __________________________________________- public sector employees and recommendations is that the salary employers, ways te make their of Members should be work more efficient and the commensurate with their services they provde more responsibilities and Last Tbursday afternoon -in the jurisdictions. If an MPP is te be Legisiature, Dave Cooke, Minister cornpared witb an MP's 1993 Visit Our Bootih of Education and Training salary and allowances, this wouldath announcedi a plan to create 10,000 sec an immediate increase of OS hAW summer jobs for Ontario's youth $30,000 per year. If we are tolhe A ""H W tbrough tbe jobsOntario Youth compared wilh our peers sitting in H M program. $14 million will be spent 1.4e Quebec Leeisiature, then we S O on the creation of 6,000 summer would receive a 1993 salary and ApriI 22, 23, 24&25 ,jobs of youth. $7 million will be allowance increase of over41 used to create 4,000 jobs through $16,000. existing summer programs - It would seem to mne, gîven the Environmental Youth Corps, recommendations of the Summer Experience and Northern Commission, that Ontarians are Training Opportunities Program. getting good value for their $4 million to maintain and representation at the Ontario enhance year-round services in 2 Legislature despite what some exîstîng youtb empîoyment peoplemray think. programs. Some of bed-time reading last Solar Blanket Spring Special Summer jobs are crîtical in week, was the report frorntbe 1 2ol 90 developing skills and building Conference Board of Canada,16x3 ny$ .0 attitudes towards work and money Dopn Out: The Cost to Beacheomber spas and management. Wbile youth Canada". The highligbts of the Ingroufld PoolS starting atsevcn represent 18 per cent of the report are that Canada will lose evc g workforce, they represent 84 per mr hn 4bliopnpesn-$095O Liquid Chiorine FiIing Station cent of the net empîoymnent value terms over tbe working Above Ground Pools starting at BOKY RPOL PEIG decline since 1989. JobsOniario lifetimes of the nearly 137BO KYU POL PEIG Youth is actually onîy a small par thousand young people who $ 39 .0N W of our overaîl strategy for dealirlg dropped out of secondary school wvith youth unemployment. The instead of graduating with the province administers a range of cÀs f18.Eahidvda prograrns that address a variety of maIe dropout wilI lose nearly job needs for this group. ùtst year, $1 29,000 in today's dollars over0 1» $180 million was spent in this his workcing lifetirne, whîle tbe area. Anyi unejnpl oyed young fcmale dropout forfeits $107,000. person, betwecin the ages of 15 and As an investment vehicle, ýy a E te 111