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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Apr 1993, p. 8

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E NlIlewcastle Lions News Congratulations to the Pines Senior Public Tbink Bowl teams. The teares placed first anid third in the area at a competition held last week. The teams will miove on to, a Regional competition to be held in Baltimore. The local competition was only, îwo and a baîf bours long compared with the full day competition that the students will be moving onto. At the last competition the students were given the morning 10 solve a problem using an eigbt step process to corne up witb the final solution. At their next competition the Congratulations to the Newcastle BIA "Name That Tune" contest winners. students will have to add a dramatic component to their presentation of their solution. 'Mis segment will be held in the afternoon following their rigorous morning of problem-solving. The fliink Bowl Team began practice a littie over two weeks ago in the early morning before scbool started. The coach of the Think Bowl team, Mrs. Yeo, originally picked fourteeni students to try out for the teams. Since the sebool could only enter two groups of four though, she was faced with the decision of cutting down the number of students. Amanda Storks is the winner of the $100.00 in BIA bucks; Elaine Werheid, Maggie Boit and N"lewcastle group hold flrst annual meeting The Newcastle Family Connection held their annual meeting amidst the worst of weather conditions. In reporting activities of the organization it was felt that tbe past year bad been successful. It was reported that witb the opening of tbe Interaction Program in October of 1992 a recorded number of 770 people were served to tbe endof the year. The programn provides ant outing and inaction between those attending- of both parents and cbildreni. The program operates tbree days a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays witb botb a morning session, 9 to il a.m. and an aftemoon session from 1 to 3 p.m. A ballet dance program proved Most successful. The Interaction program was well attended during the recent March break period. The group plans a number of trips for parents and children during tbe summer break. In speakîng witb Katb y Abrabam a Positive Discipline Parenting Course bias been arranged to start April 2lst. Further information may be sougbt by pboning 987-7767. Tbe Newcastle Family Connection programs are offered in tbe front east room in tbe Newcastle Community Hall whichi the group sbares with Smnall Miracles Nursery wbicb offer their program on Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays. ALthte April lst meetLing flie group hield (lie election of officers witb Corrinc Allin elected president; Kathy Abraham, vice- president, Kathleen Pasquet, secretary; Linda Unswortb, treasurer and directors, Kelly Lance, Angie Woodbeck and] Carol Reid. Laid-off workers Centre opens Workers laid off frore the Port Hope Matbiews Conveyor plant can now take advantage of a centre to assist them prepare themiiselves to find a new job. Close to 80 workers bave been laid off over tbe past year. 120 w.orkers still are employed at tbe plant wbicb manufactures baggage-handling systems. She soon leamed that ail of the students were of equal abilities and she was unable to mnake ber decision. The final decision was made by draw. And the eigbî students wbo ended up going made a great sbowing for the sebool. Pictured are: back row (1-r) - Jenny Ellis and Amanda Rogers from tbe thîrd place teare; Georgina Katsiapis and Scott MacDonald from the first place teamn; front row (1-r) - Deepak Angi and Jeff Finlay from the third place teamn; and Grant Ester and Jennica Fernstromn frore tbe first place teamn. Dawn Vance are the $50.00 BIA bucks winners. Newcastle Block Parents prepare for annual meet The Block Parents of Newcastle are now in their fifteenth year and will be holding their nomination meeting for officers and directors on May 6th at a meeting in the WAaverley Public School in Bowmianville commrencing at 7 The election will bc, beld the following mionth on June 4, also at Waverley. The Block Parent Association holds rmonthly mecetings at Waverley on the first Tuiesday of' every month. Tble Association are joining with tbe Kinsmen Club of Bowmanville this year in the clubs annual carnival. This mnove bias been made as tbe Association lias lost 20 percent of its funding that cornes from the U iîed Way. Tbe Association continues with its protection programi for cbildren recruiting vol unteers for eacb public sebool in the municipality. It also seeks residents to display the red Block Parent signs in their windows. For further information as to Block Parents in your community caîl Louise Aasen at 623-4768. On March 14th, the Newcastle Lions gathered prior to their regular meeting 10 tour the A.V.P. manufacturing plant on Toronto St. in the village. John Maynard, the Quality Assurance Manager acted as Tour Guide and did an excellent job of explaining the operation to the Lions presenit. John certainly put aside any rumors that the plant was closing or in un-reversîble hard times. Although they have experienced some tougb times like other businesses A.V.P. are now working three shifts and some overtimne with 34 employees to supply their customers. Although they have been in Newcastle for many years few people know much about the products that they manufacture. The mainstay product that is manufactured is a clear polystyrene film that is used in envelope windows. A.V.P. supplies 90% of the Canadian market and 10% of the U.S. market with this film. The company was founded by John Benson and made various- products until settling on envelope windows. After John Benson died in 1990 the family continued on with the regular operations and remains a family business with John's son Craig Benson as President. A fter the tour Mr. Maynard accompanied the 23 Lions tÔ the Lions Den, where a delicious meal was waiting, prepared by the U.C.w. After dinner Mr. Maynard explained some of the plant operations in detail and answered questions from the audience. In the business portion of the meeting the Lions approved the following donations, $1500 to SightFirst, an International Lions project to conquer blindness world wide, $50 to Oshawa General Hospital's cancer program, $150 to the Children's Aid Society forý Suminer Camp expenses and $300 to Lions Quest, a program to, instruct teachers in the art of drug abuse in youth. Lion Amos Langley announced that hie would be distributing the tickets next week for the new draw to be held in September., Lion Terry Graham announced that the tickets are printed for the Lions Chieken Barbecue. There will two settings at the Community Hall on May 3Oth. Lion Tony Clements announced that the Newcastle Lioness Club are stili looking for people to help fil the bus on their trip 10 Canine Vision on May 3lst. Interested parties may caîl Kay Powell at 987-4534. Steve NIymigon again head of Auto Workli-ers Cre dit Union t is a fourth terrn of office for Steve Nimigon as president of the Auto Workers Community Credît Union, Nimigon, was re-elected at the recent annual meeting. nhe Credit Union which bas an office in Orono and in Bowmanville has assets of $210 million and is now the fifth largest credit union in Ontario. 1The Auto Workers Coin- munity Credit Union bas a memnbership of 25,000. Other elected to office were: Mike Leveque, vice-president;, Mike Black and Joe Gaborie re- eeced to the Credit Committee; Tina Moore was elected to the Supervisory Commrittee. President Nimigon presented Disdinguishied Service Awards t10 posthumnously Harvey Skinner and to active member May Williamson who celebrated ber 93rd birthday this comning May. Tbe Credit Union field their annual meeting in the Orono hall in 1992 after opening their new office in 0Orono's downtown. Laidlaw Waste Systemns N EWCASTLE INFORMATION CENTRE 97 -King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 1 1 H3 416-987-2177 As of April 19, Our information centre is open to the public to answer any questions or address any concerns that the resîdents of Durham mnay have about Laidlaw's proposed landfill site. HOURS 0F OPERATION: Monday, Wedlnesday, Frlday 10:00 arn. - 3:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Laidlaw welcomes the opportunity to meet the people of Durham. Our staff in Newcastle is there to assist in any way possible.

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