~.u, e,, v*ve ~ T7a.,~' - ,~ jt5~,1~, Events at the Fun Fair Cameron Kent was beside hlm self after winning at bingo and then io find that bis prize was a case of pop. The pop was a mosi welcomed prize. Alicia Staples undertakes face January 1979 Sam Bentham, Edward Cowling and Marilyn Major al having been employed ai Curvply Wood Producis for ten years were presented wiib watches lasi weekend ai a brief ceremony held at the soutb plant. The Senior Citizenis will meet on Thursday, January 4ti ai 1:30 p.m. in the Oddfellows Hall. Everyone welcome. On Sunday afternoon sounds of Bluegrass, Country and Western music rang oui at the Orono Town Hall. The montbly Orono Jamboree sponsored by die Town of Newcastle Social Services Depariment was proving as popular as ever with the hall filied to capacity. Mrs. Robert Dennis presented ber daugbter Sandra with the "Al Round Cord". Sandra, wbo is in ber 5tb year of Guides, had ta pass numecrous tests and earn a number of badges ta rceive ibis cord. Mayor Riekard lped ta kick off the "Bowl for Million's campaign lasi Saturday in Newcastle. The campaign pafinting at the Orono Public Scbool Fun Fair witb Nicole Buttonsbaw overseeing the art work on the face of ber brother, Christopher. running from February lOîh ta February l7tb is in support of fatberless boys. The promotion is being sponsored locally by the Big Brothers Association of Newcastle. Kinsmen Bingýo, January 23rd, 7:30 p.mn., Orono Town Hall. HeId every other Tuesday nighî. Jackpot $300.00. January 1969 As of Monday of ibis week Mr. H.E. Milîson bas taken over the operation of Fred Lyceti Insurance under the namne of Milîson Insurance Agency. Hiis agency will handle general insurance in bath the areca of residential and commercial. Armed with .22 calibre rifles two assailanîs entered Gerrow's General Store, i Leskard, eariy Monday evening and held Mrs. A. Gerrow and two of ber six cbildrcn ai gunpoinî. They forced hier ta hand aven $60 in cash. Durham Central AgricùlLural Society annual meeting will be held i the main hall of Oronlo United Church on Saîurday, January ISib, 1969 ai 1:30 p.ml. The president would appre-ciate a ,'7n Support of Peace" Police Appreciation Service A special worship service "In Support of Peace" wili bc held at Newtonville United Church ai 10:30 a.m. an Sunday, May 2, 19ý93 ta express appxeciation for, the police services. that are responsibie for aur cammunity. Special invited guests include police service members, uniform and civilian, and their familles from the Durham Regionai Police, Bowmanville Division, and the Ontario Provincial 'Police, Newcastle Detachment. Everyane is invite t t the special worsh ip service. The cangregatians of Kendal United Chwtch and-Shiloh United Churcb will jain' witb the memnbers and friends of Newtonville United Church for ibis special occasion whicb is being held one week before the officiai beginning of National Police Week, whicb traditionally begins on Moîher's Day. "Coping With Grief' a one-evening workshop with Rev. Arch McCurdy A one-evening warship wîîh Rev. Arch McCurdy entiied "Caping With Grief' will bc held ai Newtonvilie United Church on Tuesday, May 4, 1993 ai 7:30 p.m. This evening will be of particular interest ta anyone wbo has ever lost a friend or famnily member to deiii; or has lost a job or had ta mnove ta a new location; or has bad a famnily member miove away because of marriage or ta go ta school. 1Arch McCurdy is former chaplain ai Bloorview Cbildren's Hospital in Nortb York and an expert in heiping individuals and families cope with grief caused by a wide variety of factors,, We invite everyone to0 attend good turn out at ibis meeting. On Thursday evening ten Past Grand sat down ta a deliciauIs supper ai the home of Sister Gladys Gamnsby. This was a supper meceting followed by a social hour of cards wiîh Sisters Hamilton and Hooey being hligh ladies and Sister Jean Lewis, low lady. Notice - The Oron-o Cemietery Company would like ta remnind the public and snowmiobile operators in particular that the ceiery is not a playground and the proper use- of this property is expected ai ail times. Tbe emnergency ward of Bowý,manville Memnorial Hospital was almnost as busy as Mospori Raceway on the weekend as the staff treated 14 victims of snowmnobile accidents - Il of themn competitors in Mosport races. The Canada Post Office Departmnent has announced niew raies on Post Office boxes wbicb are as follows: Type A was $2.(X) now $4.00; Type B was $3.00 now $6.00; Type C was $5.00 now $10.00. The new rates become effective as of Fcbiuar-y 1 st as boxes becomne due., ibis special evening. There is no charge.* Refreshments will be served. The evening is sponsored by the Ladies Fellowsbip of Newtoniville United Cburcb., Please camne and invite your friends. "Canadian Gospel Music Concert Bus Trip"Il- Saturday, May Sth Tickets are stili available for the bus trip to tbe Canadian Gospel Music Association concert ln Ancasier, Ontario an Saturday, ,May 8, 1993. The bus will leave Newtonville United Cburçb, Newtonville ai 2:00 p.m. and return about midnigbî. The bus will pick up passengers in Newcastle and Bowmanville en rouie. Some af the top names in Canadian gospel music will be performing, including: tbe Tarcbment, Provers, and The Sellwaods. A total of 12 groups are scbeduled for the evening. Cosi af the trip, including admission ta the concert is $20. The bus will be siopping for dinner aiong the route. Cosi of dinner is not included. For mare information, or ta book a seat, please cail Lorraine MacDaugail ai 786-3190 or Marlene Stacey ai 786-2950. Mayors oppose retail warehouses Mayors of bath Oshawa and Ajax are opposed to tbe proposed retail warebouses, Price Club and Aikenhead Home Improvement, slotted for south Whitby. The issue has been before the Regional planning committee and approved. The two outiets have aiso been approved by the Town of Whitby. Interesting that Ajax bas given approval for a retail warehouse outiet, Costco that operates as the two warehouses approved for Whitby. FÜC NO-CE1 WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS APRIL 30, 1993 TO MAY 14, 1993 Weight Restriction Regulations wilI be continued in force for an additional 2 weeks on ail roads under the jurisdiction Of. the Town of Newcastle from April 30, 1993 ta May 14, 1993, due to excessive'road breakup and f rost damage. Vehicle loads are restricted to FIVE (5) TONNES PER AXLE, in accordance with the provision-s of the Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 1990, cH8, s122. Walter Evans, P. Eng. Director of Public Works Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li.C 3A6 Date of Publication: Wednesdlay, April 28, 1993 P.O. 3967 INFORMATION CENTRE NOTICE T he I.W.A. In-formation Centre, located in Bowmanville at 16 Caristrap Street, is moving to 54 King Street East in the Village of Newcastle. The Newcastle Information Centre will be open every Wednesday from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. starting May 5,1993. For further information, please eall: 1-800-661-9294 Intierim W ýaste Authority imte Off ie pru iu ,ired e tou d& ieu. d'emination ede1,h,1, 1-e-