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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Apr 1993, p. 14

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«Y» Dani JeU SpadcizV» W,'MaA. Eveq Ortci' Speciar Main Street, Orono 983-9155 Ws% W. Deliver Newtonville, Pontypool, Oshawa and Places ln-Beiweeni "jHaîr Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983.5333 Orono Electric Ltd. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR Tvs - HI-Fis Sales and Service Hotpoint - R.C.A. White Westinghouse Frigidaire - WVhirlpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover 983-5108- FBarna Home Check -Vacation H-ome Checking Let us mai-e your home look lived in Wedding Day Git Sitting Retýable Referencea BONDEO Barb Shetier-Ina Cox NEWTON VILLE (416) 786-2996 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 F10 WERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 KingStreet East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wlda Mddletorl GRUNDY'S Country Upholstsry J7ality Work] in Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy Town of Newcastle Public Library Board REQUEST FOR JANITORIAL SERVICE ANU/OR YARD MAINTENANCE QUOTATIONS 0Quotations are invited for janitorial and/or yard maintenance services at the Clarke (Orono) Branch and for janitorial services at the NeWcastle Village Branch of the library system. Service contracts are separate for each branch; specification and quotation documents are also separate. Submissions addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer, 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A8 wilI be receîved until the closing lime of 12:00 noon Local Time>, Tuesday, May 11, 1993. Contract and specification documents can, be obtained from the Library Director's Office, 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville during regular business hours. The owest or any quotation not necessarilyaccepted. 21 Tbe family of the late Ray Dickson wisb ta thank the many friends for ail their kindnesscs sbown ta us during our recent loss. It was especially difficult for us because of Marjorie's incapacity ta, be witb us and we do appreciate your, understanding and sympathy. The daugbter and farnily of tbe late Florence Bell would like ta tbank friends and neigbbours for tbeir kindness, cards and flowers during tbe illness and passingof aur Motben and Grnmotber.-, Frances, Doug, Robert and Elaine Catbcart. 2848p ESTATE AUCTION Sunday, May 2nd 11:00 a.m. Agriculture Building Orono Fairgrounds (Take Main St., tum east at Beckers Store and follow signs ta Faingrounds, acnoss from anena.) Auction features a vanîed selctLion of articles from:a Bowmanville Estate plus quaiity inclusions. Partial list includes French Provincial coucb and chair; blanket boxes;, several dressens & cbests of drawers; misc. tables (kitchen, parlour, Primitive, work etc.); orîg. cast pedestal sink; buffet and sideboard; misc. chairs & rockers (pressbacks, uphoistered, kitchen etc.); vanity and mirror; washstands; child's school desk; storage chests; old lamps; books; Christmas decorations and old toys; several old doIls & carniage; T.V.; desks; file cabinet; old coins; Limited Edition and Decorative Art work; fridge; freezer; dryer; complete contents from kitchen (pots, pans, small appliances, silverware etc.) also a large selection of glass & china stilI ta be unpacked. This is a large sale, that will stant with smnalls and box lots selling outsidc at 11:00 and regular auction starts inside ai 12:00. NOTE:* Summer location and early start tirne. Next auction Saturday, May 8th, 'Liquidation of Woodworking Shop, plus Riding Lawnmowers, Guns, Boats etc. followed by regular furniture and bousebold collectables, etc. Watch for next weeks ad. (CALL FOR AU. YOUR AUCTION NEEDS.) MacGREGOR AUCTIONS MUte Nacregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 25,ac Farm Implemnents and Housebold Furniture Saturday, May 8th 11:00 a.m. The propertLy of the Estate of the late Dan Knapp. Lot 1, Conc. 3 Town of Newcastle (formnenly Darlington Twp.) 4 miles east of Bowmanville on Hwy. 2 and 2-1/2 miles nontb on Rd. 42, 1/4 mile west on Conc. 3. David Brown 990 diesel tractor; New Holland 273 baler; New Idea bay conditioner; New Idea 351 manure spreader; MF side raite; 7' cultivator; bale buncher; bale stooker; snowblower; 4 sections barrows; rotary mower 3 ptb.; bale feeder; mineraI feeder; mIn. mower 3 pth.; trail mower; 3 furrow plough 3 pth.; wood splitter; single furrow plough; scales; compressor; cbainsaws, Homelite, Pioneer, McCullough; Noma snow tbrower; tablesaw; skill saw; drills; solder kit; jack stands; bar-b-que; work bcnch; pipes; hand tools; ladders; gas cans; milk cans; lanterns; shovels; fork wbeel barnow; many other items. Housebold furniture: pille dining room suite, buffet, hutch, table and 6 chairs, butter bowl; Singer treadie sewing machine; cherry dresser. Tenns: Cash No Reserve Sale Manager & Auctioneer Arnot Wotten & Charles Reid R.R. 1, Hampton 416-263-2512 ABRAMOFF, Alîce - At the Oshawa Genenal Hospital on Thursday, April 22, 1993. Alice Abramnoff (nee Bodasbefsky) in ber 74th year. Belovcd wife- of Frank Abramoff. Dean motber of Marlene Connelly of Osbawa and Dennis Abramnof and bis wife Mary of Orono. Dear sister of Kate Zabudsky, Victor, George and Alex Bodasbefsky. Predeceascd by two sisters Olga Romanuk and Nettie Huges. Lovingly remtembered "by ber grandchildren Rhonda Hamel and ber husband Mike, Debbie Anderson and ber busband Paul, Elaine- Connelly and Christie Connclly and onc great-grandson Erik Hamel. DICKSON, Ray M. - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on Tuesday. April 20, 1993 in his'-85t1i year. Ray, beloved busband of Marjarie of Orono. Alse survived by bis brothers and sisters. Friends were ableta caîl at the Morris Funeral Chapel, 4 Division St., Bowmanville on Wednesday. Funeral service camplete was held in aur Chapel on Thursday at 1 p.m. Cremation. Donations to the cbarity of your choice in bis memnory wouid be gratefully appreciated. 28,ac IRWIN, Etta "lJùne" - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on Friday, April 23, 1993 in ber 94tb year. Etta *June" (Winter) of Orona, beloved wife of the late W.P. (Bill) Irwin. Dear sister of Hazel Leaman of London, Annie McNally of Orono; sister-in-law of Marie Saxby of Toronto. Predeceased by sisters Vina Cooper, Ethel Lycett, brothers Percy, Clifford, Norman, Gordon, Harvey and Roy Winter. Fondly her nieces and nephews. Friends were able to cail at the Morris Fumerai Cbapel, Bo wmanville on Sunday. Funeral service complete was beld in our chapel on Monday at il a.m. Interment Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto. Donations to tbe charity of your choice would be gratefully appreciated. 28,ac HER ITAGE HIHLIGHiTS Courage down below Ca nada's "Singing Miner" keeps the faith By Marsha Beulton SPRINGHILL, NOVA SCOTIA, OCT. 28, 1958 - What Canadian hero-sang "Happy Birthday" and hymns for eight and haîf days? If you knew that Maurice Ruddick sang to keep the hopes of his fellow-miners.alive when they were trapped nearly four kilomne- tres underground in the Springhîll Mining Disaster, you mnay also know that he was named 1958's Canadian Citizen of the Year. Ruddick was one of the few black miners employed at the Springhill mine. He and 173 other- coal miners were just starting their 8 to 1l evening shift in the Cumberland Pit Shaf't Numnber 2 when a simaîl "bumip" occurred. AIthough the earth miay not Seem 1 tovoe benleath our- feet, it is constantly siflting-. No where is this more apparent than in a mine, where pressure builds up in gJaseous pockets causing pressure- releasing shifts called bumps. An hour after the first bump, a second follow,ýed which shook even the surface of the town and created a heart-chilling rumible. At was the Most severe bump in North American mining history. Underground, 73 mincrs were killcd instantly by a massive cave-in. Rescue teams mobîlized ta find sturvivors. Within 24 hours, mare than haif of the surviving miners made il to the, surface. While anxious' family members Eigbt other minera woukt wait twa and a haîf more days in a metre bigh pocket before bcing discavcred. As the men waited, wondcred and prayed, Ruddick sang. Although the 46-year-old father of 12 had suf- fered a broken FilE CRKB PQUNDÂT)IOýN crowded ai the pithead, the fabled team of draegermen specially trained to as sist in such dîsasters found themscîves hampered by commnu- nication breakdowns and ventila- tion problemis. It seemed ta be a miracle whcn, six days later, a voice was heard through a ventilator pipe that stretched over 8,000 meires below the surface and 12 more minera were saved. leg and watched as anc man died gasping for air, he pcrsisted in ralin is com- rades spirits with jokes and tunes. I cried quietly in the darkness, but I mlade sure nabody cisc heard mue. It might have braken the resolve ta live," Ruddick admitted. When the men dividcd their last sandwich and drank the lasi of their water an Nov. 1, tbey also celebrated, the birthday af miner Garnet Clarke with a resounding chorus of "Happy Birthday," led by Ruddick. Watch for the Heritage Minutes on your local television station. For more information about tie lieritage Projeci cai 1-800-567-1867. To survive, thcy cbcwcd moisi bark from the pit-walI praps,, sucked coal and even drank their own urine. Wlien tbe dracgcrmen finally reached thcm on Nov. 5, one of the rescuers rcported that, be found Ruddick 'Sitting on a stonetack, singîng ai the top of his lungs." "Give me a drink of water and l'Il sing you asang," he said in greeting, and the long ordeal came ta an end. 1Ruddick mnodestly undcrplayed his inspiratianal raie, but otbers felt differently. "If it wasn't for Maurice, thcy'd have al] been dcad," declarcd the mother of anc of the miners. Afier the disasier, the Springhill mine-was closed forever. Canada's "singing miner" experienced the spotligbt briefly in public tributes. His internation- al celebrity was such that be even appeared an the "Ed Sullivan Show," but when he died in 1988, Maurice Ruddick was an aIl-but forgotten hero.

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