SApril 28, 1993 by Carol-Ann Oster, The Newcastle Public School has gone green with-a vengeance. Recently they were told that they were finalists for an Ail- Ontario Waste Minimization Award for 1992. The awards are ta be presented April 29th at the Rayal York Hotel in Toronto. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education have also setan example in the Green Movement. The Board has also placed as a finalist in 'the categary of Outstanding International While we're an the topic of green. .. The Andrew St. area has gotten St. Greenbelt. The students were a good taste of Èreen. Thanks taoout on Moiiday busily planting the the Rotary Club and the Newcastle smail evergreens. Public School, a number of trees Pictured are: Milce Patrick, Jeff have been planted in the Andrew Sparrow and Greg Elliott. Newcastle P.S. was also the place ta be lasi Friday. The Kinsmen Bike-A-Thon and The Newcastle Public School added a touch of green ta Newcastle on Monday by planting trees in the Andrew St. area. Roadlea was held ai the school on Friday with many students taking part. Pictured are: Marie Morrison, Rochelle Applebaum, Cassy McSwan and Lynda Kennedy. Newcastle CLG Update by J. Veldhuis The Newcastle Community Liaison Group has been working very diligently ta develop a ist of activities that need ta bc done before the low level radio-active material presently locaied in the Port Granby Waste Management Site can be removed ta a new facility. In order ta do what we needed ta do a number of preliminary activities which are now thought oui and ready ta go. The first one is a list of variaus contaminants that are locaîed in the Port Granby site. This lisi wias completed by April 15, of this year and will tell us exactly what we predict will be in the Port Granby site. On May 3lst, we will have this list available for the public and we will make it available ta aur office. Anyone interested may have a look at i, at any time, but the compleed list will be available May 3l1st of this year. The variaus issues, and concerns that have been raised will be addressed by May 15îh. By ,May l5th we hope we will have answers for everyone, for the questions that have been raised with th e dean-up criteria. 1The next date of importance, May lst, of this year 1993, we hope ta have completed a 'Pathway AnaIysis'" for uranium, arsenic and radium. This Paihway Analysis will help us determine how these three and other contaminants cauld possibly leave the site during the removal phase and corne in contact with the residents along the route and nearby. We also, in our Pathway Analysis hope ta figure out mathematically and scîentifically, what would happen if someone lived on the site after it is eceaned up for a long, long periad of time. AIl of this will be started immediately and, should be completed by May îst. The other contaminants that may or may not be in the Port Granby site will also be looked at and the Pathway Analysis for these taxins wiIl be completed by June 8, 1993. By June 30, 1993, the completed dlean-up criteria for Port Granby should be in place, that is aur goal and a final report will be written at this time. This report like ail other reports, will be available ta the general public. We have given you these dates that you can check the progress ai-d check up on the Newcastle CLG ta see whether or not they stay on schedule and comple tasks that were given ta them. We are alsa presently doing a "Needs AssessmenC'. This is a method whereby we interview a selected number of people ta see what the other needs ta be addressed. This project is now underway and perhaps you are one of the people that have been contacted ta an swer some questions about the whole process and the Newcastle CLG. We are working on a drilling pragram. The drilling rig will bc drilling 19 bore hales on the Port Granby site itself, ta 'obtain information in the areas where we are not 100% sure of the available data or we want ta check existing data ta make sure that in fact we have the right numbers. This is ongoing at this time. We are alsa preparing and will implement shortly, a Base Line Study of noise, dust, radon, conditions of wells, property values and a number of other items. Residents within a 1 km. radius of the site will be asked ta participate in this sîudy and they will receive a copy of the information as soon as the tesisare completed. We are still looking for an epidemiologisita do a Base Line Health Study, we had someone al lined up to do the project, but this persan was moved ta a different country ta work there and iherefore we are laoking for a new persan ta, do the job. As yau can sec fromn the abave, we are making pragress. We are making progress towards our mandate of cleaning up the Port Granby site ta make it safer for people, plants and animals and we are doing everything possible ta reach aur intended date of completion by April 1, 1995. We very much appreciate the input from citizens of the Town of Newcastle and paricularly people of Port'Granby so that we can complete the studies tha.t are needed ta be done at this time. We are alsa going ta go ahead with another phase of the work and are in the process of seuting up a committee ta look at how best ta excavate the materials that are now in Part Granby. This subcommittee will start meeting very soan and wili look at al the options and bring in a report and then we should be ready ta go. If you have any questions, contact the CLO office at 987- 7786 or one of the CLG members for further details. L436-8477 Dried Flower Workshop Looking for a summer hobby? Try growing and drying your own flowers! The YWCA is offering an "Everlasting Dried Flower Workshop". This workshop wil be held on May 12 at Bowmanville High School. Leam how and what Co graw, various methods of drying and different types of designs for dried flower creations. Take home your own grapevine wreath decorated with everlastings. Pre-registration is a requirement. For more information caîl the YWCA office ai 623-9922 or visit the' office at 133 Church Street in Bowmanville. Batties Unes being drawn at union Some 85 workers ai General Motors and members of Local 222, CAW have been nominated for office elections. In a number of cases there are ihree and four-way races for a particular office., Some changes are expected this time around in the CAW elections. Protest over St. Mary's plans Members of the Port Dar- lingion Communiîy Association were out proîesting plans by St. Mary's Cernent ta expand their quarry aperations into the Bowmanville Westside Creek marsh area, an area close ta their lakefront homes. 11The group caîl for an Environmental Assessment Hear- ing on the projeci. It has been pointed out that, the company had been issued wîth a permit ta carry- out quarrying in the area in 1968. The group also greeted Jean Charest, who visited Oshawa on Sunday in his bid for the leadership of ihe federal PC party. In speaking with Charest it was pointed out that St. Mary's was considering a second dock at the, lakefront that came- under federal regulations. Laidlaw Waste Systems N EWCASTLE INFORMATION CENTRE, 97 Kingi Street East Newcastle, Ontario, 11 H3 416-987-2177 As of April 19, our information centre is open ta the public to answer any questions or address any concerns that the residents of Durham mfay have about Laidiaw's proposed Iandfill site. HOURS 0F OPERATION: Monclay, Wednesday, Frlday 10:00 arn. - 3:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Laidlaw welcomnes the opportunity ta meet the people of Durham. Our staff in Newcastle is there ta assist in any way possible.