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Orono Weekly Times, 5 May 1993, p. 9

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»"ý Orono Woekly Timeo, Wedne5day, May 5, 1993 -9 Hey, congratulations ta Clint Pcters!!! Mr. Peters is the recipient of the One Year Townof Newcastle Safe Driving Award!! Way ta go, Clint! Newtonville Public School has been busy this week as it is Education Week. On Monday, the Town of Newcastle Fire Department was at the school. The students had an opportunity ta visit the Fire Safety House and ta learn more about Fire Safety and Fire Prevention. Wedniesday i s another particularly busy day. It is Parents Day at the school and parents are invited ta visit with the students throughout thc day. It is also parents day at the pool where parents are welcamne ta attend the pool where the primnary students will be. On Tuesday, Newtonville P.S. Teacher, Nancy Forrest, brought a Rleport trou by Ross Stevenson MP for Durham By now, many of us have heard lots of discussion about last weck's federal Budget. It's my personal belief that it wiil be a few months before we fully grasp what that Budget means, as well as the enormous changes it has forecast for Ottawa. What Finance Ministcr Dan Mazankowski didn't say should prove tae- much more significant than Uic words he actually spoke during his Budget speech ta the House of Commons. At a timne when the great majority of Canadians favour government spending cuts, a quick, superficial rc-ading of Uic 1993 Budget could c-asily bring disappointmcnt. His speech was considerably tougher than it might first appear. One has ta look at some of the numbers menioned -- such as the $31 billion ta bcecut fromn spending on the actual cost of running Uic govemment over the next five years. The Finance Minister didn't spell out thc impact of those cuts. But When ane combines this Budget with the message contained ini his Economie Statement last December, we're looking at reducing the public service payroll by at least 17,000, and tliat's an addition ta thc 12,000 cut over the past eight years. Obviously a number of federal deparaments and agencies -- quite possibly as many as 50 per cent' of them -- are ta be merged or eliminated. That means many of Uic cuis will hit middle, and upper management positions in higher salary brackets. 1 was înteresîed ta hear the reaction ta the Budget by an independent analysî, a persan extremely knowledgeable about the inner warkings of Canadian government. He predicted there wîll be changes ta sweepirig that we'll scarcely recognize thie federal burcaucracy 18 mnonths f'rom fow. You dont ne.ed great insighîta appreciate that this Budget was prcscnted in unusual circumstances. Thec curent Prime group of students ta the Northumberland MaIl, in Cobourg, Here, they-went through a number of self-csteemi exercises. Thursday, the Kindergarten students will be hosting the Mother's Day Tea at the school. The J.K. class and their Mother's will lie sitting down ta tea from 10:30 ta 11:15. The S.K. class will be having their tea fromn 2:30 ta 3:15. The students at Newtonville Public are just completing their elective programn. The programi consists of six sessions whcre thc children, working in small groups, choose an arts programn that thcy wish ta, work on. The parents were invited ta attend the sixth and final session. As a final note: Happy Mother's Day ta ail Newtonville Mom's. n Oâlttawa Minister has announced his retirement, and in June the Progressive Conservative Party is holding a convention at Ottawa ta elect his successor. That persan becomes aur next Prime Minister. She or hie wilI appoint the ministers of a new cabinet, quite probably including a new Minister of Finance. That new government then must prepase for a federal general election later this year. Ail the P.C. leadership contenders are committed ta carrying on or stepping up the present gavernment's campaign ta reduce the federal debt and deficits by cutting spending. That initiative began eîght years aga, after the government was first elected. While once there was considerable opposition ta these cuts, a recent poîl shows they now enjay the backîng of seven out of 10 Canadians. In their comments about the Budget, the two top P.C. leadership candidates, Kim' Campbell and Jean Charest, bath agreed it dove-tailed with their awn thinking. Bath said, in effect, that it set the stage for the next gaverament ta get going on the next phase of attacking the deficit and eliminating Uic national dcbt. The 1993 Budget could have eut- deeper and more quickly. However, that incvitably wouid have required substantial reductions in Ottawa's transfer paymnents ta Uic provinces, which have their own seriaus financial problems. (Last year, 20 cents of evcry federal taK dollar went in cash paymcnts ta provincial gavernmcnts.) Rccognizing this, thc Budget laid out a co-operative proccss for a combîned federal-, provincial approach ta rcducing govcrnmcnt debi. At the bottom of ail the speeches and statistics, there is only ancetapayer -- us -- ta pay the bills. Our gavernment delit is cveryone's problcm, and must lbe resolved by ail levels of gov-rnimcnt working together, rather than squabbling aver who may owe how much ta whomn. 'm taking bets. Who says the Leafs will proudly be holding that gloriaus hockey trophy the Stanley Cup over their heads in 1993. Ycah, the Leafs, after fighting a gruelling series against the Montreal Canadians. Taking it to the final game and scoring as the seconds tick away to end the first overtim e period. OK, yeah, maybe I'm a dreamer. But, wouldn't it be cool. Wouldn't it just top off the World Series pride that flowed through the streets of Toronto. This could be the biggest thing to hit Toronto since well, 1967. Normaliy 'm not petty and vengeful, but this could be a great way to finally shut those Americans up. Kind of an added bonus ta the World Series. No Americans. No American Flag. No American Anthem. No UPSIDE DOWN CANADIAN FLAG. One anthemn. Only the truc north strong and free and home of hockey. Wouldnt yau trade one upside down Canadian Flag for the absence of the Amnerican FIag? It dont have much against the Amnericans as people. But give them a team, and look out. Why can't they accept Canada as strong competiton. Sure, maybe basebaîl is America's gaine. But 'm sure we'd ail agree that were paying more than enough taxes now. The best news coming from last week's Budget was that there'll bc no new federal taxes or tax increases. T'e 40rt o h PUBICNO!IE WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS APRIL 30, 1993 TO MAY 14, 1993 Weight Restriction Regulations will be continued in force for an additional 2 weeks on al roads under the jurisdiction of the Town of Newcastle from April 30, 1993 ta, May 14, 1993, due ta excessive'road breakup and f rost damage. Vehicle Ioads are restricted ta FIVE (5) TONNES PER AXLE, in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 1990, cH8, s1 22. Waller Evans, P. Eng. Director of Public Works Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontada LlC 3A6 Date of Publication: Wednesday, May 5, 1993 P.O. 3967 wherc does hockey came from? Ycah, right here Uic ice capital. Wouldn't it be nice ta sec a return ta thc original days of Lard Stanley's Cup. (Long, long before My time.) A return ta the truc tradition of Canada. Canadian teams playing thc truc Canadian sport. Truc Canadian Unity. History would have a chance ta repeat itself as these two tearus faccd off and battled for the Cup and for the honour of 'bcing the best. Twa of the original tcams fighting for the original symbol of hockey supremacy. Wouldn't it bc better ta sec thc Lçafs kick some butt for the first time in years. Oive'emn a break gang. Th ey worked hard this year for this moment and should be rewarded for il. 1 admit there are teams out there that are better, but let's cheer for the home team. Or at least a Canadian teamn. Another cali to help downtown -eA staff report of Oshawa council has made another appeal' for assistance ta hclp the sagging cconomny in downtown Oshawa. The report follows a study of the Mayor's Task Force as it related ta the downtown area. The staff report calîs for the formation' of a special downtown committee. The planning departmnent said that there has been 25 years of studies ail pointing ta, the saine problems and ail suggestîng the saine solutions. SAVE Up TO 25% ON HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE New Home, Non-Smokers, Claimm, Fire Alarms FOR DETAILS OR A FREE QUOTE, CALL ÀAA 623-0331 -or 623-1838 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 3 Silver Street, Bowmanvills Oshawa - 436-6239 THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS BoOur SpecialityI]O Famîly Style Roast Beet Dinner Weddimgs - Axmiversaries- Business Functions Hockey- Basebali Bowling Banquets FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN 35 GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT M 401 Phone ahead or by chance mAflU3847 Wilcox Rd., Orono LOB 1 MO (416) 983-9540 ROKA BUILDING CENTfRE wish to announce that they are now carrying the complete line of "Hieritage Woodstoves and Tnserts". *Cedar Posis . Squared Timbers *Building Supplies and Hardware *Barn Steel Sikkens Stin *Hemlock for Fences and Stails "A Centre for Ail Yonr Building Needs" (705) 277-3381 or (416) 434-6665 (evenings) On Hwy. 35,2 mles north of Hwy. 115

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