Second Marsh a winner - $300,000 A cheque for $300,000 from Environment Canada, was presented te aid in restoring the Oshawa Second Marsh. Receiving the cheque from Alan Redway, MP Don Valley East were (left te right) Ross Stephenson, MP, Durham, Mayor Nancy Diamond cf Oshawa and Jim Richards, cf Orono, Executive Director of Friends cf Oshawa Second Marsh February 1969 Last Thursday evening the Orono Public Schooi held their Public Speaking Contest te choose speakers for the Clarke Township contest and also in a Junior Division for competition at a later date in Bowmanville. In the Senior group David Gilbank and Carol Barnett were chosen by the judges. Cheryl Cornish was chosen in the Junior Division. Local enthusiasts can be expected te pray for snow the rest cf the week following an announicement that Nancy Greene, Canada's greatest skier, intends te put on a demnonstration Saturday afternoon on the slopes cf the Oshawa Ski Club at Kirby. The Orono Homne and School Club are holding a card party this Friday evening. The Card Party is being billed as a Valentine Party' and will be held in the Orono Oddfellow's Hall. The Orono Chamber cf Commerce, on Monday evening, approved a suggestion from the directors that the Orone Chamber cf Commerce support a flower box project for the business section. Memberscf the Horticultural Society are reminded that tickets are now available for the Bus Trip te O'Keefe Centre, Saturday, March lst Ieaving at 9 a.m. Fare $2.00 per person. Tickets must be purchased by February 28th. The Clarkeý District High Schools' presentation of scenrs (rom Macbeth, won second place in the sixth Kawartha South Dramna Festival heid in Cobourg during the weekend. Keith Allun, cf Clarke, won the award for best acter, with his portrayal cf Macbeth; while a rurnner-up award went te Marjorie Murphy, (romi Oie samne school, l'or hcr portrayal cf Lady Macbeth- February 1979 Plans are now underway for die officiai opcnling of the Oronio and Manager cf the McLaughtin Bay Wildlife Reserve, adjacent te GM of Canada's headquarters building. The presentation, which was made during GM cf Canada's annual "Operation Cleansweep", is the first instalment of a total $1.3 million Environment Canada has promised for the project. (Photo, Larry Kirtiey) Arena and Community Centre Complex on Orono. The date for the festivities has been set for April I4th and a tentative program has been devised. The Elementary teachers employed by the Northumberland and Newcastle Board cf Education have ratified an agreement which increases their salaries by $990.00. Council members have received a report frorn the Town of Manager relating te conditions of the easterly wall cf the new Newcastle Village Arcna. The report ref'ers te a re-,ort from the engineering f'irm cf Totten Simns Hubicki. The engineers cal for short-term remedial action without delay and aise eaui for a long term remnedy for which they statethere is extremne urgency. St. Saviour's held their annual vestry- meeting in the Parish Hall on Sunday, February 4th at 2 p.m. Due te bad weather, the attendance was poor but aIl the offices were filled for the coming year. The Orone Hi-C's will be holding a "Special New Members" meeting Sunday, February l8th in the Friendship Room cof the Orono United Church at 7 p.m. Refreshments will be provided. Members should becof High Sehool age. Coming Events - Paper Drive - Orono and area. Pick up te start at 9 a.m. on Saturday, February 24th. For information and pick-up phone 983-5840. Mayor Rickard cf the Town cf Newcastle - preserits congratulations te Orono skaters who won medals at the Pine Ridge mecet held in Orono Arena under the sponsorship cf the Orono Figure Skating club. Denise Mahier, silver medal in Bronze lntcrmediate Girls B; Loretta Deriet, gold medal in the Bronze Intermiediate Girls A and Kathy Netten, silver medal in the Juvcnile Girls' A. P.C. leadership candidate to visit Durham May 6th Jim Edwards, M.P. for cecctteParliamnit in 1984. Edmonton Southwest and a "Jim Edwards has earnodi candidate for leadership cf the respect of the-House, and 14 et Progressive Censervative Party cf M.P.sare among his supportei Canada, is te visit the Durham area on the evening cf Thursday, May 6, Durham M.P. Ross Stevenson announced. Mr. Edwards, who is Chief Govemment Whip in the House cf Commons, will attend a reception at the Oshawa Holiday Inn, 1011 Bloor St. E. (exit from Highway 401 on Harmony Road North) between 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. There wilI be a cash bar and refreshments. A former broadcaster, the 56 year old Mr. Edwards was first the nher said Mr. Stevenson. "His focus on the economy and law and order issues has attracted quite a lot cf attention. I'm sure mnany P.C.s in this area, as well as other interested Durham residents, will want to meet hîm and hear his ideas." The P.C. Party's new national leader is te be elected during a national convention at Ottawa June 9 to 13, in a vote by delegates representing local party associations throughout Canada. Local public school board up miii rae tby 5.3peen The Northumberland and their 1993 budget until more Newcastle Board cf Education specifies are known as to the last week on Wednesday, April recent cuts by the province. They 29th approved, as a committee, are lexpected te meet over the the 1993 budget registering an recont cuts this week to detormino mill rate increase cf 5.3 percent. the effects on the local school ;The recommendation went te budgets. Both boards were the regular Board meeting on comning in with budgets with an Thursday evening were it was inecase under four percent. officially approved. The board cf trustees held fine budget meetings te, arrive at the- Durham 5.35 percent increase which for the homeowner paying $800 in Reg ion educational taxes will mean an increase cf $42.00. to reopen The 1993 budget which started at about $155 million and budget process încluded a number cf new Recent further funding cuts programs or proposaIs now sits at announced almost two weeks ago about $152 million. by the province has many Somne cf the major cuts municipal leaders and school included $618,000 in new mnoney administration wondering if their for the plant department te budget will hold. continue with its eight year Durham Regional chairman, building repair plan and as well a Gary Herrema, says that plan ecut cf new programs and announced by Bob Rae. will "'high- prroposals except those that will jack municipalities' ability te save thý board money. This eut manage their own communities. trimmed $869,000 from the The, cuts are te be feit in budget. The board did dip into education, hospitals, GO service te reserve funds in an amount cf Durham and te conservation over $1 million. 1' authorities.. The trustee-s were aise aware of Durham Region is likelIy faced the recent further cuts by the te re-epening their 1993 budget province and allowance was discussions as a means te find a made that fewer such funds were wyt eov h osc oe$ conideed n fr te rvene sde million in provincial trans fer cf the 1993 budget. payments te the Region. It The Durham Region Sehool amounts te 12 percent cf the boards, both public and separate, budget. have held off the final decision cf Hrrra ,tnc.,,., ,, .....ili Roy Forrester cf Orono was elected to his fourth term as chairman cf the Ganaraska Region Conservation, Authority last Tuesday at the annual meeting held in Port Hope Legion Hall. Last Sunday a group from the Orono area travelled to Hamilton for the taping cf a show to appear on Channel 11 on March 25th. The sho~w "New Faces" is teievised on a weekly basis at 6:30 p.îr.. Included on the program will be Mrs,. Gladys Brown, organ; James and Doreen Lowery, piano and violin; and Jane Stapies, vocal. Orono Hockey Mothers and Orono Figure Skating Club, 2nd Annual Bazaar, Orono Town Hall, Friday, March 9th, 6 - 9 p.m., Saturday, March lOth, 10 a.m. te 3 Proceeds te Orono Arena Building Fund. .s, ,aies m uai. tact., W, have te re-open budget delîberations aimost immediately. He warns the results wont be pretty. The budget was set some weeks ago with a 3.5 tax hike. Herrema states that may have te change. He said the Region is going te have te eut programs and services. He called for a meeting te be held tonight, Wednesday, cf counicil, te discuss means cf addressing the further loss cf funiding. He has saîd ho had promised ne lay-offs this year if the Unions agreced te a wage freeze. I would still like te live up te the promise", he said. Due to the recent provincial cuts both the Durham Public and Separate school boards have pestpened announcing their mili rate for the 1993 ycar. Cedar Valley Resort SEASONAL TRAILER CAMPING BEAUTIFUL $912 - 1993/94 7,km. east of Orono/Hwy. 115 on Conc. Line 4 1-416-786-2562 SEALED TENDERS, for the contract spedified below, submitted ta the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, are invited and wili be received by the Clerk until the specified closing time and date. TENDER NW93-14 Reconstruction of Lakeshore Road and Construction of Shoreline Erosion'Protection CLOSING TIME & DATE 2:00 P.M. (Local lime> Friday, May 21, 19ý93 The work for the Corporation cf the Town cf Newcastle under the direction of the Director cf Public Works, involves the reconstruction cf Lakeshore Road ta rural standard and construction of shoreline erosion protection, with armour stone for a Iength of approximaîely 250 metres. Plans, specifications and tender forms can be obtained at the office of Totten Sims Hubicki Associations, P.O. Box 398, 1A -King Street East, Cobourg, Ontario, K9A 4L1, for a '$40.00 (including G.S.T.) non-refundable fee payable to the Consultants. An Agreement to Bond and an bid deposit in the amount specified in the tender documents must accompany each bid submitted. The lowest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, A.M.C.T. (A) Purchasinc' & Supply Agent Telephone. ,'1 6) 623-3379 ext. 268 Totten Sims Hubicki Assoc. 1A King StreetEast, P.O. Box 398 "' Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L1 -Date of Publication: Wednesday, May 5, 1993 Orono Weekly Time5, Výeýpqýjgy, Mgy QI jeeg - ÎD ý