Deadline for Service Diretr F rid ay Noon St.I VIC2j!1 L1IIICT 'ÏIIRy Tel. 983-5301I The Shor APPLE BLOSSN "We Don 7 Jusi Specalize' Wake Evey Order Speca' Main Street, Orono 983-9155 We Deliver Newtonville, Pontypool, Oshawv L and Places ln-Betwieen "Ha7ir wimh Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric Mt. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - HI-Fis Sales and Service Hopoint - R.C.A. White Westinghouse Frigidaire -Whirlpool WNoods Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover 983-5108 Barina Home Check -Vacation Home Checking -Let us make your home look lIved in -Wedding Day Gift Sitting Relable References - BONDED Barb Shetier-Ina Cox NEWTON VILLE (416) 786-2996 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO 5 George Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWVERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lyceti 983-5908 Wilda Middleton 983-9819 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Quality Work In Lpholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont.. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy 0rf- '-'I A a] Clarion Car Stereo, AM/FM/CD player with 100 watts, plus 4 speakers, only $7.50 a week. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, Port hope 885-8652, Cobourg 373-0265. t Sn Panasonic Canicorder, 8 imes zoom, auto focus, only $9.95 a week. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, Port Hope 885- 8652, Cobourg 373-0265. tfn Panasonic top of the line Portable Stereo, AM/FM/D.DECK/CD with Remnote Control only $5.75 a wee4. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, Port Hope 885- 8652, Cobourg 373-0265. fn TV/VCR Combo, 20" T.V. and Remote V.C.R. both for only $6.25 a week. SHOWTIME T.V. & STERBO, Port Hope 885- 8652, Cobwiurg 373-0265. tfn ESTATE AUCTION Grist Mill Auction Centre Newtonvjlle Friday, May 7th 6:30 p.m. Lovel>' 3 bedroom brick Selling for the Estate of Mr. duplex, 543 Mill St. S., Roy Care, Brook Rd., Newcastle, $650 plus hydro. Cobourg. Shop machinery-; Phone 579-0763 evenings, or woodworking equipment; (604) 592-1917. tfn precision instruments; tools; Conuercal paceforren in and automobile; Colchester- Ce omerildaceontain Dominion 13" machine lathe; Street, Orono. Suitable for (be base;om.400tbet store/office. Approx. 500 sq. (oie bs) oe Ut. 350 er onth Ed consolidated 8" radial arm -ft $30 pr mnth Ed saw with stand; Astro V anav ebekeAssoiate International 5 speed drill Broker, NRS Edvan Realty press (1/3 hp); Rockwell 1/2 Ltd. Cal 987-3211 5,ac in. drl press (1/2 hp); wood - Three bedroomn apartnient in bandsaw 10 in. with stand; Orono. All large rooms in Ryobi 10 in. surface planer; modern building on second Ryobi 6-1/9 in. jointer planer floor. Newly decorated. (variable speed); Delta 4 in. Available immediately. $750 belt/6 in. disc sander (1/3 hp); per month plus utilities. Morpower 4 in. belt sander; References and first & last BlD plunge cut router; router rent. Phone 987-3211. 5,2,ac table stand with adjustments; Skil mod. 533 circular saw (5- 1/2"); B/D 7-1/4 in. circular saw (2-1/4 hop); B/D rotary rn -I.tool grinder kit; B/D detailing Im m tool kit; B/D dovetail kit; J. LOWERY - Kevin and Walter mini grinder biscuit Sharon (nee Botsford) are joiner; USM rivet kit; dovetail happtoanoucethbirhof jig; Brico LR51308 bench happ toarmoncethe irt of grinder with stand (1/2 hp); a son Thomas Glen, 9 lbs. 2 Shop Vac; Sears electric brad ozs., on Tuesday, April 20, nie;Wle odrkt 1993 ai 11:16 a.m. in Port naer; W toe hr lperit; Hope District Hospital. Proud sVsentaski stone hreingr Jraes erOrn and bit sharpening holder; Quik MaamBosfowr, Ottnawad Krip-Bar-Screw and. other Maria BtsfrdOttwa. clamnps; power tools; routers; Great-grandmother Martha drills; sabre saws; cordless Bretzlaff, Ladysmith, Quebec. tos ag ait fwo 2,c and machine bits; blades; U edado; electnic motors; I~L~I*A s machining and ahretd W- - à n t A ci s tools ad equipm ent; e c k 983-53016 in. Precisions micrometer; 983- 301 anon 12 in. Precisions micrometer; Charvoz compass MacG EOOR set; Precision gauges quantity MacG EGOR of bits; chucks; cutters; AuctiOn Service kuives; etc. The Estate vehicle ESTATES, CONSIGNMENTS, will be sold, 1986 Hyundai HOUSEHOLDS SelrEeuie or BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS SeirEeuie or Sold at your location automatic, air, locks, or at ours windows, slider, amn/fm STORAGE & TRUCKING cassette, 122,000 kms. Cail for a Free Confidential (selling certified). Consultation Also selling Bombardier M. MacGregor double tilt skidoo trailer; 416-987-5402 Bombardier Ski-Boose; Junior West McLaughlin buggy (good 416-983-5556 condition); horse cuter. Note: This is an exceptional offcring of machine shop and wood shop equipment ail in good working condition. Preview Friday afternoon. Auction starts at 6:30 p.m. Plan to, attend. Terms.: Cash or Good Cheque with Proper I.D. AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton 416-786.2244 1 would like to thank friends and neighibours for the lovely cards, beautiful flowers and delicious food which i1 received so generously at the time of my husband's death. A very special thanks to Dr. AngI, Maire Lmndman and Sheila and Russell Armstrong for assisting me in caring for Max so dedicatedly during his illness. No words can adequately express my gratitude to them. Also thanks to "Care" for their helpfulness, especially Beth and Karen. My sincerest thanks to Unît 3 of the U.C.W. for the lovely lunch we were served after the funeral. Jean Berose AUýýTION SAL FID OF T 2 SESSION AUCTION SALE Saturday, May 8th 10:00 a.m. (viewing 9 a.m.) Agrlcultural Building and Caille Building Orono Fairgrounds (across f rom Arena) Take4Oltol115i35 Hwy. and north 10 km. (watch for signs) First session which starts at 10:00 will be complote liquidation of Woodworking Shop, followed at approx. 12:00 by lawnmowers and misc. outdoor tools and equipment, thon canoes, boat, old fishing tackle & guns. At approx. 1:00 in the Agricultural Building, furniture, antiques, collectablos, art & coins etc. (viewing available from 9:00 a.m.). Isi Session 10:00 Woodworking Shop (partial list); Stroke sander (spocial, 13'); overhiead spraybooth fan; Rockwoll 10" table saw w/Excaliber saw fence; 2 Rockwell routons (2-1/2 hp) & metal tables; jig saws & tables; Orbita] sander; air nailers (PasIode MU112B); misc. air & electric drills; fire extinquishers; numerous small tools; e clamps; oak office desk; gas & ACC torch sot; misc. partial finished small wood products; mise. paints, stains, thinners; 3 freezers; Tec MAI90 cash register; dust vacuum system; edge sander (Progross); 6" Rockwell deluxe jointer; 16" Makita planner model 2040 (400mm); 12" Rockwell bmndsaw; Excalibor Il scroll saw; beit sander; air stapler; exhaust fan; skill saw; work benches; bits (router, drill etc.); bar clamps; file cabinet; misc. lots of wood; spray guns; paint sprayer pressure tanks; smndpaper, glues etc.; propane kitchen stove. Selling at Approximately 12:00 Noon; riding mowers include Alischalnier 16 hp & Jacobsen (Homelite) Il1 hp rear motor (exe.); gas Iawnmowers (Lawnboy, Brute 11); weed eater; wheel barrel; lawnroller; 2 canoes; 7 hp outboard; mise. boating equipment; 28' fibreglass ladder; cedarstrip boat; old rods; reels & tacle. Guns include: Valid F.A.C. roquired; 7.52 Mauser (militar>') (matehing #'s); Lee Enfielci # 4 MKI-303 w/bayonet (matching #'s); Winchester model 94 30/30; Winchester model 1892 39/40; Winchester model 94 comimemorative golden spike (mint) 30/30; 22 Anshutz, boys rifle; Muzzle loader. 2nd Session selling at approx. 1:00 in Agricultural Building. Partial list in include: Eastlako kitchen table;, primitive pine Cupboard: wash stands; oil lamps; primitive pine chest of drawers;. misc. tables (kitchen, primitive, pine, etc.); old trunks; blanket boxes; several advertisement pes. (signs, boxes, etc.); Baldwin Interlude organ & stool; misc. dressers & chests of drawers; mnisc. chairs & rockers; plus. selection of household articles etc. Misc. Limited Edition & Decorative Art Prints (Hayes, BI Kirk, Simpson, Cowen etc.); selection of old coins & misc. new jewellery. This is a large sale with two sessions, so come early and browse in both buildings. Plan on staying late. The above list is only partial with many unlisted treasures to be found. Caîl for information or ail your auction needs. Next Auction - Sunday, May 8th M8cGREGOR AUCT1ONS Mike MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 GEACH, Ella - In loving memlory Of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, who passed, away May 3, 1992. Little we knew when we woke thiatmorning, The sorrow the day would brin8. The call was sudden, the shock- severe, To Part with one we hotd so dear. Nofareweils were spoken, No time to say goodbye, You were gone before we realized Andi only God knows the reason why., Your reshing place we 'i sit, Andi put flowers there with care, But no one latows the hearlache When we turn ani leave you there. Dearly missed and forever loved by her husband Saniamd family. 5.ap COLVIN, Marvin Edwin- The Lord took into his glory on Monday, April 26, 1993, at Memnorial Hospital Bowmmnville. Marvin Edwin Colvin in his 58th year. Beloved husband of Betty Colvin. Dear father of Debby and her husband Larry Lord; Diane and her husband Edward Rypstra; Donna and her husband Paul Greenfield and Danny Colvin. Dear son of Ted and Bernice Colvin. Also survived b>' 9 grandchîldren. Dear brother of Ron, Marilyn Long and Ted. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Funeral service was held at the Marantha Christian Reformed Church. Interment Bowmanville Cemeter>'. 5,ac Muliple i SupportACES > sWRNS I I ý Il-, STAFFORD < MONUMENTS 143 King St. Ë. Bowmanvîlle, Ont. Phone 623-8150, OUT OF TOWN CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-461-4848 'GRANITE MONUMENTS MARKERS and CEMETERY LETTERING PRiVATE HOME or SHOWROOM APPOINTIVIENTS AVAILABLE SERVING ALL FAITHS REFERENCES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST Cali loday for your free flower vase. After Hours Call Oshawa 579-1116 NOTE: WE PAY G.S.T. 14 - OronoWeekly Titnes, Wednesdaye May Si 1993 STACHERUK, Wlilliam- At his residence in Pontypool on Monday, May 3, 1993 in his 69th year. ýBill, beloved husband of the late June Anme Stacheruk. Dear father of Larry & his wife Joy and Danny and his wife Beverly. Loving grandfather of 5 grandehildren. Friends may caîl at the Morris Funeral Chapel, 4 Division St., Bowmanville on Wednesday from 7 - 9 p.m. Funeral service complete in our Chape] on Thursday atil11 a.m. Cremation. Donations to the Ontario Heart & Stroke Foundation in his memory would bie appreciated. 5,ac VANHAVERBEKE, Kensneth James - Suddenly as the result of an accident on Tuesday. April 27, 1993 in his 23rd year. K en, beloved son of Jim and Lise Vanhaverbeke. Loved brother of Donna and hier fiance Mark Loster. Loved grandson of Laura Vanhaverbeke. Dear nephew of Ed and Sylvia Vanhaverbeke, Linda and John Pleasance, Simon Grenier, John and Lorraine Grenier, Judy Cottain, Don Good and his late wife Marie. Friends were able to caîl at the -Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmnanville on Thursday. Funeral service of Christian Burial was held fromn St. Francis of Assisi Church,ý Newcastle on Friday at 1l a.m. Cremation at Thorn ton Crematorium. Donations to St. Francis of Assisi Church or Memorial Hospital Foundation would be appreciated. - 5,ac Il 1 1