Il, i[ [I 45, Orono 'eefcfy'Times ý ý1 -JServing Orono, Newcastle, Newtonville, Kendal, Starkville Vol. 57, No. 17 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5,1993 I1 want to be aJîreflghter Tree Nursery vandalized to the tune of $809000 Co.-Ummercial developers take their plan to Town of Newcastle council Over the past monibs Uic Town of Newcastle has been con- sidering developmerlf options for the Bowmanville existing downîtown central area and thé devclopmei of' a,'new West central area wesî of Regional Road 58 and both south and north of Highway No. 2. T'le developmni of boîh areas have been unider consideration by consultants who have reported on scenarios that could be coidicered b y councîl. The consultants reports suggcsts rnc.ans of proîctiýng Uic, downtown and the alwigof ctintrolled dlevclopmci in the western sctor of Bowmianville. This would set specific square footage allowances for developmieni. in flic various areas of thc Central Area. Further the report sets three scenarios for the development of lands south of Highway 2 in the Western area. The report is high on Scenarjo Two which wou-ld have a mix of commercial, office space and residential development in the area. It would also sec commercial dcvclopment face on two norti, souith streets that would cross Highway 2. Town staff favour Scenario Two and as well favour the control of devclopniient as tb floor space in thc westerni area as to protect the Bowmanville downtown. Council memibers have as yet to make( any decision as to the dcvelopmnenî. The issue was to cone be-fore council on] Monday but hias been deferrcd again for another month. Developers involved in thec western arca development plan were in attendance at council meeting on Monday and ai almost every move struck back ati the lim-itirrg of developînent size, the threc-way mix, and the proposed grid sysîcmi of roads. A represenitative of Marxborouigh, one of the larger developers, listed the three conccrn and suggesîed that thecy be allowed the developmrent of 230,000 square feet which is much greater than that proposed by Uic Towns consultants. Il was also stâted by Marxboroughi that the project could not go ahecad even w Vith Loblaws and Zellers and the cxisiing Canadian Tire Store without a numiber of smialler support stores of which it wýas said there xere a numbexr of Triple A stores wanting to be included nicedcvelopmnit. Council was told thai Scenario Twý,o would not work anid has yet to get off the ground iin any oiber comniiiy. It was also pointed out thai the council of 1990 had give approval to, an OfficiaI Plan Amcendmcint. for dic development and that work to date by the developer was ccnîred around Oiai OPA. A represenitative of Zellers also informcd counicil thai îhey had idenitified Bowmaniivillc as a location for a Zellcr's store and had signcd an agreement to be pari of the development. "We have 274 stores and know whai works." Zellers wanî ai leasi 70,000 square feet. Zellers also said they wanted parking ai the front door as this is what the customer wants, it was stated. If the plan as sought by the developer is not to go throuL'h (Continued page 2) by Carol-Ann Oster [aie Friday night or into the wee hours of Saturday morning, the Orono Forest Station sustained serious damage to four of its greenhouses. The greenhouses were broken into and serious damage was done to equipment and seedlings. The approximate total damage is estimated ai $80,000. Approximately 65,000 seedling in t he greenhouses were destroyed. Inside the greenhouses, irrigation equipment and ventilation tubes were upset or destroyed. 'he plastic covering on the greenhouses was also damaged. On one greenhouse die plastic had been ripped off of a large area. On others, several holes had been punched in the side. The seedlings were overtumed, dumped out, crushed and/or thrown around. The Durham Regional Police Town suppor urbandesign The Town of Newcastle Gencral Purpose commitece on Monday hias mainîained uts position as to developmnen nic Town as it had oudined in early 1992, as a new council. Ai the urne ihe new council jhad reducedi population pro- jections from the Regional Official plan proposai of 210,000 residenîs lfor the Town to a figure of 137,000.'This was undertaken by eliminaiing somne lands mosdy around Bowmanville that had Rev. Mervyn and Patricia Russell were welcomed int the community on Sunday lasi with the Reverend taking over the Orono United Church Pastoral are currently investigating the crime. Several beer boules were found at or near the scene. These will be used as evidence, and there is the strong possibility that fingerprinîs can be lifted from the bottles. Presently, it is blee that the culprits are teens who walked in from the village. When a similar crime happened Iast year, they were able to follow prints left in the snow from the Forest Station, through the park and into the village. Damage, however, is more extensive than Iast time it happened. Catherine Staples, who works ai the Forest Station says that ibis sort oft' hing is "very discouraging." "We try very bard to do everything well and keep everything dlean and it is discouraging when you get this kind of damage for no reason. It is just damage for damnage sake. rts Orono Lation been slated for residential de.vclopmnenî. The target date had been set ai 2021, a 30 year time framne. In March of ihis year the Ministry of Municipal Affairs had noîified the Region thai the proposcd OfficiaI Plan did coniain concerns and the Minisi did ask for comments; as to Modifications ihai had been proposed. The Town is now supporîing 7 (Continujed page 2) 9Pastoral Charge Charge. It was the first introduction of the couple te the United Churcli congregations. Rev. Russell has staîed it was (Lontmuecj page 2) Happenings .... Time & Talent Auction Orono United Church will bc hosting a 'Fimie & Talent Auction this comning Saturday, May 8th, with dic sale beginning ait 1I1 a.m. on church grounds. Donations are still being acceptcd. Auctioneer Frank Stapicion. Chili Luncheon Pasi Noble Grands Club 62 wilI be holding a Chili Luncheon on Thursday, May 6th fromn 11:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. ai thc Oddfellows & Rebekah Centre. Cost $5.00. llowmanville zoo Week Town of Newcastle BIA and Bowmianville Zoo wiII be sponsoring a Zoo Week. Children of the Town will get in free witli one aduit paying. Mayor Hamire will open an exhibit at the Zoo on Saturday and wiIl be involved in other events during the week. Rabies Vaccination Clinics Bowmnanville will be holding a Rabies Vaccination Clinic on Tlhursday, May 13th at the Public Works Garage from 1 p.m. to 5 p).m. Cost is $1 2.00 per dog or cat. Ail animais must be properly