( Orono We.Id~r T~m W.dn.sday, May ¶2, igg~ 9 ________________________________ I Now study method to remove nuclear waste The Newtonville Public School kindergarten students planned a special Mothers Day treat for their mom's. Ail the moms were invited to attend a tea that the students put on in honour of Motber's Day. IbTe mother's were servetu iced tea and snacks by the students. >The junior. kindergarten students sat down to tea witb their moms in the morning. The senior's enjo yed their tea party in tbe afternoon. The tea was a great success with some help from the teacher Nancy Sawyer wbo poured the tea. Grandmother's were also Thursday. Here, Shirley Smitb is invited to attend the Motber's Day served tea by grand-daughter tea at Newtonville Public last Michelle Sellers. Sherry Howe was invited to tea at Newtonville Public by ber son Gregory. The two pose for a_ picture before resuming their tea party. Diai,*r Princess replaced by new Dairy Educator After 37 years of promoting the County Dairy Princess contest at area Agicultural Society fairs Sthe Milk Marketing Board is cancelling the competition and replacing it with a new contesi. Under the new prograro the person chosen, male or femnale, wil bc a Dairy Educator rather than a Dairy Princess. The changes have corne about due to a need to update the program. Many in the past bad felt that most people saw the Dairy Princess choice as a beauty pageant which iL was not. A survey of milk producers over the past year saw that some change was needed and as a resuit the Educator choice bas been made. It is not that the former Dairy Princesses were not involved in the promotion of milk as an excellent food and the promotion of the dairy industry. Underthe new programn it is expected that most of the Dairy Educators ime will be spent in the classroom. There still wil be a provincial competition in which county representatives will have an opportunity to take part. Details of the contest have not been made known as yet. The Dairy Princess prograrn bas been carried on at the Orono fair for anumber of years. by J. Veldhuis The Newcastle Community Liaison Group is starting yet another phase of ils work. This Phase ba$ to do with the method Of removing the mnaterial. A series of meetings will be held to examine carefully how best to remove the mnaterial from the site in Port Granby which is in the southeast corner of the Town of Newcastle, immediately adjacent to Lake Ontario. Tbe methods that we wil look at are basically two. (1) Do we remove it horizontally, that is, do we open up the entire pit and take it down a slice at a time? Or (2) is it better to remove it vertically and slice into the pit like slices of bread and remove them'one at a tirne? These are the questions in very elementary and basic form, however, as soon as we start exarnining these ini more detail of course a series of more complex questions will resuit. Some of which wil require some scientific or technical studies to be completed. The work wil start once ail of the information bas been gathered and a course of action bas been decided, but before that course of action bas been decided we stili have to go througb several aspects. First of ail you will have a chance to have input. Secondly, we wil look and examine ail the options that are brought forward by you, the citizens of Newcastle. The experts and regulatory agencies, the engineers and anyone who bas any bit of information that migbt bc useful wil also be consulted. The suggestions will then be forwarded to the Town of Newcastle, exactly the saine way as everything else, for their input and approval. Then it will go -to the Siting Task Force and they wil look at it again and piisent it to the Environment Assessment Hearing and the EARP panel wil make a decision wbether or not the suggestions are acceptable. Ail of this takes time and we are not anywhere near completion of the tasks. We are making good progress, we are the envy of regulatory bodies in Canada and elsewhere who are amazed at the speed wîtb whicb the Newcastle CLG is moving abead to accomplish its tasks. This pleases us, and is the resuit of the dedicated bard work of the members of the CLO. Each member of tbe Newcastle CLG does bis or ber job with enthusiasm, dedication, care to details, applies intelligence to corne up with the best possible answers to the questions that you have asked. The tasks should be completed by New pool at Camp Samac Camp Samac, that popular outdeoor retreat in north Oshawa, opens a new pool this summer and. is offering swim ming programs. Registrations being taken May 12 and 13. Cail.725-4743. December 3 lst, 1994. We hope to be able to have the report done before that time, bowever, mucb of the final work is dependent upon the potential host community. There is at this ime, no definite community yet. We know that Geraldton is interested, we know that Deep River is interested and we know that Port Hope is thinking about becoming a host community. We have no definite answer from anyone of those communities yet. We look forward of course to baving the studies completed there so that we can finalize our plans of transportation and packaging and many other questions that impinge upon the final destination of the material. Meanwbile the Newcastle Community Liaison Group will continue to meet and invite you to participate in its search for environmentally safe answers to the long, standing problem of wbat to do with the waste that: is presently located in the Port Granby low level nuclear waste site. Regional Composters for Sale Now's your chance to help the environment and the United Way. Students for the Environment is a private company wbicb delivers composters door-to-door for Durbam Region's backyard compostmng program. Every ime a Durham resîdent purchases the home delivery of a. subsidized composter unit from Durhamn Region, tbey wül donate $3 te the local United Way. Students for the Environment are also offering a $3 donation for units sold at special event days. Frc presentations and displays will be made to businesses interested in promoting the sale of composter units to their employers. For more information cali 1- 800-567-9756 tie SFIE Hotline. The cost of tbe purchase and delîvery to your home is $21.00 of wbich $3.00.will be donated te the United Way. The units are available at local centres for $15.00 1-800-667-5671 (No home delivery) THE CATERING CONNECTION ~j~g SOCIAL CATERERS Our Speciality Family Style Roast Beef Dinner Weddirgs -Anniversaries - Business Functions Hockey Basebal Bowling Banquets 110T - COLD - B3UFFE1TS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB 1MO 983-9679 Ulnday 115bTUU' 35 lis GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT Atd. TandY. Vraft *TeLahrIatr 401 Phone ahsad or by chance 3847 icox Rd., Orono LOB 1 MO jISA (46)9354