Omno W.IdyTIm.. ....... . ........fl3 . Tbe Co-operative Education programn operating out of Clarke Higb Scbool was host two weeks ago to employers in tbe community who assist with placement for students in tbe local Co-op Educational prograin. A delightful buffet breakfast was served including pancakes, sausage and al kinds of fruit and baked goo". Some 80 students are involved in Co-op in tbe presenit semester and an equal number of employers. During tbe scbool Graduateg for ail nei Transportation minister Gilles Pouliot announced early Thursday MOrning that the Government of Ontario will introduce a new graduated licencing systemn for ail new drivers, effective in the spring of 1994. This new component is expected to ensure the security of Ontarios roadways, and initialiy Imake thern the safest in North Amenica. Said Pouliot "There is overwhelrning statistical evidence that inexperienced drivers pose a, very, serious tbreat - flot just to thernselves, but te other people on the roads. Graduated.Licencing ensures %Il new drivers gradually gain ý-practical driving experience in low-risk conditions before obtaining full driving privileges after their first two years on the road." Contained within tbe govemnments proposed graduated licencing system, new drivers will enter a two-level process wbicb will last a minimum of 20 montbs. Level one contains information displaying the restrictions and limitations to tbose new drivers, sucb as being allowed only to operate a class G vebicle (cars, vans and srnal trucks), drive only wben accompanied by a fully licencing driver witb at least 4 years experience, wbo bas a blood alcobol level of less than 0.05 term some 150 students wil bave been involved. According to Gail McKenzie, director of Co-op upwards of 150 employers are involved in tbe Clarke prograrn. Pictured above is Linda Taylor, of Rolpb Hardware, Orono, accepting ber certificate for again assisting as an employer. Below Sally Staples, Associate Broker witb Re/Max Comnerstone, Orono office, also accepting ber certificate frorn Gail Mckenzie, director of Clarke Co-op prograin icence Those new drivers will also be restricted from driving between the bours of ridnigbt and 5:00 a.rn. and be required to display a window sign identifying tbenselves as a new driver. Level one will last for 12 months, but can be reduced to 8 months if drivers successfully complete a drivers education course. In order to enter level 2, new drivers will be required to pass a basic driving test witb a governrnent examiner. As tbis level will have tbe same time period as the first, more privileges wil be granted, witb blood alcobol level and passeniger limitations sustained- Following Uic end of level two, drivers will be required to complete an advanced tcst, focusing on their ability to recognize and take appropriate actions in bazardous situations. A sirnilar systern will be iniroduced te first tirne motorcycle drivers holding the same basic outlines and regulations. Pouliot also added tbat the public will bave an opportunity to speak on their views of the prograrn during the summer Corporation heads to the classroom An educational partnership has been forMed between Electronic Data Systerns of Canada (EDS) and Anderson Collegiate Vocational Institute in Whitby. Students at the school could reap considerable benefit from the program and undertaking. Some of the Anderson students bave already been tied in with the EDS Training Prograin. Other benefits are to corne in the near future. Prison term for drug dealers Roy James Duncan, Cedar Park Road, Hampton was sentenced to three years in penitentiary for trafficking in drugs. Dennis Cecil Smith of the samne address was sentenced to nine months in jail. Takes position in SmaIl Claims, Court Newcastle Village lawyer, Sain Cureatz, was appointed a deputy judge of April l5th at a ceremony in Newrnarket. Deputy Judge Cureatz will preside over the Srnall Claims Court in Oshawa, two to three rnonths. The pubic can also obtain more information by calling the rinistry's toil free line, at 1-800- 387-3455. Highway 115 /35 Beside Clarke High School 987 - 888 8 times, a rnontb. Cureatz was a former junior witb Ricbard Lovekin and bis law office in Newcastle Village. Cureatz tben was elected to the legisiature sorne fifteen years ago at tbe age 28 years. Over the past two years hie bas renewed bis practice of law in tbe area witb the establishmnent of an office in Newcastle Village. Rejeet ratepayers' petition in Cavan Ratepayers in Cavan througb a petition containing a sizeable number of taxpayers bas been unanimously rejected by council. TMe ratepayers bave asked that counicil do away witb the position of Chief Administrative Officer, a position tbat was created this year. Council learned tbat the CAO was absent from tbe April 15tb meeting due to tbe fact tbat be was taking two weeks bolidays. A successfül venture to return this summer Last year a production entitled "The Cavan Blazers" in tbe Millbrook area was a smash bit. It gained national prornience. A new production "'Me Moodie Traill" cornes to the outdoor stage this year on Saturdays and Sundays on The Winslow Farrn and is expected to be as popularas the Cavan Blazers production of last year wbicb was a seil-out for aIl performances. Forest health job called 'A waste' Northumnberland County bas given their approval, to join witb the Region of Durbam in Frorn Around Trhe Region Hours: Sunday - Thursday 10Oam-2 am- Friday & Satu rday 10Oam -3 am appou¶ting a Forest Healtb officer at a cost of $52,000 for the officer and office. The project is funded by the province. It was stated at the county meeting that the projcct was nothing but a waste of money. It. does have the backing of the Ganaraska and the Lower Trent Conservation Areas. Ewart Marston retires due to illness Ewert Marston, a well-known Port Hope figure bas retired frorn the Port Hope waterworks departmnent where hie beld the Position as vice-chairman for over 20 years. He retired due to iii healtb. Marston formerly was a member of the Durham College board. Union groups want high earners to carry the load Public sector union leaders have told the NDP governent in Ontario that the solution to the lack of provincial funds cails for a hefty tax bite into the eamnings of affluent Ontarians. One Union leader states those making over $60,000 annually would be fair gain e for the taxman. Successful twin birth at Windfield It doesn't happen that often but it bas ut Windfield Farms, Oshawa, the birth of twin colts and just before Moîher's Day too. As of last week 90 mares had given birth and 28 were still expecting witbin a week or two. Bernard McCormack, general manager, on cornrenting on the two births said it doesn't bappen too often witb the last sucb event at Windfield being in 1980. 'RESH THINKING IS WHAT WE ARE. Mr. Sub is a registered trademark 0f Mr. Submarine Limted Watch for our Grand Opening Specials1!