e6a - Orono W.okly Mimes, Weclnesday, May I19 It was afuli house at Kirby public Kendal Hall News Kirby Centennial held their skits put on by the students. The Mickey Mouse concert on Thursday and Speciai appearances were made Club! Y? ... Because they like you. performned to a (very) full house-. by the Beatles, Anne Murray, and Compleue witb mouse ears, Kirby The concert offered a number the Mickey Mouse Club. students joined the mouseketeers. of songs frorn the sixties as well as On Friday, April 23rd at tbe regular card party, tbere were 9 tables in play. High score went te Bemîice Stark wîth a score of 94. Second high went te Marie Couroux witii 86; thiwd high went te Myrtle Gibson witb 84, and fourth went to Lavina Downes witb 80. It looks like tbat was ladies nigbt. 'Me draw was won by Carl Todd and the free admission for the next card party was won by Charlie Campbell. On Friday, May 7th, tbere were ten tables at the card party. Hiigh score was taken by Mable King with 86. Mable is bere fromr S askatcbhewan visitimg ber brother, David Tbrower; second bigh was Lii Bolderstone with 84, third hîgb Lavina Downes wimh 81 and fourth bigb June Wilson witb 80. The draw was won by Marg Todd and the free admission was won by Jean Allen. Tbis was truly an al ladies nigbt, corne on men your turn, next card party, Friday, May 23rd. The Men's Lodge met on Wednesday, May SdiTh.Ie Ladies wil be meeting on Thursday, May 13m. The Baton Twirlers under tbe instructions of Trisb Scoitz bave held mheir last practicd for mhe year. On Sunday, April 25h, tme Hall was the setting of a Bridai Sbower honouring bride-to-be, Diane Lowery. Anne Jackson, cousin of Diane and Phyllis Lowery, grandmotber of Diane were tbe bostesses. 'Many friends and relations were in attendance and Diane received many lovely gifts. Diane and ber future busband Dean Poliey are weil known in this area, they bave been attending the card parties bere since mhey were in grade scbooi, and Diane is certainly well known for aIl the delicieus sweets sbe bas made for mhese card parties. We wisb them a happy and prosperous future. P. Lowery From a name you know and can trust. ~~fl6c~oîî~ls by Helen MacDonald Try te imagine 14 billion sandwiches... 14 billion Big Macs, te be precise. Twenty-five years ago, the Big Mac was created. With s0 many te fed... se many Big Mac attacks te satisfy . .. the golden arches march powerfully across mhe planet welcoming the bungry at a new location neariy every seventeen, hours. Hand-in-band, witb the other real American thing, Coca-Cola, ne hunger, nor tbirst, nor any craving, will be left unsated. -McDonalds sees the Big Mac as more than a sandwich. The sale of 14 billion Big Macs is their symnbol of success; a cross-border, cross-cultural icen, ne iess. In the 66 countries wbere tbe Big Mac is sold, it is tbe best- selling sandwich. Mc Donaidese bas risen as 'the' international language everyone can understand. One need only say "Big Mac and Coca-Cola", and food is found, mhe familiar is found. 0f course, McDonalds bas tried te be sensitive te cultural variations. When they took mhe Big Mac te India, it didn't corne on the hoof. No sirree, it's a veggîe burger in deference te respect for mhe sacred cew. Witb the end of the celd war, Russia was invaded witb the American dream . . . twe ail-meat patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, ogorki, onion on a big sandwich. MMMM. Tbousands of Muscovites lined Red Square, shouting: Big Mac! Big Mac! And, in their Levi Straus', paid many rebels te calm the revoiutionary Big Mac attack. Just last week, as part of bis jet- setting global trampings, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney toured a McDonald's plant in Moscow. This was about seventeen heurs foilowing bis participation in the Great Boar Hunt. He bagged one, yeu know. 1 wonder . .. was the Prime Minister following his kili righit te the counter? Wbat do you think. *Boar Burgers? Just imagine. . 14 billion sandwiches. McDonalds' enviable position as a global icon is made of the stuff soon-to-be-former prime ministers can only dream of. And, in tbe grand scheme of the rest of our lives? it's simply boaring. Lette r to the Editor: The Grade 5 teacher, Nancy Baldree, and ber class wili be going te tbe Orono Park te dcean up tbe garbage te belp dlean the environent. Wben mhe ciass went te plant trees at the Park on April 28, tbe ciass noticed a lot of garbage laying around. The students decided to, go back to the park and dlean it up. The class would like te remind anyone visiting or staying anywbere te tbink of the environment, and the ozone layer first. If you find any litter put it wbere it belongs. Please take care of our eartb. Miranda Pattison and Julie Peacock Orono Public Scbool Students evacuated Students at the Senior Public Scbool in Bowmanvilie were briefiy evacuated from tbe, building last Thursday after a fire had been set in a garbage container. Damage is estimated at $500.00. Nothing runs like a Deere Everything is on sale now during Deere Season. And the savings are substantial on everything from Iawn rnowers ta lawn and garden tractors as welI as blowers, hedge clippers, leaf shredders, trimmers and more. In fact ~, you can save up ta $450 on the / new 400 Series Lawn and Garden Tractors. Yes, 't Deere Season is savîngs season. So, if this is your year for a Deere, corne see us soon. Now is the time while the Deere Season is in full swing. jEVEROREEINIG, KAM & GARDEN LTD. TAUNTON ROAD, WEST 0F ORONO 93-919 1 -e00-461.2120