* - mnoWeeIy TmemWod.sdY, May.I1 1 » Durham Police involved vcastie Notables with bike safetyat schools Education Week bas wrapped up and that means that the students from the Newcastle schools can take a minute to take a breath and Newc,ý%astle Public; had some friendly and much welcomed visitors to the school on Tuesday morning. Officer John of the Durham Regional Police was on hand with KC the safety bear. The Hope you haven't-forgotten! Newcastle Public School is putting on their Musical Production at the Newcastle Community Hall get ready for the end of the year rush of activity that will moon be upon them. duo were dsusn bicycle Safý' with the children. Newcastle Principal Mrs. Medd, joined KC and Officer John for a quick photo after a bicycle safety presentation at the school. tonîght. Tomorrow (Thursday nighit) Winl be your last opportunity to see this production. The Jump Rope for Leanne Smith and Andrew Norton Heart Award of Menit Banner is of St. Francis of Assisi. This is the presented by Fran Bolton to school's fifth year participating. by Carol-Ann Oster The Durham Regional Police Community Services made a presentation to the students of Newcastle and Lockhart schools this past week. This seems like a good Urne to upgrade the parents on the importance of bicycle safety as well. The single Most important thing to remember is that Most bicycle deaths and injuries are the result of head injuries. As most of us know, these injuries can be reduced by wearing a helmet while riding. It was good to see that when asked, almost ail children replied that, yes, they did wear a helinet. When later asked if tJieir parents rode a helmet while riding, very few children could answer positively. This is likely to change however, as it will soon be-come law that wearing a helmet is mandatory.' Another small rule that we are aIl aware of but tend, to ignore is signalling. As in drivîng a car, you should signal when you are tumning right or left. Also signal if you are going to stop. Review these three signais, with your children. If you maybe have New O.P.P. station for Cobourg area, A new O.P.P. station has received the green light for a new station from Cobourg counicil. The project costing $2 million of Provincial funds is expected to get under way this month. The building will be a size of il ,OOOl square feet. Local unemployment- rate increase Although the local area unemployment rate increased to 9.5 percent in April comparing with 9.3 percent in Mai-ch, the rate is well below the national average of 11.4 percent. Olga Myers, an analyst with the Oshawa Canada employment Centre said the figures show that the local unemployment rate is virtually unchanged. forgotten... Left hand out and up at the elbow signais a right turn. Left hand out and down at the elbow signals that you preparing: to stop. Left hand out straight signais a left turn. Also remember that like a car, you are required to ride on the right hand side of the road. Stay as close to curb or side of the road as possible. When riding on the street, be wary of parked cars. A door that opens just as you glide by, will likely cause considerable damage to the bike, the car, and of course, you. Also keep an eye open for cars that pull out without looking. Sewer covers are another potential danger to be cautious of when riding m the street. The Durham Regional Police say that they prefer that students don't take a bike to school until th ey are in at least grade three. The reason is that there is a lot of responsibility and rules to riding a bike. Also remnind your children that there should only be one person per bicycle. 1Keep these rules in mind and have a safe summer! Welfare worries arise at County The number of Northumberland residents collecting welfare continues to grow. In March there were 1757 cases oni file with the county representing 3466 county residents, almost 4.7 percent of the total population of the county. BRZEAKFAST wiilI be held at the BowmvIlanville Lions Centre 7:30 a.m. on June Sth GuLesi spakrRon Ellis; Hockey H fall o-f Panse MarTketing, Cosltn , il] relive 1lise bakrudas 2a mmber of the SaeyCup 1967 Toronto Maple Leafs aknd 1972 Russia- Canada Seriesý. Plan now to attend and hear tise'inside story of tisese personal experiences and liow tLhey affected his life. -Tickets are $ 10.00 each, availlable by calling 623-2385. Te eo oaîo f h TENDER SEALED TENDERS, cIearly marked as 10 contents, for the following requirements listed below, submitted to the Corporation of thé Town of Newcastle, Purchasing Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided unili the specified closing lime and date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office ai the above address. TENDER NW93-18 Troc Maintenance Progrm CLOSING TIME & DATE 2:00 p.m. (Local Time) Frlday, May 21, 1993 The lowest. or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, A.M.C.T.(A) Purchasing & Supply Agent Teléphone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 268 Date of Publication: Wednesday, May 12, 1993 P.O.2895 St. Francis and Newcastle jumnp signifies the school's fifth raised over $8,000 through the ')ublic were participating in the year of participation. The school Jump Rope for Heart. fump Rope for Heart on was awarded with an Award of Kate Flynn and Jeffery v'ednesday. St. Francis was given Menit banner that can be hung in Hagarty are two of the jumpers pecial recognition from the Heart the school and recognizes their participating ini the Jump kope for ind Stroke Foundation for their participation over the past five Heart at St. Francis of Assisi )arlicipation this year. 11is ycar's years. Since 1988, the school has- School. 'wCALL TO RESERVE EARLY - Weed Spraying - Fertilizing - Insect Spraying - Plug Coraeration Yearly programs available for the month of April only 20% off. GOING ON ATRIP??? GETTING MARRIED???7 Planning a Special Evening on the Town for Dinner, Zthe Theatre or the Big Game'??? HOURGLASS Limnousine Service M will get you theoe and back in safety, com fort and style.