11- V I - A ý ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAV, MAY 19,1993 Mercer s Garage will continue serving gas Kins men hold, annual Bike-A-Thon May 3Oth Despite a decision by Shell Canada 10 terminate a contract witb Ross Mercer of Mercer's Shell Garage in Oro-no, service from Uic location will continue wiUi a minor interruption, states Ross Mercer. In speaking wiUi Ross Mercer Uis week lie sad in February he was visited by a representative of Sheil Canada who stated that Uic existing contract with Shell would not be renewed on the reniewal date of July 29tli. This verbal announcement was later supported through correspon- dence. Thec announcemnent came as somewliat of a surprise 10 thc present owner whose family las operated the garage since 1919 and lias held a contract for Uic gas operation wiUi Sheli for Uic past seventy years. The Sheli naine is synonymous with the Mercer Garage in Uic Village. Mercer siates lie would like to continue widi Sheil but bas other options 10 provide gasoline service if ShelI persists in following Urough innfot renew- ing the contract for the pumps and the storage tanks. "Fin not about to gel mbi a hazzle over the issue", stated Mercer. Under tle contract Sheli Canada supplies the tanks and pumps and provides gasoline as required. Mercer operates tle local deivery service tlirough die installed pumps. Ross Stevenson who had asked Sheil to reconsider their closing out of the contract pointed out that Shell products ai Orono lad incrcased in volume and that payments in 1992 total $600,000 in 1992. It was also noted that Sheil delivery trucks pass Orono daily on 115 and that, Mercer frequently assists Sîcîl Canada by off-loading part-loads remaining on thc trucks returning t0 storage depots thus reducing back-haul charges. Stevenson states Uiat Uic credit rating of Uie Mercers have been unblemnished a Ihat Uic station remnains open fr4lrn it hour of 5 a.m. tiIl 9.00 pý.day and Uiat on Sundays ýtIc station isopen from lO to 8 p.)m. Ross Mercer states Uiat Shell installed new plastic tanks in October of 1990 and lie said it was beyond him wliy Uiey now want 10 take Uiem out. Ross Stevenson saîd in bis letter that le questioned the economic logic of Shell's decision. Sheil Canada lias stated that the situation at the Orono outlet is flot unique and that Uic industry is constantly restructuring t0 meet changing consumer needs and demographies. In its letter il states that wlat were once viable stations are now experiencing decreasing sales. Sheil states Uie company lias had 10 re-evaluate its future wiUi a number of sites. On Monda y of Uis wcek Sheli remnoved its gas tanks and pumnps from ils location aI Uic Oasis at Enterprise on Highway 115. ShelIlias said that ià is a function of changing purclase bchaviour and economies. Lrregardless of Shell's action 10 close-out tle Shell name at Mcrcer's Garage in Orono the travelling public can be assured lIat gas service will bc available aI Uic Mercer's stand a few days after the expiry of the ShelI contract. On Sunday, May 301h, ftom Uie hours of 9 a.mn. to 4 p.m., Uic Great Pine Ridge Kinsmenl wiIl be holding at Clarke High School, their 4th annual Bike-A-Thon and Roadeo. Local primary schools ini our area wil bc taking part. The main purpose of the event, is 10 promote bicycle saféty. Ail entrants must go through a bicycle safcty inspection, try their abiities on a SURl tcsting course, Uien enter onto the Bike-A-Thon track which is laid out on Uic parking lot. It's on tbis trackc, where Uic students wil drive around (for a maximum 100 laps) to gencrate money from pledges they have collected. During the event, ahl entrants receive a prize plus spot prizes are given out throughout the day., Prizes, including bicycles for highest pledges collected, and trophies and medallions for The Orono Downtown Business Association met lasi Wednesday with an excellent turnout of members from tle business section. Arrangements have been made 10 again plant flowers in thie downtown area as well as maing driving abilities wili bc presenled at thc schools ai a later date. This event is being held in conjuniction wiUi Canada Fitweek and Newcastle's Heritage Wcek celebrations. There's going 10 be several other activities going on throughout the day including: * The Newcastle Fire Department's new 'Tire Safety House", which simulates an actual fire wiUi smoke. The Firefighters wil take Uic children through Uic, house to show them the proper way t0 escape in an emergency. * A large yard sale (only $10.00 to book a spot) * clowns * children's tracter pull * a dunk tak * music by Disc Jockey "Yellow Jacket"* food and drink * and more. For more information or booking a yard sale spot, please phone 983-9777 or 983-9540. arrangements 10 have Uic plants watered on a regular basis. Thc group are also liopeful o)f purcliasing two or Ilirce new cernent planters for the main street. Il lias been lcarned that Uic (Continued page 15j The Clarke Connection opens in Orono downitown xx Cathy Graham, with daugliter Elan inspect the Clarke Connection which lias opened in downtown Orono over the past couple of wecks. The store is open Tuesday Ilirougli Satuniays fromn 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Clarke Connection located in downtown Orono is a new enterprise in Uic arca and is stated 10 be more than a store - a unique experience. The husband and Nwe team of John Thomson and Cathy Grahamn of Orono have lad the store in operation for the past couple of weeks and continue [o add new interesting lines of mierchandise. ThIle Clarke Connection offers wooden toys from Quebec, children's wooden puzzles, Cactus pottery, silk scarfs by a world renowned artist, jewellery, in- teresting gift bags as well 'as a cuphoard of jams, jellies and mustards. There isa fine selection of home-.made fishing lures designed and manufactured in Orono. John Thomson brings his expertise as a producer into play in the store wiîli the addition of videos produced through his own local flrmi APOGEE. (Continued page 16ô) Orono DBIA considers local brochure & walks rHappenings .... AN EVENT AT ARMSTRONG'S MGA A nine ar.. 0 five p.m. eveni is bking held ai the Armsrong's IGA location this Saturday including a Charity BBQ, a Car Watsh and a Raffle for a Patio set. Mcmbcrs of the Newcastle Concert Band will bc in aitendance to render musical presentations throughout Uhe day.. 'Me event is bcing sponsored by the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen with ail proceeds going to the~ band 10 assist with opcrating expenses. OTHER EVENTS OF A 'COMMUNITY NATURE The Ncwtonville United Churcli is holding an auction [lis Thursday evening starting ai 6 p.m. The auction will include baking and many ollier items of interest. The event is sponsored by the NNewtoniville Manse Commîttce. Il sti is flot to0 late t0 gel your ticket supp)rting Uhc Clarke