j r~nieeDrct~S.ERVICE DIRECTORYITe.9350 - SuAN ROLFE BEV. INSURANCE '~!~ZIWAEFIELDy b1~<»983-9438 83 King Street West '~ Newcastle, Ontario Li B 1 L2 Telephone 416) 987-3200 MatthewsitAssociates INSURANCE BROIERS LM. Pauline Mot., A.i i C, C.i.B. Branch Manager * HAMILTONS ~INSURANCE SERVICE ~~334 MAIN ST, BOX 309 ORONO LOB 1 MO 1-1698-51 F-ax 1 -416-983-8228 Women in Abuse Relationships For HeIp Cal "The Denise House"t For Women and Children ToII Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311 Confidentiaiîy Assured If you want ta drink, That's your business. If you want ta stop, Thats ours. AIcoholIjcsAnonymous Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 ~ Improving your odds aýgai nst HEARI AND STROKECads FOUNDATION #)killer - 7 .d General sewing done in my home. Available Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings. Phone 983-9761. tfn Lawn Cutting Are you 100 tired, t00 busy, orjustfed uw? If sa, you need me! 1 arn 15 years old and have been cutting grass for 3 years. Please cali me at 983-9895 anytimne after 4:30 p.m. For 1 time or ail summer grass cutting. 12, 1926, ac C heicals fs-Ty PaFrirepLce C WoSaves & Inslts WIDIF EEDS Ire. Dealers for Martin Feed Mfls Extnided Horse Feeds and Supplement Fanhly Fann Feeds Poulby - Hog - Beef ShurGain & Martins Pet Foods Double Cteanted Oats and Blended Sweet Feed 5 mi. EW.of0onno'l-la Il 5 on Conc 5 786-2578 Mon,Tues,Ths,Fri.9a.ni..5:lOpni.> WVed.6pn.-pn.;Satgaj.-2pn. BALANCED FEEDS FARM SUPPLIES Durham Farmers County CO-OP 1 TAUNTON RD. /HWY. 115 BOX 178, ORONÔ, ONT. LOB 1iMO (416) 983-9134 (416) 983-9135 1:-800-263-7805 Memnorial Hospital, Bowmamville Human Resources Departrnent 47 Liberty Street South Bowmanviiie, Ontario Li C 2N4 Fruit Market, Sprîng Specials 2 litre Mapie Syrup $23.95 Now available ... Strawbemeis, Aspa ragus, Hot House Tommtes and Becldinç FREDS OWN FRESH CIDER 4 litres $3,95 WHITE and BROWN EGGS. BROWNS POTATOES H 1 ELP WANTEmUDI MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOWMANVILLE Memnral Hospitai Bowmanviile offers the following fuil-time career opportunities: RESPIRATORY THERAPIST- This chalienging position wil involve estabiishing a cardia- respiratory therapy program. Responsibilities will include assessment and treatnient af in and out patients, education of professianal staff and patients in proper use of medications, therapy procedures and puimonary function testing equipmenî. Your qualifications wiil include dernonstrated related respiratory therapy expenience, preferably in a general hospital; the ability ta effectively manage a diverse caseload, communicate and work co-opberatively with a variety of professional staff and patients; registration (or eligibiiity for registration) with the C.S.R.T. and current BOLS. MAINTENANCE ENGINEER Working under minimal supervision, you wilI instali, repair and/or conduct preventative maintenance on physical plant equipnient such as fans, motors, compressors, piping systems, ail boiler and auxiilary equipnient, etc. You wiil also maintain and repair electrical and HVAC equipment, plumbing, furniture, beds, wheeichairs, etc. The successfui candidate wiII possess a 4th Ciass Stationary Engineers Certificate and have a proven mechanicai aptitude. Good oral communication and interpersonal skilis; demonstrated initiative; the ability t work effectively on own; and work varied Quaiified applicants are invited ta forward a resume by May 28, 1993 ta: We thank ail applicants fortheir interest but wish ta advise that oniy those seiected for an interview wilI be contacted. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - BOWMAN VILLE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1 Charolais steer, south of 4th Transfer your old 8 mm. line of Clarke Twp., east of movies and foreigni videos ta HwY. 115. Phone 786-2046 or Canadian format videos. Cal 786-2017. 19,ac 983-9552. 12,19,26,2 ac L JONSTORY tnbcltSCOTTSTORY SSERVICES 416-983-5491 L A N D S C AP I N G INSTALLATION- GROUNDS MAINTENANCE' *SEEDING \SODDING .CONSULflNG . (Autharized WeaII & Culien Contractors)