4 - O~'n~ W~ky T*. . ... . .........08. A lot of interest in the scent of the various herbs Beryl Harris, quest speaker at to the gatheriag la the growing, the recent Horticultural meeting curing and using of herbs. brought a most interesting subject The display table was weil Orono zSpring Flvower Show and Plant Sale Thursday, May l3th, was the showing of many spring flowers at the Orono Horticultural Spriag Show held at the Orono United Church. It is bard to pick a good date to show spring flowers, as you are either too e-arly for somne and late for others. Somne flowering sbrubs were available. We had a very good audience and President Shelley Etmanskie opened the meeting with singiag of OCanada widh Doreen Lowery at the piano. Shelley read a lovely spring poemo, followed by the secretaies report by Fbo Sharpe. Thank you notes and announcements were read. Lorna Atkins'introduced the guest speaker Mrs. Beryl Harris,, specialist la herbs. She is District Director # 4, wears bat due to tbe thin ozone layer, ber answer to the suashine probleni. Beryl bas been bere 35 years from Eagland, ber grandmother was a gypsy. The berbs, die down la fall. Plants she uses are Cinnamon Root, Wild Oregons, Lovage, Rosemary, Lavender, Bay Laurel and Bayleaf. Bruag la herbs la August. Garlic if brown spots are on it, destroy. AlI herbs should be barvested la August, grow garlic around your roses. Herbs near your kitchea doors. Tansby fights motbs, onion and garlic excellent for your health, herba have helped people down through the ages. Shelley thanked the guest speaker. Adele Meilîl' gave the treasurers report, and Doreen Lowery gave out the prizes from the show. Carol Mostert one of the' judges gave some comments on the show. Many draws were made. Shelley thanked the lunch committee, Shirley Moffat, Jessie -Watkins, Isabelle Challice and Thelma Vagg. The meeting closed with God Save the Queen. Don't forget our Window Box Competition in July, and we'll see you la August. Show as follows: Section A Specimen Cnt Flowers: Tulips, Darwin, Red - 1) June Heard; 2) Isabelle Challice;, 3) Minnie Zegers; 4) iiez Harris Tulips, Darwin, yellow - 1) Inez Harris; 2) Shelley Etmanskie;, 3) Minnie Zegers; 4) Lomna Atkins Tulips, Darwin, pink - 1) Thelma Gilbank; 2) Lorna Atkins; 3) surrounded at times as members of the Society viewed the herbs and guardily smelt or tasted. Shelley Etnianskie Tulips, Darwin, Bi-colour - 1) June Heard; 2) Lorna Atkins; 3) Thelma Gilbank; 4) Orville Challice Tulips, Lily, aay colour - 1) Lorni Atkins;, 2) Minnie Zegers Tulips, Parrot, any colour- 1) Shelley Etmnskie Tulips, 3 mixed, oae of each colour - 1) Lorna Atkias; 2) Isabelle Challice; 3) Shelley Etmnanskie Tulips, double, any colour - 1) Lorna Atkias; 2) Minnie Zegers; 3) Inez Harris Narcissus, Daffodil, short or long trumpet. - 1) Lonna Atkins; 2) Mnnie Zegers;, 3) Shelley Etmanskie; 4) Inez Harris Narcissus, aay other variety - 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Lorna Atkns; 3) James Lowery Lily of the Valley - 1) Thelma Gilbank; 2) Iiez Harris; 3) Shelley Etmanskie Any other flower grown fr bulb or Rhizoae - 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Inez Harri s; 3) Doreen Lowvry Any other Spring garden flower not listed - 1) Inez Harris; 2) Shelley Etmnanskie; 3) Doreen Lowery; 4) Lomna Atkins -One branch of tlowering shrub or tree - 1) Doreen Lowery; 2) Inez Harris, 3) Lorna Atkins Lilacs - 1) June Heard; 2) Isabelle Challice Section B - Houseplants Cactus and/or succulent dish garden - 1) June Heard; 2) Shelley Etmanskie; 3) Minnie Zegers' Vine, ivy or trailing houseplant - 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Doreen Lowery; 3) Shelley Etînanskie Houseplant One flowering A. African Violet - 1) Lorna Atkins; 2) Thelma Vagg; 3) Minnie Zegers; 4) Doreen Lowery B. Any other flowering houseplant - 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Doreen Lowery; 3) Shelley Etmanskie Pot-et-fleur - l)Minnie Zegers;, 2) Shelley Etmanskie; 3) Lorna Atkins Section C - "Spring Promise" - 1) Isabelle Challice; 2) Shelley Etmanskie "You're the One" - 1) Munnie ~gt;Z) Isabclk Chlicc 3) Shelley Etmanskie;, 4) Inez Harris "New Beginnings" an oriented design - 1) Shelley Etxnanskie; 2) Isabelle Challice; 3) Minnie Zegers Secion D - "Barney's Special" a trio of dandelions - 1) Shelley Etmanskie; 2) Doreen Lowery; 3) Isabelle Challice; 4) Minnie Zegers Special Prizes: Most Points in Decorative Section - Isabelle Challice, donated by Stutt's Pharmacy Judge's Choice - Best ia show other than Decorative donated by Armstrong's IGA - Loma Atkins Most Points la Entire Show doaated by White Rose - Shelley Etmnanskie Most Points la Tulip Classes - doaated by Mr. and Mrs. Carlos- Tamblyn - Lorna Atkins Most Points in Houseplant Classes - donated by Mrs. Inez Harris - Minnie Zegers, The judges for the show were Carol Mostert and David Hinton. There were 12 exhibitors witb 116 exhibits. Press Secretary Doreen Lowery Michael Spooner and Sheila Stephens Spooner ROSE --ARBOR -ANTIQUES EARLY CANADIAN PINE 01, LAMPS - QUILTS OPEN APRIL TO DECEMBER HOURS: Saturday, Sunday and Holidays - 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. AISO BY APPOINTMIENT OR BY CHANCE (416) 983-9091 6179 Andrews Rd. 4.8 km. east of Hwy. 115n35 R.R. 1, Kendal, Ont. LOA IEO on Clarke 6th Conc. 1 WEEK to go until our 3rd Anniversary Sale May 25th,- 29th Located in The Vanstone Mill tKing & Scugog, Bowmanville 623-0351 Laidlaw Waste Systems N EWCASTLE INFORMATION CENTRE 97 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 416-987-2177 The Newcastle Information Centre wiII be closed on the fotlowing days: Saturday, May 22nd, 1993 Monday, May 24th, 1993 Thursday, JuIy 1lst, 1993 Saturday, JuIy 31 st, 1993 Monday, August 2nd, 1993 Saturday, September 4th, 1993 Monday, September 6th, 1993 Publication Dates: May 19, 1993; June 30, 1992 >minga C&MIl Soon! f&uby- W4oos Wjtchlens & B/ath OPEN HOUSE Their new display of Ktchen, Bath Cabinets, Counter Tops and Ktchen Accessories. Three days of viewing, conferring and bookings for your future renovations or new home. Watch For It! Plan to Attend, Brng a Friend For more information phone Noreen at (416) 983-9075 6759 Regional Road # 18 Kendal, Ontario