10 - OrorioWeekIy Tmes, Wednesday, May le, 1993 by Carol-Anm Oster Here's hoping everyone enjoyed their fist long weekend of the summer. We can't exactly complain about the weatber, whicb turned out to be a far cry fromn the downpours that became a part of Southern Ontarios weckend world last year. Despite the fact that there were no big fireworks parties planned around Newcastle, that did flot mean there was an absence of the familiar pops -and cracks that celebrate Qucen Victoria's special day. If you crave BBQ but dread getting out the 'Kiss tbe Cook' apron. Sunday is your lucky day. The Lion's will b e holding their Cbicken BBQ at the Newcastle Village Community Hall on Sunday. Doesn't the thought make your mouth water? Who doesn't like a carnival? The Mini-Blades of Newcastle wil bc holding a Carnival on the first weekend of June. And a carnival is always fun for the entire family. 1Well, 'tii next week ... don't overdo it co ming off the long weekend. Queen' s Park ]Report from Gord Milis, MPP Durham East By thec time you read my report, there would have been ample opportunity for you te both bear, sece, and-read of thc reactions to the b dgý both from a business and labou perspective. No doubt you àlil have' your own views of what was wrong and right with it, ail of us.can sccond-guess what should have been donc, after ahl that's human nature. I rather like that T.V. commercial now showing has a young boy saying, "Whcn I grow up lIm going to grumble about the goverriment, fulli-time!" That commercial, unlike many, bas some ring of truth te it. The Budge this year was rather unusual because the details of expenditurc reductions were discloscd before thc Budget was tabled. This was donc in order that everyone would know just wbat the debt problcmn was, and that Uic governmcnt was tackling thc debt problem d irectly, openly and fairly. The expenditure reductions were based on 4 principles: faimcss, getting our own bouse in order, improved efficiency throughout Uic public sector, and protecting thosc wïho are most vulnerable. 1Some have said- that spending cuts wcere flot enough. I believe that by solving our problem strictly through spending cuts would bave bad a major impact on Ontario's economy. I t would bave led to bcavy job loss and real reductions in hcaltb care and education. Thle biggest single area of savings ($720 million) cornes from the govcrnment's own administrative costs., We did this by mcrging ministries, streamlining programs, rationalizing, field offices and cutting down Uic number of layers in the bureaucracy. For the first time since 1942-43, Ontarîo's program spending will actually drop. To the critics, I ask them to consider Uie following points: 1) Is wbat we did in the Budge reasonable? 2) What alternatives would have been fairer? 3) Was it fair totaget most taxes according to the ability to pay? 4) Arc we bcing fair in asking life insurance companies to pay their fair.share of Ontaro lax? 5) Are we being fair by closing corporate tax loopholes? 6) Was it fair to reduce personal income tax for 270,000 low- income people? 7),Was it rigbt te make the largest investment ever, in Ontario, in training and adjustment? 8) Was it rigbt to wrestle a potential deficit of $17 billion down te one of $9.2 billion? 9) Was it rigbt flot to place any more of a tax burden on small business? 10) Was it right not to raise the Sales Tax? or would you rather have had that and flot have had PST added to insurance premiums? 11) Was it right flot to increase any of the so called "sin taxes?' 12) Was is right to level the, playing field and charge tax on beer and wine made in produce- you-own éestablisbments? 0f course, we could argue for bours about what each of us would have done - but! 1 believe the package of solutions --- which asks everyone to contribute'and wbicb does a combination of spendingcuts, tax increases and changes to public sector compensation -- is the most balanced and most fair approacb to perhaps the most difficult position any government bas ever buen placed in bufore, in the istory of Ontario. in coming to grips with the Ontario crisis, every government member bas bad some degree of difficulty with some of tings we ended up doing. Let's face it, most of us drearned about dealing witb the endless list of injustices, 1 didn't ever tink of treading on thie tees of my friends and supporters. Bu t, there wasn't very mucb we could do différent in my view. Unless medicare, public education ad social services are efficient and affordable, the next governmenL, if it isn't us, could dismantle everything we now take for granted. If you don't believe me, just listen to bow tougb Mike Harris would be if be were Premier of Ontario, or if Kim Campbell was in charge of tbings in Ottawa! To my union friends who believe thc "Social Charter" to bu a total disaster, I ask them to glantce ,at Clyde Wells in Christian hy Rev. Marg West Children - God's Blessing Lyle and 1 want to thank God for the safe dclivery of the newest members to our family, Kevin David and Jennifer Catherine Joy arrived on Wednesday, May l9tb., We also want to thank God for a normal pregnancy and delivery. These new precious ones are the children of our daughter Christine, and son-in-law Terry Corrigan. The doctors of course get a littie fritzy when you are having twins and right away they start to talk about early delivery and perhaps even caesarean section. But 1 want to tell you the word of God says in Deut. 28 verse 4, "Blessed shall bc the fruit of tbey body (your children) and the fruit of thy ground (any tbing you-plant) and the fruit of your cattie, the increase of thy kine, and the fiocks of thy sheeèp." And in verse 7, "The Lord shail cause thine enemies that rise up against these to bc smitten that nise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall corne out against the eon e way and fiee before thee seven ways." Now to me to be subject to caesarean section would be an enemy. God said the fruit of our body would be blessed. So we should be having babies normally. Not surgically. Now I know there are some situations when it may be necessary, but l'mi talking about the majonity of births. In Psalm 1:3, "and he shall bc like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth bis fruit in his season (we should not be having premature babies) bis leaf shail not wither (healthy fruit) (the leaf only withers if there is not sufficient nutrients) and whatsoever hie doeth shall prosper." We see here that We should bring forth in due season but- God also adds another wonderful'promise that wbatever we do shall prosper. Is whatever you are doing prospering. If not, why not. Are you confessing what you have instead of wbat you want. We confessed the word of God over our daugbter as soon- as we knew she was pregnant.witb twins. We'd have done the samne ting if it hadl been one baby. We do it every time one of our girls get pregnant. God answers pray. Put your faith to work for you. Faith is believing in and relying on God's Ncwfoundland and Gary Filimon in Manitoba to see how non- socialist governments operate - by ultimation. Another example was the British Labour government's social contract in 1979. When British workers rejected that, they quickly found that Margaret Thatcher and bier Conservative government policies were flot exactly the alternative they were looking for. In my next week's column I will be writifig about the crisis we face in having too many doctors wanting to practise in the Grater Toronto area, and what should bave done to avoid our present predicament. Until the next column - the thought for the week - Mahatma Gandhi -onfce said, "A 'No' uttered from deepcst conviction, is butter t Corn er word. Don't take NO for an answer. Faith is confessing what God says in His Word. Find a promise that pertains to your situation and start confessing it (OUT LOUD). in the next verse in Psalm 1: verse 4 we see that, "the ungodly are not so: (flot like the man in verse 1) but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away." The ungodly do flot receive the promises of God. They are for God's cbildren. Those who have asked His son Jesus Christ to corne into their lives. You can have whatever God says you can have. If you believe in Faith for- it. It works almost everytime for me, sometimes I goof but God neyer does. But my track record is getting butter everyday. So I just want to praise the Lord again for answered prayer. He's a great and mighty God. Remember you can-bave what you say. What are you saying? Because God is what you wil eventually have. Comments or Questions? Write R.R. 2, Orono. Watch Total Christian T.V., Ch. 49, Buffalo. Suicide - the permanent solution to a temporary problem "Sprinig has sprung, The grass is riz ... Then why do Ifeel so darned depressed? The "merry month of May" - typically known for flowers budding and blooming, grass greening and growing, the sun shining botly. It is a montb of renewal and growth. It is also, typically, a month that is high in cases of depression and in ic numbers of the suicide attempts. Most people, upon hearing that, react with disbclief. It (Continued page 9) S UGARB USH NURSERY & ORCHARDS "PUT OUR ROOTS IN YOUR YARD" ANNUALS PERENNIALS EVERGREENS - SHRUBS' ORNAMENTAL GRASSES ON HWVY. 115/35 JUST SOUTH 0F ORONO 416-93-_6075 BUILDING CENTRE wish to announce that they are now carrying the complete Une of "Heritage Woodstoves and Inserts" *Cedar Posts. Squared Timbers, *Building Supplies and Hardware Barn Steel Sikkens Stain *Hemlock for Fences and Stalls "A Centre for Ail Your Building Needs" (705) 277-3381 or (416) 434-6665 (evenings) On Hwy. 35,2 iles north of Hwy. 115 15 GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT AUTILORIZZED DEALEI FR TadyCrft - The.Leat1ïerI~atW ............B istol Leualier ....... Phone ahead or by chance 3847 WiIcox Rd., Orono LOB 1 MO (416) 983-9540 i .r- p