14 Owo ..l Tme5Wednesday, May2 6,., mm=. ' DediefrService Directory Cf'"?IT ~'" - r r v '\T> T ~ io'kl 93-30 DadIieay Noon --)ER VIut; A2RI XEv T-iJ Y~ . V.VI 1 The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM "We Don 7 Just Spea/ze" We'Make E very Order Special' Main Street, Orono 983-9155 We De iver, Newtonville, Pontypool. Oshawa and Places in-Between "Hair Wth Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Or o-no Electric Ltd. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs- HI-Fis Sales and Service Hopont - R.C.A. White Westinghouse Frigidaire -Whirlpoo Wood's Freezers Magic Chef- Hoover, 983-5108 Barnna Home Check Vacation Home Checking Let us make your home look lived in Wedding Day G'ft Sitting Reliable Referencea -BON DED Barb Shetler-Ina Cox NE WTON VILLE (416) 786-2996 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO 5, George treet, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWVERS GIETS and CRAFTS 46 king Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Rettv Lycett 983-5908 GRUNDYS Country Upholstery Quality Work ln Upholstery .R.R. 2 Oronlo, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grund Transfer your old 8 mm. movies and foreign videos to Canadian format videos. Cal 983-9552. 12,19,26,2 ac MaeGREGOR Auction Service ESTATES, cONSIGNMVENTS, HOUSEHOLDS BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS Sold at your location or at ours STORAGE & TRUCKING Cali for a Free Confidential Consultation M. MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 GARAGE SALE New - Alniost New - Old Saturday, May 29th 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 3460 Taunton Road 26.ap Newcastle Lioness Club YARD SALE Saturday, May 29th 9 a.m. - 12Noon 57 Mil Street South Newcastle Village 26,ac "Let's Celebrate the Memories" The Benson Brothers return for a concert on Saturday June 5th 7:30 p.m. Orono United Church Tickets $5.00 26.2, ap Newcastle Village MINI BLADES CARNIVAL June 3rd & 4th 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. June 5th 10 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. June 6th Noon to 4:00 p.m. Games, rides, family fun times. Free Admission. 262.ac OSH-KOSH, Buster Brown designer kids clothing, toys, baby furniture, accessories and maternity wear. "Children's Exchange" a resale store for kids, 67 King Street East, Bowmanville, 623-0013. 26,2 ac LADIES Anyone interested ini playing Ladies Slo Pitch, and is, 21 years or older. Please cail Patti 983-5653. 26.ac Pre-cast, Rein forced CONCRETE SLABS and WELL TIlLE 12" x 112" - $1.20 ea. 16" x 16" - $1.90 ea. 18" x 18" -$2.35 ea. 20" x 2011- $3.50 ea. Other sizes available. WýELL TILES 30" inside diamneter $44.00 36" inside diarneter $48.00 Pontypool Concrete Produets 1 MUL£ SOUTH 0F PONTYPOOL ON HWY. 35 -(705) 277-2442 OPEN 6 DAYS 7 A.M. - 9 P.M. LfiI Clarion Car Stereo, AM/FM/CD player with 100 watts, plus 4 speakers, only $7.50 a week. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, Port hope 885-8652, Cobourg 373-0265. Panasonic Caincorder, 8 tintes zoom, auto focus, only $9.95 a week. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, Port Hope 885- 8652, Cobourg 373-0265. trn Panasonic top' of the line Portable Stereo, AM/FM/D.DECK/CD with Remote Control only $5.75 a week. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, Port Hope 885- 8652, Cobourg 373-0265. tfn TV/VCR Combo, 20" T.V. and Remote V.C.R. both for only $6.25 a week. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, Port Hope 885- 8652, Cobourg 373-0265. eIn CHOCOLATE OUTLET Factory Seconds Grea t Selection $4.95 lb. (tax incl.) .sold at FAIRWINDS ANTIQUES 5028 Main St., Orono 98 3-9806 tfil Weights and weight bench, complete $75.00 or best offer; electric organ, floor model $60.00 or bcst offer; boy's 18" bicycle, Super Cycle, 6 speed, excellent condition, $50.00. Phone (705) 277-2528 evenings, Pontypool. 12,19, cpn Custom 1990 Buick LeSabre Sedan, "AS IS", one owner, al options, and low mileage at only 25,000 kms. For inspection cali 983-5134. Price $12,500. Terms Cash. Cal 983'-5007. 26.ac OSH-KOSH1, Buster Brown designer kids clothing, toys, baby furniture, accessories and maternity wear. "Children's Exchange" a resale store for kids, 67 King Street East, Bowmanville, 623-0013. 26,2, ac One bedroom apartment for rent. Newcastle Village. Stove, fridge, air, window coverings. $525/month plus uiiis Please cail 987-3211. 26,ac' Home on pleasant acre lot in the village of Kendal. Two bedroorns, garage-workshop, available June ist, $850 plus hydro. Firsi and last required. Phone (416) 885-2743. 12,19,26,ac Comnmercial space for rent in new modem building on Main Street, Orono. Suitable for store/office. Approx. 500 sq. ft. $350 per month. Ed V anhaverbeke/Associate Broker, NRS Edvan Realty Ltd. Cali 987-3211 26.ac Spacious three bedroomn apartment in Orono. Convenient downtown location. On second floor. Newly decorated. Available immediately. Reference required. Please caîl for more information. Phone 987-3211 -26,.ac Two bedroomn apartment downtown, fridge and stove included $550 per month, plus utilities, references, first and last months rent, no pets. Available June lst. Phone 983-5541 or"ý83-9433. ff. Two bedroom, 2nd floor, downtown, fridge and stove included, $500 per month plus hydro references, first and last montbs rent, no pets. Available June 15th. Phone 983-5541 or 983-9433. tfi. FICE - Proud grandpa John Fice Sr. wishes to announce the birth of his first grandchild, Nicole Lea to Karen Joyner and John Jr. Borns March 27th, 1993 at Oshawa General Hospital. Also, granddaughter of Peter and Helen Joyner of Bowmanville and Fran-Fiee of Oshawa. The family of the laie Marvin Colvin would like to give sincere and warmest thanks to our friends, neighbours. relatives for al their love and kindness. For the cards, flowers, food and babysitting which was se generously given ai ibis tâme. Special thanks te Dr. Hoy and Staff at Bowmanville Hospital. Dr. Curtis and staff of Princess Margaret Hospital for their loving care. Special thanks to Rev. Binnema and bis wife. 26.ac Use the Want Ads in the Orono Tirnes Just a phone oeil away 983-5301 Grist Mill Auction Centre Newtonvillie FRIDAY, MAY 28TH 6:30 p.m. Selling the appliances and contents fromt a Cobourg home; Kenmore aimond fridge with ice maker; Kenmore almond 30 in. stove (self cleaning); Kenimore matching almond washer and dryer; 3 Commercial Radiant Aire hair dryers; 2 Commercial swivel arm chairs; portable standing hair dryer; 5 pc. dinette suite; 2 pc. leatherette suite; coffee tab le suite; maple rocker; siereo; 2 cedar lounge chairs; a good selection of household effects; also selling a varîety of nursery stock, perennials, evergreens, flowering shrubs, shade trees, and about 25' bicycles. Plan to Attend. AUCT10NEER Frank Stapieton 786-2244 26,ac PAEDEN, Lorne- At Strathaven Lifecare Centre, Bowmanville on Wednesday, May 19, 1993 in his 94th year. Lorne, beloved busband of the late Gertrude Paeden. Dear father of Jean and her husband Ralph Pollard of Newtonville. Loving grandfaiher of Colleen and her husband Eric Gilmour, Robert, Michael and 2 great- grandcbildren Christopher and Kaitlyn. Brother of Clarence Paeden of Texas. Friends were able to caîl at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Friday. Funerai service was, complete in our Chapel on Saturday ai 1 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. 26,ac il 1 , --mwwmmý Bill Bramnah's Ontario Bill Scott and his family live in a cozy cottage on the outskirts of Sudbury. Bill works at Inco. But in bis spare- time, he's a phillumenist. As usual, the Greeks had a word for it. A rougb translation would be "love of light". And in th.is case, a phillumenist is a collector of match box covers! Over the past 40 years, Bill bas collected over 30,000 match covers. It's likely the biggest collection in the north. One romin hte cottage is packed witb albums containing tbe covers. They're all carefully arranged in alpbabetical order. He bas a complete album of covers from Australia and New Zealand. Anotber h as a vast assortinent from Europe and Soutb America. There are over 3,000 from Ontario restaurants, many of tbem collected by Bill wbile hitcbbiking around the province wben he was young. Tbere's also an album of Canadian Legion covers from the Maritimes to British Columbia. The album in wbicb I bad a more pers onal interest was tbe one filled witb covers of Ontario towns and villages. Tbere was everytbing fromn Allenburg to Zurich. Having travelled tbe province for so many years, I thougbt I knew it pretty well, but Bull bad covers ftom little places 1 didn't know existed. Tben there are offbeat items sucb as an album sbaped like a matcb box cover, and a cover from the 1939 World's Fair. Apparently there are only 300 in existence. And believe it or not, tbere's a cover tbat's a small working calculator. Bill belongs te Ibe Trans Canada Matcheover Club, based in Hamilton. The members meet two or three times a year to buy, sell and swap covers. I. asked bim wbat collectors look for wben adding additional covers. "First of all, the subject matter," said Scott. "Tben the age of the cover, tbe art work, and special qualifies. I bave one from a Texas botel advertising rates at a dollar a ni gbt. That sort of tbing appeals te us."f Bill bas been a packrat since cbildbood. He started collecting sports cards, tben stamps and, antiques. Eventually be'became a phillumanist. And altbougb pbillumenism first sparked bis interest 40 years ago, bis love of bis old flame is still burning brightly. E Kinq St. E. mýanville, Ont. .Phone 623-8150 OÙT OF TOWN - CALL TOLL FREE :..G..RANITE MONUMENTS MARKERSand CEMETERY LETTERING PRIVATE HOME or SHOWROOM' APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE SERVING ALL FAITHS REFERENCES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST Cali today for your free flower vase. After HO'urs Cail Oshawa 579-1116 NOTE: WE PAY G.S.T.