Orono WekIy Tlmo.~ W. nestoy~ M.~2P 199~ 15 INSUANE 83 King Street West Newcastle, Ontauio Ll B 1 L2 Tolephone <416> 987-3200 IMatthewniUAssoclates q.~ NSURANCE BROKERS LTD Paulin. Mot., A.L.. C.B Bmnch Manager HAMILTONS ,INSURANCE SERVICE 334 MAIN ST., BOX 309 ORONO LOB 1iMO 1-416-983-5115 Fax 1 -416-983-8228 If you want to drink, That's your business. If you want to stop, That's ours. Alcoholjcs AnonynoUSý Lakeshore Districts 1416)1728-1020 hnpiunrlg Syou r odds HEART &la'Lýt AND STROKE nU FOUNDATION 2, ller f f "g, j' e xieaîr. MERCER HEATING -Furnace Cleaning and Repairs -24 Hr. No Heat Service Over 21 Yrs Experlence chu. 983-5541 LAARY JACKSON PLUMBINO HEATINO * Pmp Repairs & Intallation *New Work *Repairs *Fumace Cleaning Free Estimaes For frlendly ExpertServic OALL 983-6214 We're hemro «srve y=n ROBERTE JACKSON HEAINO - ELECTRICL AIR C0NDITI0NINO Repairs to AIl make of Heat Pumnps anddAir Cocfdtioning May Tag Appikmne Repeire I4 Duchesa St. Orono_,,Ont. 983-5293 0034221 BYAMS Pîumbing Heating Incorporated Sales and Service 24 Hour Bumner Service Gulf Financing Low Interest Rates 263-2650 "Jimn PARTNERS PLUMBING 983-9447 Orono, Ont. Gould Pumps & Water Systemas Septic Beds Plumnblng Installations Gênerai Repaira Free Estimates Fomwily Harvey Partn U d. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING at reasonable rates caîl 983-5301 to place your ad or drop into the office at 5310 Malin Street .Orono SHEET METAL DESIGNS Custom Made Shaot Metal Work Galvanizod, Stainîess Steel or Back Iron Tig and Arc Welding Barclay Crozier 983-9311 Stephen Crozier 983-6301 'IT, WEC Fr. Estîmates ALISTAIR ROZARIO ORONO FUEL& LUMBER LIMITED P.0. Box 180, Station Street Orono, Ontano LOB IMO Bus. (416) 983-9167 Res. (416) 983-5344 O.' CHATTERTON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTINO A POLE UINE CONSTRUCTION Phonoe 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontarlo Douglas Simpson DECORATING Orono Painting - Papering Renovations 31 Years Experience 983-5104 Silver Streak Siding "Tonorrow's Jobs" Depend on Today'S Quality For Free Estimates adGuaranteed Workmanship cali John at (4 16) 983-8181 THE ROOF TOPPER@ <Est. 1979) " Protessional installations of ail top quality roofing products "*Specializing in cedar shingles/shakes DAVID SCOTT MANSER 263-2847 IVAN JONES TONY FANARA ITCarpenters LioeS.d - 25 ears Experlence HOUSE TRIM STAIRS - DECKS ADDITIONS CUSTOM HOMES AIl Carpentry Related Work Orono 983-5303 Hampton 263-2991 "Work Wantd" D&R CUSTOM FENCING and CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9627 - - -R WNCMIGEVNS General sewing done in my home. Available Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings. Phone 983-9761. Ufn Lawn Cutting Are you loo tired, too busy, orjustfed up? If so, you need me! I am 15 years old and have been cuttinggrass for 3 years. Please cail me at 983-9895 anytime after 4:30 p.m. For i time or ail summer grass cutting. 121,6ac Beachcomber Spas Chemnicals Ali types of Woodstoves & Inserts Gas & Propane Fireplaces Sales & Installation WINDVIEW FEEDS ~ Dealers for Martin Feed Milis Extntded Horse Feeds and Supplement Fanhiy Fauni Feeds PoulbY - Hog - Beef Shur,3an & Martlns Pet Foods Double Cleane Oats and Blended Sweet Feed, 5mruEa of0omnot-I«..Il15 on Conc 5 786-2578 Wed.p.-pin.;SaL9an.-2pirn. O<JAkITY fflODUCTS BAL4NCED FEEDS FARM SUPPLIES, Durham Farmers' County CO-OP TAUNTON RD. /HWY. 115 BOX 178, ORONO, ONT. LOB 1 MO (416) 983-9134 (416) 983-9135 1-800-26;3-7805 Student is looking for a sumame r job either babysitting young, children or helping elderly people. Experienced in bothareas. Cali 983-5697 after 4:30 p.m. 26,2,ac Drywall - Finishing Plaster Repairs Spray Stucco Ceiings Painting Smal1 Renovations Cali WALLY LUCYK 987-4694 26,2,9,16, ap YARD SALE Saturday, May 29th 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. RAIN DATE Sunday, May 3Oth 8th Conc. of Clarke 1 km. west of Hwy. 115 Skidoo trailer, toys, childrens clothing, carniage, C.B., furniture, household items ani more. 19. 26, cpn Clarke H.S. Band Fundraising Projeet presents YUK YUKS featuring Comedians Larry Horowitz, Simon B. Cotter and Brent Piaskoski Saturday, May 29th at Bowmanville igh School 8 p.m. Tickets $8.00/person Contact 983-9604, 983-5368, 983-9410 19.26ac U.c.. Annual Church Service at Kendal United Church Sunday, June 6th 11:15 a.m. Gzoest Speaker Bernie Mfartin - Speaking on his trip te Guatemala (Mssionary) Everyone Welcome Lunch to follow 1May 19 Jun 2 ac YARD SALE SPACE AVAILABLE at the Great Pine Ridge Klnsmen's 4th Annual Bike-A-Thon and Roadeo Sunday, May -Ifth 9:00 a.m. - 4:.00 p.ni. at Clarke High School Only $1 0,00 per spot. For booking phone 983-9777 or 983-9540. 19,2 ac ROLLER SKATING Orono Arena Friday, May 28th 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Rent skates or bring your own. Roller blades allowed. $3.00 Admaission $1.00 Skate Rentai 26,ac SURPRISE 25 YEAR CELEBRATION for Madeline Heard as Brown OwI Sunday, Jun e6th 12:00 noon 90 Cowanvîlle Road R. S. V.P. cali Susan Hawkshaw 983-9888, Pat Boyd 983-9601 or Kim Gunn 983-9871. 26 2,cpn JON STORY 'q cthcl tSCOTT STORY SERVICES 416-983-5491 L A N D S C A PIN NG INSTALLATION - GROUNOS MAJNTENANCE SEEDING\SODDING CONSULT1NG (Authorized WéaII & Cullen Contractors> Sprîng ~~IIt Specials Now available ... Strawbenries, Asparagus, Hot Mouse Tomnatoes and Bedding Plants btakim« c«»