Vol. 57, No. 19 ORONO, ONTrARio, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26,1993, Ready wýith the refreshments Over 300 kids expected at Bike-A-Thon, Roadeo The Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen sponsor their fourth annual Bike-A-Thon and Roadeo at the parking lot at Clarke High School this Sunday. The event opens at 9 p.,m. and continues until 4 p.m. The local club is expecting something in the order of 300 kids participating which would set a record for the event which has been held over the past four yemr. We bave been informed that eight schools are participating this year which is the largest number to date. Ail entrant must go through a bike safety inspection, try their skills on a testing course. At this point the bikers are allowed on the Bike-A-Thon course. Students have been busy over the pas t weeks gaining'pledges for the number of trips they make around the bike course. SThe event provides prizes for ail entrants plus some major bike prizes for those having the highest pledges for the day. Also there are tmophies and medallions for biking ability. There are number of other events going on at the same time at the Bike-A-Thon including the firefighters Fire Safety House beingpresent along with a food concession and yard sale. Tracey Hardy and Tricia the parking lot of the Anirstrong Kinsmen for the Newcastle Weatherup were ail pitpared last IGA. Concert Band car wash and Patio Saturday for those with a thirst It was al part of the promotion set <raws. and a feeling of bunger pains at set-up by the Great Pine Ridge Enviïronmental Yrouth Corps again to operate in the Town of "Newcastle Four University students from the Town of Newcaste bave beeni selected to work with the Town through the Enviroumental Youth Corps. The Town of Newcastle put forth an application last year to have students involved in the summer program te work with the Town. Pleased with the results of last year's program the Town is delighted te bave the four students representing the Environmental Youth Corps working with the Town again this year. The Town defined objectives that they believed would improve the community. The students approved the objectives and are beginning work on their project. This year the project is "Beyond the Blue Box." The four initiatives of the EYC are as follows: (Ha-ppenings. 1. Public education and outreach on composting and recycling. 2. Implementation of use of backyard and vermýi-culture composters. 3. Implementation of multi- dwelling units recydling. 4." Follow up on past environental projects - recycling and composting. To assist in the public education - and outreach component, the group is hoping to purchase a vermi-culture composter which can be placed in the Town Hall for display as wel as be a part of displays set up around the Town of Newcastle. They are also hoping to become involved with the Horticultural Society. The group is also hoping to 0, a 0 Black Bear sighted north of Orono It came as quite a surprise te Dick Morton, 6th fine north of Orono, to have a large Black Bear pass right in front of him on the farm. He estimates the bear to weigh in somewhere around 160 lbs. Invitation to a Dessert Concert The Pines Senior Public School extends the invitation te a dessert concert at the school Tuesday, June 1 at 7:30 p.m. Ail the dessert you can eat as well as great music by the Pines Concert Band and Choir, soloists, a Brass Quintet, plus a vocal group from Clarke Hligh School. Ail for the low price of'$3.00 adults; $2.00 children 60 to 12. Tickets at the door. To be environmentally friendly bring your own cutlery and coffee cup. Money raised will support the Pines music program. How to keep busy in the area. Starting Friday, May 28th at 7 p.m. roller skating opens at the Orono Mrena, admission $3.00. Roller blades ailowed. Heritage week celebrations starting Saturday; Clarke 11gh Fund raising project for band - Yuk Yuks, Saturday at Bowmanville High School, tickets phone 983-5368 -9410 -9604; Guides car wash at Armstrongs Saturday 9 te 4 and dessert concert at Pines Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. become involved in the local schools te fducate the youinger generation of the prospects of composting and recycling. It is their plan te initiate dlean up days within the school and to also set up displays within the schools. One of the main projects that tie EYC bas planned for the Town is a pilot project where first composting and then recycling, will be implemented into an apartment building. The EYC will monitor the results and make a report to cou ncil later in the summer. Another objective of the EYC is to do further research into the recycling of old tires, building materials, and number 2 plastics. The Environmental Youth Corps programt was initiated in 1988 to preserve and enhance Ontario's natural environment. The prograxn is entirely funded by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy. The rinistry is totally committed te the program and i n 1992 granted $ 12.9 million dollars to the program. Janet Martin, who is involve with the program for the second year says that the "EYC is unlike any othersuminer job." It is also she adds "a great way to get experience." The EYC is Barbara Cherry, Kristin Macey, Janet Martin and Laurie White., If you are interested in meeting the four students, they will be setting up their first educational display at the Environment Fair, May 30, at the Bowmanvjlle Recreation Complex. To receive individual advice or to meet with this year's EYC team they are currently located in the Public Works Department at the Town of Newcastle Municipal Building. Some one million trees looking to plant roots This spring over 5 million seedless and young trees were shipped fromn the Provincial Tree Nursery in Orono which marked a rather slow year for the local operation. In speaking with Glenn McLeod, superintendent at the Tree Nursery, he said they still have close to one million trees available which are being held in cold storage. He said these trees wül bo available for a little over a week at which time they will bc put to other uses.' SHe said the trees would not keep in storage too long before mold would set in. The trees, if not purchased, wil ho destined te composting. Accordimg to McLeod it has been a slowspring shipping year with smaller orders from a reduced number of customers. H1e said the money is just not available for the planting of trees. The popular Woodland Improvement Act (WIA) which in former years saw many trees planted through the provincial program bhas dropped drasticaily lately and only a few trees were plated this yearthrough the Lindsay District office. When asked if he expected any drastic announicemnent for the local nursery this June following a revamping report from the Ministry of Natural Resources he said he feit not. I hope what bas been done wil hold", lie said., The superintendent did say that the Ministry was te close-out the Ganaraska Forest Work Centre that bas been located a few miles north of Elizabethville. He said the centre is to be relocated at tbe District Office ini Lindsay. Annual Environment Fair Sunday ini Bowmanville It's the third Annual Environment Fair, Sunday, May 3Oth, 1993 at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex from il1:00, a. m. - 5:00 p.m. Free admission. Free daycare. Lots of family fun with interesting things to do and learn. Over 70 exhibitors to share ideas with you, inform, educate and intrigue you. Conservation tips and gadgets, gardening hints, organic gardening, composting, waste reduction as well as demonstrations of Composting, Origami and child's crafts as recycling activities. Bring your favourite Bear te the Teddy-Bear clinic. Gifts that don't "Cost the Earth", games, toys, cloth bags, household items, Green Personal Care products and more. "Jane and Dave's Awesomne Environmental Adventure" wil ho at the Environment Fair to entertain the family at 12:15 p.m. and 3:15 p.m. Once again the Environment Fair ini Bowmanvile offers a day of famnily fun on Sunday, May 30, 1993, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the, Bowmanvillle Recreation Complex, North West corner of Hwy. # 2 and RegionaL Road 57 (Martin Road). Delicious food will ho available at the Earth Helper Cafe behind the snack bar. The Enviroument Fair is'a Newcastle Hleritage Week event, funded by Environment Canada, the Town of Newcastle, the "Friends of the Environment Foundation (a Canada Trust Foundation) and other commnunity environment gmoups. Come out to the third Annual Environment Fair. 1