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Orono Weekly Times, 26 May 1993, p. 2

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2 - Orono W..kly TUrnes, Wodnesday, May 26, 1993 Ha s meant what he said It lias becomne apparent that Bob Rae, Premier of Ontario, meant wliat lie said some weeks ago stating that the Provincial budget had to be trimmed by some $7.8 billion in order tbat the 1993 deficit did flot go beyond $10 billion. 1At the time lie laid out his plan of attack and as far as we can sec lias lield to his plan tothis point The final piece in tlie plan the implementation of a Social Contract affecting public employees lias yet to be settled. Judging, liowever, from past actions in the budget-reducing plan we would expect that Rae will drive tlrougli to the implementation of tlie contract. It secins now that lie has no other clioice as tlie general public most recently were lit witli a budget increasing provincial taxation and otlier proposaIs lias caused cuts to funding to public institutions and municipalities. Tlie only dlaim lcft in the Premier's plan is tlie Social Contract and it is a major cog in the wheel of reducing some $2 billion. It will affect some 900,000 public sector employees witli sncb as in tlie medical field, education, bospitals and municipalities. Just how iliese public institutions will liandle thec cuts lias yet to be detcrmined but one would expect tbat tlie province will give some direction tlirougli thc implementation of the social contract. Turne is running sbort for the Premier for the Social Contract cannot be put off mucb longer if the province bopes to meet its objective of keeping tbe deficit wîtbin tlie $10 billion bench mark. From ail that can be seen Rae and the NDP are holding true to their decision and it appears that support is building for the planned cutbacks. Graduating Licencing System The graduatin-g licencing system tliat is now being recommended by the province and goes tbrougb a series of public bearings was lieadél up in an editorial in the Port Hope Guide as "Improving the Nut Behind the Wheel". M*tichael Woolner in bis column in tbe Times "AI] That Jazz" also bad some interesting aspects of the proposed legislation tliat lias bee-n promoted by the Insurance Bureau of Canada One thing is for sure and tbat is parents of sixteen year olds will neyer be "coucli potatoes" any more. That sixteen year old, if the plan goes ahead as proposed, wîll bave to be accompanied during tbe initial -part of thie programi by a person witli at least four years driving experience, thie traditional accompaniment an older sibling or peer group licensed driver will go by the wayside. Tbat could go on for a period of eight montbs providing driver education is part of the teenagers program in the new sysr.em. There is no doubitbat sometliing lias to be done and really the sooner thc better. Some of the planned proposais are warranted and warrant serious consideration. Car Wash for Orono Guides Four members of the Girl Guides from Orono have been sclected ta attcnd International camps. Two girls will bc attending "Guelphi '93". This camp is a meeting of girls fiom all over Uic world. Thc two other girls, will be going on the, Pennsylvania Exchange. They will camp with American Girl Scouts and remain witb American families for the remainder of Uic week. Next year the American girl scouts will corne te Canada. In order te lielp pay for these trips Uic Guides are holding a Car Wasb an Saturday, May 29th from 9 to 4 p.m. at Uic parking lot at Armstrong's IGA. Please comne ont and lielp yonr local Girl Guides. Diana Borremans Letter to the Editor Dear Editer: Heritage Week is just days away, and I'm sure your readers are wondcring what is on the sdliedule for ibis year. We are starting Uings off with opening ceremonies b#- the ccnotapb at thc Bowmanville Town Hall at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 29. This year marks Uic 5tb anniversary of Uic Heritage Week event, and we hope te have an interesting openmng for everyone. Following that will bc the parade, complute wiib costum'es, old cards, floats, bands, and special gucsts from the, Bowmanville Zoo. The Orange Lodge will bc bosting a reception at the Legion right after the parade. Everyone is wclcome to pop in and say 'hello'. At one o'clock on May 29th, corne ont and spcak your mimd at the Spcaker's Corner, hosted by the Bowmanville Toastmasters. Uic vent will be complete with a 'soap box'. Got somcthing ta say about thc way of Uic world? Be at the Bowmianvilc Four Corners at Orono 'Jeekfy '-timesý PubicetQ atil MoIAgstretton No, 036 Pwbstiý 47 IsSffls AMUMY al thO Office of Pubteatiori ~3QMein Stroot, Orono, OhtaorIQ LOS 1 Mo Telephone41-835O Ro C.Fotrester, Qwner.Editor Subzcription $17.001 perannum 1 ý 1 ": ka nd get it off your one o'cloèi chest. For tge third year, the Newcastle Family Connection will be preseniting their Teddy Bear Clinic. On May 29th, they will lbc set up at the Bowmanville Mail from 1 p.m. te 4 p.m.MTey will bc taking their 'clinic' ontlie road, and will be at the Environment Fair on May 3Otli and at the Newcastle Village Commnnity Hall on June 5tli from 9 a.m. ta noon. The Chicken Dinner, bosted by thie Newcastle Lions is always.a great event. Sec Uic advertisement in Uis paper for cost and seating times. Tickets for eitber sitting may be obtained by calling Ed Majer, 987-5255. Also on -Sunday, May 30th, Uic Great Pine Ridge insmen will lic hosting Uieir annual Bike-a-tlion and Roadeo. Wliat a great kid's day this is,ý witb 'tractor pulls', races, games, thc Fire Departmnent's Fire Safety House, a display from Ontario Hydro and hundreds of other Uings to sec and do. It takes place at Clarke Higli Scbool from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. - get there early so you cas find a place te park (ibis is a popular event!). The event Uiat cvcryone looks forward to - The Enviroament Fair - May 30O'th atthc Bowmanville Recreation Complex. This year there wil be over 75 booths giving us some wonderfnl lips on liow wc too can take care of aur enviromnent. There will ie a great show, teo, from what 1 licar. Jane and Dave Awcsomc will, bc prcsenting 'An Awesome Environmental Adventure' at two shows, 12:15 and again at 3:15. There will bc freecbild minding (I dislike thc phrase 'babysitting'!) and a 'liands-on' recycling craft table. Sounds like a great event! Monday cvening, May 3lst, Thec Bowmanville Museum will bost a reception. Corne and view our lovely old Museum and sec how The Jury Farnily lived at Uic turn of the century. The Curator, Mr. Charles Taws, will bc presenting an carly 'home movie' made in 1934 by Dr. Williams, who lived in the bouse after the Jurys. It's a wonderful.old film sbowing how dic area looked back in 1934 and many 'old timers' are featured. Come out and sec just what thc local communities looked like then and sec if yon can idcentify any of the folks. I was arnazed to learn that flot only was there movic cameras in 1934, but some of the film is in colour!! SEeing is beieving! Tncsday, June lst is going te bc an interesting evening. There are two very fine events being offcred. The Purple Hill Orange-Lodgc is hosting an Historical Programme at Uic Memorial Park Clubionuse. The special, guest will lic Charles Taws, Curator of Uic Bowmanville Museum, wlio will bc showing us some of the carly history of the area. He will no doubt bave some interesfing artifacts te show. Their programme last year about the "Cavan Blazers" was exceptional! The Bowmanvile Toastmasters wil lic opening their doors to Uic gencral public to come and sec just wbat Toastmasters do. Firstly, they Wak a lot - but what aplomb! corne out and enjoy sonuç good spýeeches Newcastle Prayer Breakfast ge ts the day rolling at 7:30 a.rn. Ron Ellis, director of marketing for the flockey Hlall ol Faine, and former NHL Star, will, be the guest of bonour. The local dignitaries will also be there, wiUi the event bost being Mayor, Diane Hamre, Proceeds from this event will go te support a part imue dhaplin at Uic Bowmanville. Hospital, a project of the local Ministerial Association. Tickets may still be available - call Ron Moore at 623- 9263. The Annual Corporate Raft Race will on June 5th. If Uic gang from yonr place of business, wants to vie for tbe coveted tropliies from Uis eveat, cail Jin Robertson at 623-9347. There is a cliarge of $5.00 per raft. Folks bave liad a great time witb tliis event for Uic, past two years. Be part of it! And of course, the Grand Finalé itself, FIREWORKS! We wcre all disappointed last year wben our event was rained out. And our rain date was rained ont, too! Keep your fingers crossed this year for good weaUicr. There is no charge for the fircworks, but committee members wil bc asking for donations. See you there! Wliat can 1 say, Mr. Editor! It's going to be another week of interesting events wben we can gather together and enjoy one anothers company and interests. Thecearly, settlers wlio first opened up Uis area left us wiUi a wonderful legacy of commnnity, a legacy wbicli we enjoy te ibis day. I'm sure al your readers will come ont and cnjoy Uiese events in Uic spirit in wbicb tliey are being offered. Sber Lecteoze, Cliairman, Heritage Week Committee St. Saviour 's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. Letter to- the Editor: The Orono Amateur Athletic Association would like to correct an error whicli appeared in the Orono Tuimes article regarding the annual meeting. As you or your reporter sliould know, thie meetings of il-- O.A.A.A. are always open to '- public. It sbould be noted tliat not one member of the public appcarcd aithtle annual meeting. Tliere are only two possible reasons for tbis. Either the public are satisfied witli tic job donc. by the O.A.A.A. or tliey are flot intcrested in wliat liappens aithe.c O.A.A.A. meetings. It is the desire of the member of the O.A.A.A. to bave more public interest and input intlo tleir organization. Many bours of volunteer time goes into making tlie many prograins thc sncccss tliat tbey bave been for many years. Tiiese volunteers give frccly of their time wiib Uic best interest of sports for al dbildren as their goal. Wliule it is not possible ta please everyone ail thc time, we do try our best te mnake recreation available te ail at as little a cost as possible. Sinicerely, Lavemne Boyd, Secretary Orono Amateur Athletic Assoc. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Il XRev. M. Russei ,, Rlsebrough, 9n35702 Church Office 983-5502 SUNDAY, MAY 30TH Kfrby Unitedu - 9:30 a.m. Orono United - 11:00 a.m. A.A. meets evezy Thursday 7:30 p.m. tütt , "S macy

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