- J Orone Weekly Timoes, ede a a 1t seems that 1 do net have to travel tee far from home tc explore new surroundings er bc confronted with some pleasant surprises. Ne need te trip off with Air Canada te foreign lands te wet the appetite for something différent. Friday afternoon was net by aymeans the best day at the office. Production was lagging and it just seemed impossible t< get a full run at anything concrete. With a little sun shining threugh the back window 1 was encouraged te shut-up shop, tucd a sub under one arm along with a pop and bird equipment in the other. t was off te the Pigeon River Conservation area south of highway 7 and west of highway 35. SSure, just sit around and wait for the birds while making progress with the sub and pop. It was warm enough as long as the sun made a fast pass behind the clouds which seemed to be the case. The whole venture is with the hope that the Le Conte sparrow will again make its appearance this year. Net te be the case on Friday but the usual did f11t around such as the Kingbirds, doves, finches,, flickers, couple of species of sparrows etc. There is still a nip in the air and with the clouds beginning to shut eut the warm rays of the Sun it was time te leave but sti]l plenty of time befere total darkness. The sign said Janetville. Why net. We hadn't been there in ai least decades, if ever. Se it ~ww off to Janetville. Now for some reason oi another 1 had always thought Janetville was on the shores cl Scugog Lake. I didn't sece an3 lake but the four corners 1 dic arrive at had a little interestini mali with front parking wel designed and landscaped. Ai IGA, store, Sears outlet Convenience Store and Agcnci Liquor Store. The three latte .,wres are to mx knowledge al Community Liaiso 'n Croup Newcastle Concert Band communicate with citize 1ns planning outdoor concerts Happy 46th Birthday Ruth Anne Love from sister Christine and Family 3 see an Agency Liquor Store at 3 this location but there it was and r, is operated with the convenience ýt store with convenience store hours. r 1 t is also apparent that over the t past few years there has been residential development in the community. The shadows were beginning e te get longer so it was time to g head home in a south easterly D direction. t was ail sûrange country to me but surely 1 was going in the right g direction and before you think 1 's might have been lost 1 had k checked the direction with a compass. e 1But the way home brought me n through "Lotus", another com- f munity at a four Corner yr intersection. L-otus does have well-pav.ed country streets, the t t-wo that exist. But as well the one g street has a little bend and as well t paved sidewalks on both sides. It Z has a most interesting church Z building now used for other ýe purposes but along with the manse would surely be of înterest ie as to its hîstory and possibly a w, visit through the building. ýe Finally we did comne out at ýn Ballyduff on highway 35 north of t Pontypool. S, This is flot the first time we )f have had surprises north in the 7A/35 area. It does become r surprising just what is tucked » away in some of the corners of in our country side. [l Ahl too often we are too much l in a hurry to get off the main thoroughfares te sec what is ky offéred off the beaten track. at id g nMOTORCYCLE y, INSURANCE 623-0331 or 623-1838 1~ PINE RIDGE INSURANCE by J. Veldhuis The Cemmunity Liaison Group with the help of several volunteers has corne up with a "Needs Assessment'. This Needs Assessment which is part of the Environmental Assessment process, looks, at several questions. This has been conducted in the following manner. People in teams have gone te a random number-of homes in the Community of Newcastle te ask some questions whichare of interest to the CLG and Siting Task Force and need to be answered in ord er for us te carry on our work. The questions involve such things as 'how do you wish te be involved in the process, how can we best communicate with you about any of the information that we have collected and how can yeu best participate in the process? We are very pleased with the responses that we have received and wish te thank the people for their participation in this process. We also learned areas where we need te do further woôrk and we will continue te do that of course now that we are aware of it. This Needs Assessment, as it is called, is part of the Environmental Assessment as well as giving us feed back on the work that we have done se far. We will continue te have these articles in the newspaper, the CLG Updates, as most of you have indicated that this is good way of communicating with yeu about the process and the progress of this CLG and the Siting Task Force. We are very pleased that we were able te get te se many peeple, that you were s0 clear and articulate in respending te the questions so that we have a good sense of what yeu like and where you need further information. We are pleased te continue this and if you wish, te participate and answer the questions on the questionnaire, just contact the office at 987-7786 and we will be glad te put you on the list te ask you the questions on the interview sheet and add your The Town of Newcastle Con- cert Band has on tap a number of outdoor concerts which would reach out to the varieus communities in the Town during the month of June. In spéaking with David Climenhage he said it is the intent of the band to hold outdoor Harbour far from a factyet The Town of Port Hope approved a $80,000 development plan for the harbour in 1991 and appointed a committee to raise funding for the project. It has advanced no more than a trail along a creek since that time and funding of a new harbour at a cost of $3 million is at a stand sill. The plan would have 300 slips for yachts, open civic square, restaurant, centré pier along wit.h other commercial developments. The recessions is said to have put a hold on the plans of development. voice to that of the 50 or so people that have volunteered. Cail us at any time, your voice is always important to us, your point of view is always sagnificant and it is your point of view and your concerns and your suggestions that drives this whole Environmental Assessment in pmogress. concerts in Newcastle Village, Bowmanville, Courtice and finally at the canada Day celebration in Orono in the Orono Park. The specific locations and times of the concerts have yet te be set. Announcement will soon be made of the playing events. book Review from Crystal Pages 1LOVERS ALL UNTRUE by Norah Lofts - The author has admittedly fashioned this novel on the true-crime story of Madeleine Smith, the young Scotswoman of Victorian times, tried in the arsenic murder of her blackmailing lover, with the verdict 'Net Proven'. (Only in Scotland would ene find such an unusual turn of events.) The story involved net a trial, but rather, the heroine's repeated, under many different circumstances, attempts te release herself from the life of a respectable cabbage. Oppressed beyond belief, ebeying always 'papa's dictates', allowed ne education, young women of the time lived in a claustrophebia which denied totally the often brilliant and capable aspects of their lives. A state of 'exile from life' would be one way of describing this sad state of affairs. Recycled - Coronet Books r77ý .4.