G - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 26, ~ ) Yo U'rcf invite d to CAMNOE THE: NONQUON For those who enjoy the outdoors, the water and canoeing it ail happens in Port Perry on Saturday, June 5tb - the 25th Anniversary of the "Canoe the Nonquon" 'Me Nonquon is a small river that meanders quietly through scenic meadows and marshlands before it empties into Lake Scugog just a couple of miles north of Port Perry. This year Canoe the Nonquon is célebratinî its 25th anniversary and a warm welcome is extended for those interested either in a competitive nature or just for a casual outlining. There are a number of classes for men, women and young people. It coss $25 to enter a canoe in any of the classes. The Nonquon course is sixteen miles in total, il down the river and 5 along die lakefront to Port Perry. The promoters would hope that those interested would make it a week-end in Port Perry with the third annual Triathalon (canoeing 4km, cycling 16 km and running 4 km.) being held on Sunday, June 6th. . he Nonquon Canoe outing is promoted to raise funds for thé" Scugog Shores Museum and the target this year bas been set at $ 10,000. Further information can be had by phoning 416-985-7014. Ldocal 222 of the CAW elects a new president, J. Kovacs 1 don't think that there is anything that tops a duck propeling a bottle of toilet bowl cleaner effortlessly through the pine and lemon scented sky. Quack, Quack! Give a cow a bit of sauce and he gives Wayne Newton a run for bi s money. "Can you limtagine..." Television, these days seemns pretty lame. V've grown out of Sesame Street (almost), and the (supposedly) grown-up shows are sort of stupid. So aside fromn news, and hockey whîch wi1l only bc good for another month or so, there really isn't mucb to watch now that rerun time is upon us. Yeah, yeah, 1 know that there are much better things that I could be doing than watcbing TV. 1 don't really watcb that much. In fact, it's (one of the only) tings where I corne in below average. But, everyone bas that kind of day wbere you are sapped of energy and need to think about nothing. And TV, as we ail know, provides that escape into the world of useless information, bizarre storylines and inane jokes'that we alb need from time to time. Unfortunately, it is somewhat acking in entertainmeCnt. Enter... the commercial. The commercial offers a, break from the- droning insanity that bas become television. Applause and thumbs up to practically every Leon's commercial that bas aired in the past couple of year's. Warehouse showrooms. "I just love those werewolf show tunes!" We can relate to those appealing slice-of-life McDonald's commercials. Jack and bis dad on Me Day. The dad who forgets to pack the lunch. The Young, up and coming exec pleading for a raise. Who can resist the lure of Taco Bell when Frostbite Falls demi- gods Rocky and Bullwinkle are touting its virtues. Toronto Ford dealers sell a car tbrougb a woman wbo is having "a bad face day", and a man who sticks to bis boat cuz there are "too many damn fools on the road". I 've spit my drink through my nose by laughing at commercials. At particularly vulnerable times, I've been known to cry over commercials. Yes, commercials are whatTV todayis all about. If you are looking for entertainment on TV, 'I suggest you use the remote that is stuck to your hand to flip around and find commercials. They are more fun. Stude nt Assistant Plan now given in. form of boan S The Ontario Student Assis- amnounted te a total boan of $7.8 tance Plan (OSAP) has had one million. major change this year being a There has been a substantial boan and not given as a grant. increase in the number of In the 1992-93 scbool year applications since 1990/91 due to 1965 students at Durhamn College the economy. received financiai aid from The new feature of issuing OSAP. This number of students boans wili be on the side of the Autoworkers have elected a new president at Local 222 of the CAW. John Kovacs, a Coalition caucus candidate and the present secretary-treasurer defeated the incumbent president, John Sinclair. Kovac got 5482 votes compared with 2984 for Sinclair. There were 80 candidates seeking the 20 positions that were up for grabs. There are still some run-off elections to be undertaken where the majority was not great enough. Sixty-one perc ent of the 23,0000 members of the Local voted in the election. government who intend to get their loans back to be used another day. The amount of boan is decided mainly by their families income for the calendar year before the applicant applies for the boan. The money that the applicant earns during the summer is not usually a major component in the decision of the amount of financial aid to be given. Tbis amount is generally too insignificant to change anything. .Applications for OSAP are accepted up to 90 days before the last day of classes of the current year. For the 1992-93 school term application for boans were being accepted up to mid-March, 1993. adsistorpeople oail g. Three anda haif hours of your time could save a life. Cal! St. John Ambulance for details. -.à,668-9006 TQ St. John Ambuldnce Under the new system of holding the vote and counting resuit were known witbin two days where ini the past it bas taken up to 2 to 3 weeks before the outcome of the election was known. MASARU KARATE CLUB SHORIN-RYU Classes for Children and Aduits Rick Jones Newtonviille - Weed Spraying - Fertilizlng - Inseci Spraying - PIug Coraeration Yearly pro grams available for the month of April only 20% off. See the Diffe ronce Quality Makes 983-5598 (Orono, Newcastle) 416-786-2793 Rmare White Elephant loose in Bowmanvi1e!- Corne in and check out Hooper's in-store specials during the White Elephant Sale. One day only!! Friday May 28th -6 p.m. fil 10 p.m. Don't forget.... An elephant neyer would! Hooper's Jewellers 39 King St. W. B owmanville 623-5747 O(éè 'e" Carpentrj CUSTOM HOME BUILDING RENOVATIONS "SmaII Jobs and Large* l'lTake Charge" 1-705-277-2397 JOE H. LEYSTRA