Newlyformed group at Fair OronoW.jTIe.ededyJueZ -i Chriistian Corner The four students who make up the Envirenment Youth Corps made a debut at the Environment' composting ideas. Fair, with their display of SCAGA part of event Pat Lycett and Kellie McDonell of SAGA at the Environment Faim. Poor Planning Cosus the Earth' is lune 1969 Pupils at the Oreno Public School pesented an evening of entetainment te an audience which packed the generul purpose room. The pregram was held on Wednesday, May 28th. The number weme vocal groups from each reom and the Junior and Senior Glee Clubs sang. Twenty-feur' Girl Guides from Central Aiea received their Gold Cord certificates at the A nnual Prlesentation Ceremony, held this year in Lindsay, on Sunday, Jane 8th. Carol Ann Caldwell and Glenda Tennant, Orono were among the greup.' Mr., Juke Reid and Mr. George Reid of Whitby have purchused Lunn Hardware in Orono from Mm. P.M. Lunn and Mr. George Lunn. They take possession of the local business as of June I st. Grade six of Kirby Centennial Schoel, with their teacher, Mrs. M. Tompkins, travelled by bus te, Toronto International Airpert where they had chartered an air Canada Viscount. They flew ever Lake Ontario, Niagara Falls, the Welland Canal system und the the message they were hoping te get ucress. surrounding cities. Decoration Day, Orono Cemetery, Sunduy, June 22nd. Service in the chapel at 2 p.m. The Main Street of Orono was enhunced somewhat lust week with the piacig of some eîghteen flower boxes ulong its sidewulks. The project was instituted by the; Oreno Chamber of Commerce and supported by most of the local businessmen. On Friday, Jane 20th the Orono Co-eperative Kindergarten held their closing exercises. Parents and friends who uttended were entertained with a sampling of the varieus instruments of the rhythnm band'and followed by a namber of lively songs by the kindergarten cluss. Representing the students Andrea Williams presented a gift te the teucher Mrs. Clark as a farewell token. Bannie Taîsma also presented a gift of appreciation to Mrs. Ruth Grady for hem efforts in helping the kindergarten. Mr. Richard Black, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black is uttending an Officer Training Course at Chilliwack Air Base, B.C. 'Me marriage of Susan Noella, eldest daughter of Mrs. Audrey Mielke Boulard, of Hudson, Quebec, te Mr. Clifford James Long, son of Rev. and Mrs. Basil Long, of Orono, took place Saturday, May 24th in Orono United Church. Rev. Basil E. Long officiated. Mrs. A Drummond was the soloist, accompanied by Mrs. R. Morgan at the ergan. June 1979, For several years now the Heather Rebekah Lodge of Orono has presented an award te the Cub and Scout of the Year. The boys each receive an award which they keep as well as a large plaque that is hung in the Church in- September. Ken Munneke was Cub of the year and Mike Bail was Scout of the year. Last Thursday evening Councs. Clark and Barr of Ward 111 presented a cheque in the amount of $4,700.00 te the Newtonville Hall Beard frem the Town of Newcastle. The monies are te be used for renevatiens at the hall which work is expected te get- underway in the near future. Construction has begun te replace the old bridge on the fifth concession east of the Sales Barn. According te the contracter the new bridge will be completed in about two months, until that time the oud has been compi eteiy shut off te truffic, The Orono Public School bell rings eut once more at a ceremony last week in which the bell was rededicated. Miss Kate Foster, a former principal at the school, did the honours on this occasion. Mrs. Fran Lunn wus presented last week with a silver dish in recognition of her twenty-five' years of teaching in the Orono area. The presentation was made on behaîf of the Omono Home and School Association. Brownie Andrea Rurnhum was the centre of attention last week when she flew up te Guides ut a ceremony held at the Orono United Church. Carl James Lowery, son of James and Doreen Lowery, graduated from Kemptville College of Agricultural Technology on Friday, May 25th, 1979. Mr. and Mrs. James Lewery and Kevin attended the exercises. Last Saturduy the Omono Firefighters held unother successful Puncuke Breakfast. In all about 150 people sat down te eat the pancakes and sausages by Rev. Marg West New Birth - What is it? Last week I told we had new births in our famiiy. This is a natural experience. The kind of new birth we are.going to look at today is new birth in the Spirit. In Ezekial Il verses 19-20 God says, "And 1 will give them one heart, and 1 will put a new Spirit within you; and 1 wili take the Stoney heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh: That they may walk in my statutes, and keep mine ordinances and do themn: and they shal be my people, and 1 wii be their God." 1 So we see that we have to have a new Spirit put in us by God. We-can't get it any other way. When we ask Jesus into eur lives thats when we receive a New Spirit. (or New Birth). In Ezekial 18: 31-32 God is talking to Israel because of their rebeiliousness, but it certainly is good instruction for us today. "Cast away from you ail your transgressions, whereby you have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will you die, O house of Israel? (Put your name in here.) For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dies, saith the Lord God: wherefore turn yourselves, and live." We have te do it no one can get saved for anybody but themselves. You have te cast away your sin or you cause yourself to die (spinituaily). Wben we cast away our sin and cali eut to Jesus we live. In the last part of verse 32 we see that we have to turm ourselves in order te live. In II Corinthians 5 verse 17, prepared by the firemen. The students at Mrs. Lunn's class at the Orono Public School have for the last few months been busy selling Regal Products to friends and neighbours. The resuit of these sales was a $200.00 profit which the class decided te contrîbute te the Orone Arena Fund. Lynda Merrick and Laurie Watson representing the class handed over the cheque te Mr. Charles Gray. we see, "if any man be in Christ, (Born Again) he is a new creature: eid things are passed away (the old heart) behold al things are become new." (or becoming new) It doesn't al happen at once. As seen as yeu ask Jesus into your life you are born again, a new creature in Christ, but we don't get rid ef al those oid habits right away. It's like, when we first startd te walk, we stumbled and fell quite a few times before we perfected walking. As we learn more about the word of Gýod we get set free from habits and bondages in eur lives. In John 1: verses 12 & 13, But as many as received him (Jesus) te them gave he power te become the sons of Ged, even te them that believe on his name: Which were born, net of bloed, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man but of Ged." (New Birth in the Spirit) In John 3: verse 7, "Marvel net that 1 said unto thee Ye must be born again." These are the words of Jesus Christ. His words, His plan. In 1 Peter 1: verse 23, "Being Born Again, not of cerruptible seed (seed of man) but of incorruptible, by the werd of God, which liveth and abideth forever." And in Romans 10: verses 9 and 10, "That if theu shaît confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shait believe in thine heart that Ged hath raised him from the dead (Jesus) thea shait be saved. Fer with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto saivation." God knows its important and going te be better fer us te receive Jesus into our lives than te try te do our ewn thing. 1Doing our own thing enly gets us into trouble. Try the better way today and receive eternal life. P.S. Last week 1 said my e grandsen was called Kevin David. Nanna goofed. Kevin's middle name is James. Serry Kevin, Nanna loves you. Cemments or Questiens, write R.R. 2, Orono. Watch total Christian T.V., Channel 49, Buffalo. THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Our Speciality Family Style Roast Beef Dinner Weddings Amnversaries - Business Functions Hockey Basebal - Bowling Banquets HOT - COLD - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN> Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB iMO 983-9679 MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Established in 1881 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmanville PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE