Oroo Wekl TiêsWedesdy~ une2, 99V3 - 13 SALLY STAPLE associate broker 24 hour pager RE/MAX CORNERSTONE REAL LDRAT F- JÇ9oO ~j~9OO HUGE, FENCE-D Yi 10 ACRES, POOL 1 CENTRAL AIR, POOL 1 FORBEDROOMSpu PRIVATE LOT, GRG . ......... ..... ............. THE;" OMPANY WHÊ.: E:::SATIS .,,E.,REÂ:L:::ËSTATE Classified (Continued page 14) Estate of Mary & Francis Thompson Antiques, Collectables, Household Effeets, Coin Collection, Art & Riding Lawn Mower SUNDAY,' JUNE 6T11 11:00 a.m. (viewing 10:00) Agriculture Building, Orono Fairgrounds Partial Bast included: ash jamn cupboard (rel.); oak washstand; 9 pcs. oak diningroom set ('date 1927, exc. conditionî); pine drop Leaf table; highboy dresser; pine blanket box; Victorian dresser; Chatham hloosier cuphoard (orig.); china cabinet; hideaway table; school desk; misc. chairs and rockers (sets, hoopbacks, pressbacks, wicker etc.); mise. tables (kitchen, parlour etc.) 2 bedroom suites & Craftmatic bcd; misc. cupboards; êessers and chests of drawers; tredle sewîng machine; walnut gingerbread dlock; misc. dlocks and parts; couch and chairs; RCA colour t.v.; chrome kitchen table an chairs; old books; pictures and frames; old tools and hardware; cream cm; old tins and boxes; old toys and electric train (Marx); old gantes; lamps; linens and quilts;, plus contents of kitchen (utensils, small appliances, pots and pans); Danby portable washer; Coldspot fridge; Tappan microwave, etc; also old glass and china still to bc unpacked; il hp. Craftsman riding lawnmower; several named FLEA MARKETS CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET. Open Sunday 10-5. Nostalgia advertising, tins etc. Antique furniture, lamps, botties, tools, glassware, crocks, books, crafts & collectibles. Vendors welcome. Cail (613) 752-2468. FOR SALE INVISIBLE FENCING - The original and proven dog containment system. Over 250,000 dogs stand behind Invisible Fencing. Indoor and outdoor systems. Guaranteed 1-800-661-6286. COOKBOOKS FROM YOUR FAVORITE TV CHEFS! The Urban Peasant, Pasquale, Madeleine, Yan ..- Calil (416) 769-4434 or write: Books for Coo<s, 2336 Bloor St. W. 84S93 Toronto M6S iTO. VACATION I TRAVEL MYRTLE BEACH RESORI vacation rentais - Studios, one and two bedroom condos; housekeeping provided. Pools, tennis and more! Golf packages available. Summer rates from $506/week. FREE BROCHURE: 1-800-448-5653. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, GO FISHING FOR DOLLARS. 3-billion dollar industry. Freeze-dried bait vending machines. Location supplied. lnvestment from $7975. Cal now!!! (416) 238-9116 Mr. Martin. milk boutles (Peterborough, Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Whfitby); slection of Limited Edition & Decorative Art Prînts, coin collection includes 1948 Can, silver dollar; 1939, 51, 66 & 47 Maple Leaf; Complete Can. Nickle collection 1922-1987 (except 1925 & 1926 F6), 1891 quarter, 1925 nickle, British coins front 1699, 1723, 1752. 1773, 1806 to 1961 total of 73 coins, World and U.S. coins, plus several more quality selections. Also over 100 cemeùit blocks. This sale features some rare and unique articles that you'd expect-to find around an old homestead. (NEXT AUCTION SUNDAY, lUNE l3TH) Caîl for ail your auction needs. MacGregor Auctions Mike MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 2,ac PRO WRESTLING. Local promoters wanted for established pro wrestling promotion. Start-up fee $500.00. For more info., cal! (613) 391-8186. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - flot quonset - 32x54 $7,744; 40x72 $11,690; 50x90 $16622; 60xl26 $25375 - other sizes available - Final Spring clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800- 263-8499. BUILD A BETTER BUILDING, lowest prices. STRAIGHT-SIDED, aIl steel. Exampîe: 30x40 VALUE $5,592. NOW $4,568. Other sizes available. FACTORY-DIRECT 1-800- 668-5422. Pioneer, since 1980. CAREER TRAI NING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School of Auctioneering. Next Class: JuIy 17-23. Information, contact: Southwestern' Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or timeshare? We'll take t! Americas largest resale clearinghouse. Caîl Resort Sales International. 1-800-423-5967 (24 hours). T 11ips for makig new house feel more Jike home (SOP) Moving your home isn't always apleasantexperience. Here are some ideas to make your new place feel more like home: *If you're unsure of the decorat- ing direction you want to take in your new home, make a fresh start with temporary treatments. Once you've lived in the house for a while, you'll be better able to make design decisions. . Neat tricks. Window treatments seldomn translate well from one house to another, 50 it's usually best to selI îhem with your home. If you're moving into ahome withno curtains or draperies, getring rid of that living-in-a-fishbowi feeling will'-undoubtedly be une of your main priorities. Pleated fabrie shades are one pretty, yet inexpensive, option. e z w oe w w z o Another are wooden matchstick blinds. If you must have a completely new window treatment yet stay within a budget, consider using sheets. Shirred or tieback curtains can besewn from sheets in little time. Simply eut them to the de- sired length, allowing for a hem at the bottom and a rod pocket at the top. . Wall works. "People often want me to help them choose col- ors for their walls before they move in," says an interior de- signer. "That's just throwing money down the tubes. You need to live in a house for a time before you choose colors. When you first move in, you should paint the woodwork white and the walls lînen white." Ca/i me ta buy ar se/I.. Orana and area's real estate rep. RF/M~Lapple RVM M I Realty Là. Ralt,, Tel:57 6 -3111 Main St., Orono Village: Uisted by Rick Dimock. SoId, once again, by Kr»Ityna Jonesi CROS CNAD MAKEPLACE ITS FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. Yuadcauld appear in com munity newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any Vourad ndividual province. Space is Limited, so Cal! This Newspaper TodaylI -mm ý mmaffl,