45e Orono 'eekyTimes SeringOroo, ewcastle, Newtonville, Kendal, Starkville Vol. 57, No. 20 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2,1993 Sets terrzfic Performance at champ ionships Special event planned for 193 Jack Reid Memorial Trot at Fair, Clarke High scheel has heen involved in beague play In Sehool Reach Competition for the past year and recently wrapped up their secason with a terrific performance at the-provincial Championships held in London. 1School Reach is a long running quiz competition that involves teams from most high schools in Canada. Kristian Dart. Kathileen Dewell,- Cameron Esler, Richard Jenkins, and Michael Smith wcnt undefeated in league play this season with a perfect 18-0-record. They defeated Bowmanville H. S, Courtice S.S and O'Neil Collegiate during the regular season and then beat Cobourg West in head-to- head matches. Clarke posted a 7-3 record at the Provincial Championships in vcry tight -competitîin and narrowly missed advancing eut of their pool te the final eight teams. Clarke was the only team te defeat St.. Joseph High School from Renfrew, which won the Ontario and Cana.dian championships. Overali a tremendous showing tor Clarke High School - the best of any school in the area. Coaches: John Amecsbury and Jon Gale. -- On May l7th the Board of Directors met at the Oreno Arena for their monthly meeting. President Tom Moffat chaired the meeting with 25 directors and visitors attonding. Charlie,-Reid addressed the assembly on behaif of the Reid Family. It bas been 25 years since his father, Jack Reid has passod away and Charley explained that they have been sponsoring the "Jack Reid Memorial Trot" since his fathers death 25 years ago. Charlie commented that they plan to make this the last year for this race at the fair. They have plans te make this Jack Reid Memorial Trot a special event, commIeIlorating 25 years sinco Jack's passing. Many people have offered special gifts, for the winning horse, driver and owner, also Charlie bas offered additional prizo money and asked the Agricultural' Society to do the same. Many of the top Ontario drivers are being invited to compete in this special event. An array of racing memorabilia is also being put together for display at the 1993 Fair. Charlie commented "lwe're going to make it as good as we can. Other related issues wore discussed, "Horsin' Around" had already been chosen as the theme for the 1993 fair, so this would go -well with Charlie's proposai, also a design hasn't been chosen for the buttons, this could reflect the special event proposod by Mr. Reid., The banquet cemmitteo reported that the Annual Banquet had boen well attended and was a financial success., The ribbon committee made a recommendation to the board (Continued page 6) E"ýnvironmental Fair marks up another successful attraction Interim Waste Authority sets three options for truck route to KK2 in Newcastle The Interim Waste Authority hold an all-day session in the Village of Newcastle on Saturday relating te, the Durham Region Landfill Site Soarçh which does affect a site in the Town of Newcastle northwest of New- tonville. The morning session was in the form of an Open House whioe the aftemnoon session was a poriod for presentations by the IWA on previeus expressed concernis and discussions with those present. The afternoon session saw an attendance of 35, the majority being involved in the search precess. Most information discussed on Saturday affected most of' the five short-listed sites for Durham as to impact zones, site designs and operations as well as other possible impacts and alternative haul routes te the proposed sites. Three alternatives haul routes have been listed for the KK2 site in Newcastle near Newtonville. The options include haul along 401 te the Newtonville interchange, thon north on the Regional road te the four corners with Hwy. 2, wost through the hamiet te Staploton Road and thon north to the site. A scci !q alternative included a new interchange on 401 that weuld link up with Stapleton Road with a direct north route te the site. A third proposal for discussion was alterations te the Morgan Road fly-over te allow traffic te takeoff from 401 at this site, travel north te Highway 2, east te Stapleton's Road and thon north on Stapleon Road to the site. It is expocted that seme 350 trucks would travel te the site daily from the Region of Durham. 0f these 350 trucks 250 would bc largo trucks. It was stated by Caren DesBrisay that the maj ' rity of traffic would come te the area between the heurs of il a.m. and 12 noon. She, said there would ho ne more than 44 trucks in one heur travelling te the site. A final solection ef site for Durham is expected te ho made by the IWA by mid August. The KK2 site contains 114 hectares of land with a fili area of 44.9 hectares. It was pointed eut at the meeting that the dlay liner would ho 2 moIres in thickness. Normunds Borzins, chairman of the Clarke Constituonts said that tho agricultural aspect of the Newcastle site is net given that much weighing in the final analyses. Ho said the IWA points out that few have given much attention te this aspect of the cheice and that ne one (Continued page 5) by Carol-Ann Oster The Environment Pair, held this past Sunday at the Bowmanvillo Recreation Complex was once again a great success. The Fair was an event of Environment Week and of the Town of Newcastle Heritage Week. There were many displays and' prosentations that looked at a number of environmental and humanitarian concerns. Local organizations taking part included the CCC, SAGA, Port' Granby-Newcastle Environment Committee, and the No-Ganaraska Dump Committee. It was also a chance for this summers Environmental Youth Corps te meet the public and begin what is sure te hoe an important summer for them. The Fair offered a number of different concerns that we should ho awaro. These included energy, waste reduction, preservation of wild spacos and humanitarian treatments of fellow mon and animais. A number of shows and actîvities addressed these issues as well. Composting workshop, children's crafts, Jane and Dave's Awesome Environmental Adventure were aIl well-attended. Pee Weo Worman again made an appearance for three shows and Bemnie Martin played a wandering minstrel. The success of the Environment Fair was due largely te the support of its volunteers and tho many groups and organizations that took part and supported the Fair. involved in birdfeeders Thore were many interosting displays at the recent Environmental Fair and the Big Brother display of bird feeders for sale and in construction was inost notable. Happenings.... Seventh Annual Open Garden Everyone welcome to view the gardens of Mr. & Mrs. Dave Hinton, 3384 Taunton Road (the second house west of Leskard Road on the north side). The gardons will ho open June Sth and 6th, 10:00- a.m. te dusk and consist of many rhododendrons in a natural setting of pmne and young oaks. Orono F sh & Hunt Club Open House The Orono Fish & Hunt Club will ho celobrating their 50th Anniversary and in doing so will bo hosting an Openn buse this Sunday, June,6th from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. There will ho refreshments and hotdogs served as well as free shooting on their fully supervised hand gun, rifle and Urap ranges. Follow Taunton Rd. to Leskard Rd. and follow signs. Raft Race Cancelled Due to unforeseen circumstances the Raft Race advertised last weok in tho Heritage Week Event Advertisemnent will not ho held. The Committee apologizes for the lack of this event this year, but watch for it next year.