8 - Orono W.ekly Times,, Wednesday, June 2, 1993 Newc astle Notables by Carol -Ann OsIer Many of Newcastle Village folks got involved with the Town of Newcastle's Heritage Week. SNewcastle Family Connection took part in both the parade and the Environnient Fair this past weekend. They also had a display in the Bowmanville Maîl. Their contribution 10 Heritage Week was a Teddy Bear Clinic. Many of the Family Connections' cbildren took part in the parade. The clinic was well attended aI both the maîl and tbe Environment Fair. The Newcastle Li on's Club also took part in tbe Heritage Week events by hosting a Chicken BBQ dinner at the Newcastle Village Community Hall on Sunday night. Lions of being able lo go t0 Spain and participate in the torch run. After an superb presentation, Jim was tbanked by Lion Howard Quinney and presented with a memento of his visit to the Newcastle Lions. A postcard was read from Monique Cravenger the excbange student sponsored partially by the Newcastle Lions. Monique wrote froni Holland and commented that she is a bit sad that her year is coming 10 an end but she is looking forward 10 seeing ber friends and family tbis summer. Lion Murray Paterson reported that the new basebaîl diamond that the Club is building at the Newtonville Public Sehool is on track and should be finished soon. The next meeting of the Newcastle Lions Club will be the "Annual Wild Goose Hunt" on June 10th. This is a "year end" trip 10 a destination, known only by the program co-ordinator, the Lion's year ends on June 301h and the new Executive will be inducted on June 23rd. Kendal Hall News On Friday, May 2lst the Iast card party of the season was held. There were 9-1/2 tables in play. The high score of the evening went t0 Alan Downes with 94; 2nd high went tb Reg Elliott wiîb 88; 3rd high went 10 Cathy Switzer with 83 and 4th high went t0 Marie Couroux with 82. The draw was won by Jean Allen. Trophies were given out te Ed Milîs and Charlie Campbell who tied for the high scores of the year of 99, congratulations gentlemen. Card parties will start up once again in October. On Wednesday, May 26tb the men of the Scarlet Chapter held a Family and Friends night. A video made up from newsreels of the various parades held in Ireland, celebrating the 121h of July 1992, were shown and enjoyed by al present. The marchers, the bands, the banners, were very impressive. The countryside beautiful. A lunch of meat pies, coffee, tea and cake ended the evening. 1On Saîurday, May 29th, members of aIl 3 lodges in Kendal marched in the Heritage Day Parade in Bowmanville, making Ibis the largest group 10 march. Following the parade a social lime was held aI Tyrone Hall, a draw was held and tbe winners were: lsa prize Miranda Groves; 2nd Greg Thompson and 3rd David Tbrower. Saturday, June 121h is the date of Kendal L.O.L. 405's annual Salad Supper for tickets contact David Tbrower at 983-5692. Sunday, June 201h the Lodges will be baving Ibeir annual Church Parade in Kendal and attending the service at Kendal United Churcb. Members of the Lodge are planning to supply tbe choir for Ibis service. Everyone is welcome to corne out and join in, lunch wil bc served at the hall following the cburch service. Once again i s nearing July 121h. The parade will be held in Port Perry tbis year on Saturday, July 10th. Corne on out and watcb, these events are getting fewer and farîher apart ail the lime. Il is a nice change to see somnething that is not a commercial venture and is put on by local people who are proud of whal Ibey are. by Phyllis Lowery Pictured here, (1-r) are: Kari King, and Sam Galea, "les chefs Kampe, Steven Haines, Peter extraordinaire" for the event. Corrine Allin and Jessica Vance, witb Isadorable at the Envîronment Fair. Isadorable is Remember .. . Ibis weekend is the-Mini Blades Carnival. Games, beîng raffled off by the Newcastle Family Connection. Tickets are on sale until July 14. rides and fun for the entire family froni June 3 - 6. Newcastie Lions News Thirty-one Lions and two guests were present for the May 26th dinner meeting of the ,Newcastle Lions Club. The United Church Women served an excellent dininer as usual, I'r(-sïdent Mike Carter chaired the ilcting, and after dinner asked Lion Dave Gibson 10 introduce the (juest Speaker. Jim Cryderman is a member of the Bowmanville Lions Club and teaches Special Education at Courtice Secondary School. In 1992 for tbeir part in the International Olympic Torch, Bearers Program, Canada decided to send members of the Special Olympie Organization. As a Special Olympic Volunteer with many credits, Jini was chosen to ehaperone one of the torcb bearers. Jim bas been a volunleer coach and co-ordinator for the Special Olympic Organization for many years, a position wbicb was evident, is close to bis beart. Witb videos, Jim sbowed the Lions bow bard these mentally disabled athletes work to earn medals and recognition for their country. He also shared the bonor witb the CLA RK ISCH THUR$DAY,J)UNElI TH I~I7 ARMSTRONG GA, ORONO (LuiZ7cu NEWCASTLE IGA, NEWCASTLE Co-ordinated by the Clarke High School Creative Arts Department MO ÇWL AgT IYM MUYf1ic