Serving Orono, Newcastle, Newtonville, Kendal, Starkville Vol. 57, No. 25 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7,1993 Cutting icing on cake for Clarington Councillors David Scott andl Ann Dresltnski, assist MPP Gord Milîs and Clarington Mayor Diane Hamre in cutting tbe cake tbat celebrates the naine change.. Canada DaY plan for kids Wne tr and aduits at Orono Park gvMVMVYIWVW by Carol-Ann Oster It was a fun and happy Canada Day for the Municipality of CLARINGTON residents. Yes, tbat's rigbt we are now officially residents of Clarington. The naine cbange becarne officiai as of July 1, and the fact was celebrated as part of the Orono Park's Canada Day celebrations. Walking down the street toward tbe park, the sound of celebration was everywbere, from the splasb and laughs in tbe pool, to tbe live music of tbe Clarington Concert Band. Naturally, one of the most important parts of a holiday, tbe barbecuing bot dogs bit you next as you came a bit dloser to tbe park. And as you finally entered the park, there was an ail out assault on the senses. Tbe laughing, tbe music, the smells and the activity taking place ail around you... Isnt this wbat Canada Day sbould be? For the kids the big question was probably... "Wbat to do first?" Tbe Newcastle Family Connection bad managed to come up witb a kid-magnet! Ten minutes of messy play for $1.00. Tbe price was rigbt and wbat a concept. From magie mud, to bubbles, to sitting in a pool filled with cold and mushy spagbetti, thîs was something tbat no kid, could resist. Smali Miracles also had a great cbildren's activity set up. with the bype from Jurassic Park stîli going strong, a dinosaur theme was right on the mark. Children could join 'in an excavation that guaranteed a prize or they could simply play in the pre-historie tent. The Newcastle Fire Safety House and tbe Durbam Regional Police were also at the park for tbe cbiidren. The cbildren could visit the Safety bouse to Iearn about Fire Safety, and then tbey could visit the Police Officer who was wiliing to let anyone play with the siren. The pool was open for anyone wisbing to- cool down after al that activity. Others chose simpîy to splash througb the kiddie pool. F or the aduits, the Ciarington Concert Band performed for a large crowd of people. The band played, very weilianid iooked nicely festive in red. (l beard a lot of people were particularly (Continued page 2) lak Park, The S. B. Rutberfo rd Woods Walk Park committee, witb al rnmers present toured. the park witb Town staff and Counc. Ann Dreslinsi last week. According to, Klaas Schoen- Imaker, ebairman of tbe local committee, the winter ice storm bas savaged trees witbin tbe park boundaries wbich wili take considerable time to, dean-up. Hl'e said some were banging dan- gerously above some parts cf tbe trails. The chairman of the committce stated that due to, cutbacks in staff tbe Town bas yet to get the cleanup completed. H1e said it is tbe intention of the Town to bave tbe -bridge completed this year. The bridge would replace tbe two culverts that now provide passage-way across the stream. Mr. Scboenmaker also noted that tbe weir dam bas beld up bis year witb no damage during the spring run-offs. Overfourty-five years in business MS Bike Tour out of Orono August 21- 22 Once again tbis year the Noranda Forest MS Bike-Tour wbicb begins in Orono and travelsnortb to Peterborough and then back to Orono is planned for August 21st and 22nd. The Oron/Peterborough MS bike tour is one of six such events in Ontario and one of sixteen across Canada. The Orono/Peterborougli jaunit is one of the most challenging in endurance due to the hilly terrain (Continued page 2) It was some urne before 1948 that Gerry Duvaîl started out in the electricai business in Orono with Ernie Dent in electrical contracting. It was Iast week that the downtown fellow business people and friends boosted Gerry off for his retirement with a surprise event at Mabies Country Café. Murray Taylor, cbairman' of the Downtown Business Asso- ciation presented Gerry with a gift and Pat Lycett also spoke words of appreciation to Gerry. Asking Gerry wbat were tbe big recalîs froni the past it was workinig all night long with Erije Dent during Hurricane Hazel in an effort to keep hydro on. "A night to remember"', be states. Herb and Gerry Duvail along with Ernie Dent opened in Orono downtown witb the Orono Electric where an electrical contracting business flourisbed aiong with operation of the Orono Hydro system, and a repair business. Later Mr. Dent left Orono Electrie to become a fuil-time employee and manager of tbe Orono Hydro Electrical Com- mission. Orono Eiectric was then operated by the two Duval brothers witb Gerry in construction and Herb in retail appliance sales and repairs. ,Whcn Gcrry, is pushed for other comments he will mention someof the larger electrical contract jobs in tbe community undertaken by Orono Electric including the Orono United Cburcb, a -rewiringý of the old Orono Continuation Sehool and be said-this-work was dlone wben power tools,.didn't exist. The retiree also makes mention of 24 years on the Orono Fire department witb tbe most threatening fire being Reed's Hardware in downtown Orono. The building bas since been repiaced by tbat of Viewer's Choîce anid the two apartments above. Hapeig.. Road Improvements in Orono The Town of Newcastle is undertaking some road improvemnents in Orono with work presently underway on a 4section of Mill Street just north of Main Street. The work is being done by Town staff and runs along the outside of the north lane and boulevard to the sidewalk. A number of sections of Miil Street deteriorated following the installation of water in tbe mid 1960s especially to the outside of the north lane. How many attended the Orono Caniada Day Celebration? It can only be a guessing gaine but our estimnate would be somnewbere in tbe area of 550 to 650. One indication bas to bc the fact that the Hall Board had purchased 400 hot dogs with serving startingat 11:30 and continuing to the run-out of'dogs at 2 p.m. It seems afair assumption that two-thirds of those in attendance may have purchased a hot dog. Town Hall Euchre closes for summer months The weekly Eucbre gamnes at the Orono Town Hall are ciosed for the sumnmer to be resumed on September 15th. High scores at the most recent event were registered by Tom Wilson 90, Ciare Muelemnan 88, Lii Bolderstone 84, Kay Beggs 81, Grace Coathamn 80 and Aif Pigott 80. Low score: Joyce Cowan. Draw winncrs were: Edgar Milison, Charles Stapleton, Clara Muelemian, May \,Tabb, Paul Muchaand Art Bedwin.