Retires afier 23 years with library Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, uiy ,19 (NewcastieNtb1s Newcastle was the scene for the final hours of excitement this Canada Day, as with a wizz and a pop, the clear night sky exploded with colour. With a number of Canada Day activities happening all around the Clarke area, the grand finale was held at Clarke High School. The event, sponsored by the Optimist Club, started at 7:00 with a barbecue, candy floss, and-music. A giant Canada jigsaw puzzle was set up, and children who added a piece to the puzzle were by Carol-Ann Oster eligible towin a prize. Big Brothers of Newcastle and the Newcastle Famîly Connection were also taking part in the event with tables set up and raffles and draws to bc entered. 0f course, the biggest part of the night came as the Sun set. The moment everyone had been waiting for had corne. POP. BANG. The kaleidoscope of colours lit up the sky, marking the end of another great'July lst. Madeline Hadley who is taking her retirement from the Clarington Library systemn was honoured last week at the Clarke Branch in Orono when friends and associated gathered to wish ber well after twenty-three years in library service in the com- munity. Mrs. Hadley began ber library experience in the former Clarke Township library system under the guidance of Ulga Beauchamp. At the time the library was in the basement of the Orono Town Hall. It was only a short stay in the basement of the hall for the library moved in September of, 1970 to its present location. A short time later Mrs. Beauchamp resign as library which position was then taken over by Mrs. Hadley. In 1974 the Clarke Board was taken over by the Town of Newcastle Board and the Clarke Library became a branch of the the Town system. This was effective by the setting up of Regional governiment in this area. Mrs. Hadley bas been the Clarke Branch supervisor since that time with the exception of a few months in 1993 serving at the head branch in Bowmranville. Mrs. Hadley said she bas enijoyed the many years at the library and spoke of ber association with Peggy Breen, who continues at the Clarke branch and as weIl Jean Moffat who is located at the Newcastle branch. Speaking of the physical building housing the library she said it was indeed an nique building for a library and most unusual. She did say that customers often speak of the building and that it made them as if at home when coming through the doors.* Mrs. Hadley is pictured above witb ber father and mother of Bowmanville, Douglas and Mollie Lomas. The Optimist Club flags flutter warm July breeze at Clarke High alongside the Canadian flag in the School. (Contmnued page 8) Sitting on the front counter in the office of the Orono Times sits this year's edition of the "Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish". The list of contaminants that can be found in the fish is somewhat lengthy and tboroughly frightening. There is, in fact, a list of nine contaminants and groups of contaminants that fish are tested for. This list is growing. The next page lists new substances that these fish are being tested for. There are a total of tbree new substances. Likely, there are other contaminants that could be harmful, but the method for testing bas not yet been developed fully. There- are five levels of acceptability for fish consumption. The scale ranges from no restrictions, women in childbearing years and children under fifteen may eat these without living in fear, to a consumption of none. For the levels in between, the guide suggests the amount of fish that can bc consumed during a given time span. For example, a lake trout measuring 55-65 centimetres, caught in Oxtongue Lake, would bc safe to eat four times a week over a two week vacation. -This seems kind of difficult to me once you start factoring in the fact that 1 might catch a lake trout measuring 50 cm one day, a small, mouth bass measurîing 60 cm two days later and they botb fall into different contaminant levels. How do you factor the differences? I thought fishing was sitting in the middle of a quiet lake with the boon calling in the distance, bat perched on head. Or resting on the end of a wooden dock, dog at side, cooler witbin reach, and line dangling in the water as the sun lulled you to sleep. Since wben do charts and graphs, guides and mathematies come into play? The most surprising thing I came across while flipping througb this guide is that of the fish found in Lake Ontario, there were more fisb that were edible than ones that would kill you after the first taste. 1 find this particularly bard to believe, especially since visiting Lakeview Park in Oshawa last Sunday. Hundreds of fisb were floating on the surface of the lake and more were being carried in by the tide. Dead fish lay scattered all along the beach and with every wave that crashed against the pier, more fish would become sent landward. The smell was overpowering in the beat. 1 was in constant fear that my companion for the day, my lanky German Shepard pal, would somebow get-his teetb on one, and I wouldspend the rest of my life with a dog that glowed in the dark. According to the guide, some lakes have seecn a decrease in the amount and number of contaminants and substances. This is refreshing. Other lakes have seen an increase. Il' a guide like this is necessary, isa't this a major dlue that something should be done to- dean up Our lakes. P.S.... -It wiIl be a long, long time before I eat fishagain. Model car racing every Sunday Those interested in mini-car racing and perhaps even taking part have only to attend at the Midtown Maîl in Oshawa on Sunday aftemnoons. The racing flag is waved at 1 p. m. when the minis make it to, the starting hune. The car costing upwards of $300 can reach speeds ot thirty miles an hour. MmASARU KARATE CLUB SHORIN-RYU Classes for Children and Aduits Rick Jones Newtonville 416-786-2793 VIEWER'S CHOICE, 0F ORONO Saturday, July lOth Sund.ay, July llth