e - Orono W.kly Times, Woclnesday, JuIy 7, 1993 NewswrthyNewcastle Noteabi es orhyNewtonvîIIe~ i Di(Continued from paà1C 7) r Melissa Bowen and Karen stuff that is always a favorite part Nuttali fight with the sticky pink of any event. There is semething about a barbecue on a brigbt sunny summer's day. The smoky, meaty, smell tickling your nostrils- and your meuth watering at' the prospect of that first taste. Sitting down under the cool shade of the tail, proud mapl e tec and chatting with friends and neighbours about whats been happening in the community. I guess there are a lot of people who would have te agree with me. 1The Durham Central Agricuiturai Society met on June 21st with 28 directors and guests present. President Tom Moffat acted as Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer, Joyce Boudreau kept the minutes. A delegation headed by Archie McLaren was on hand te propose an Antique Tractor and Machinery Show at the fair in September. Mr. McLarcn stated that aithougli there is no erganized Antique Tracter Club in this area, bce is aware of numerous people that possess many fine examples and wouid bc willing te bring their machinery eut te the fair. After littie discussion the directors agreed te set aside an area for a Tracter and Machinery Show. This show will be set up on September 9th directiy north of the Poultry barn and wii bc epen for the next two days, September lOth and llth. Mr. McLaren is confident that the show wiil consist of numerous tractors in running condition and machinery ranging from cream- separators te thrashing machines. Some of the displays, probably a thrashing machine and a saw-mili will be operating for certain periods during the show. In order te make tangible plans and raise some money for the show Mr. McLaren hosted a barbecue at his home on July 6tWh at 5 p.m. Although the Fair Board ,as agreed te sponsor the event with a donation Mr. McLaren feels that a tent is necessary for the show and believes that some' money can be raised toward the tent rentai by having a barbecue and inviting interested parties to, come eut with their input and The Necwtonvile United Church Annual Barbecue holds t estament to that. Somewhere in the area of four hundredpeeple camne eut te the annual event held on July Ilsi. With Ralph McGinnis at the BBQ helm and several -members of the Newtonville Community dishing up the meal, the event was a great success. At the end of-a busy July Ist, with se much going on, a barbecue is a great- way te unwind. enjoy the day. Anyene interested in dîspiaying an antique tracter or coming eut te the barbecue may caîl Archie fer particulars at 983- 5935. The Parade Cemmittee requested a portable teilet at the cemetery for tie use of tie parade participants en Saturday memniig while they are ferming up the parade. The directers veted favorably te this proposai. Reg JeweII, PC candidate in Northumberland Reg Jewel, a Trenton resident, bas received approval from the membership of the Northum- berland Progressive Conservative Association to represent the riding in the upcoming federal election. It was announced that Ralpb McQuadehas agreed te accept the chairmanship of the Race Herse Committee and Shawn Winning will act as secretary. A new committee consisting of Allison Cochrane, Cheryl Moulton,- Lee Elliott, Heather Mederois and Brian Boudreau bas been'formed te eperate a Teen Dance on the Saturday evening of the fair. This dance wili feature three local youth bands,' one, from Bowmanville and -two from Port Hope with about $600 in prizes and money being paid out for the better performance. This dance wiil be held in the Agricultural Building from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. on September 'llth. The committee promised te make a further report at the July meeting. 101Hooper's Jewellers LD Nobody Beats Our'Prices On Grandfather Clocks PLUS,[~ WE PAY THE GS.T. & P.S.T. Selling Good Quality Clocks fo rover 4 5 years. "We Service What We Seli" FREE Setup& Delivery, Sales &,Service Expert Repair ofal docks: *Antique - Mantde * Wall - Electric *Battery - Grandfather * Cuckoo -Free Estimates *Expert Goldsmith on Premises HOOPER'SEWHuIM L9 SYo)urfamnilyjeéweller since 1945 3, igSt.W, Bowmanviile 6354 Mr. JeweIl won out over two other hopefuis, Pam Jackson of Oraftorn and Ron Harnden of Hamilton Township. Mr. Jewell's victory caine on the first ballot with 195 votes eut of 323 . Jewell aise won the P.C. nomination for the làst election and then being defeated, by Christine Stewart by 28 votes. Amphitheatre opens at Darlington Park The officiai opening of a new amphitheatre bas been held at the Darlîngton Provincial Park. It is but another attraction for the park and the amphitbeatre will be used to presenit videos on nature, pioneers and the Ontario recreational spots. Cobourg to have two-bag garbage limit, January 1 By a narrow margin coundcil of the Town of Cobourg passed a resolutien to the effect that on January lst residents in the municipality will have a two bag limit for garbage putout. At the present time the limit is three bags in Cobourg as well as three bags in Port Hope and five bags in the Town of Newcastle. Cobourg counicil is to meet with business 'people te decide a reduction in commercial garbage. The Town will save money with the bag reduction, for the residential areas. MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD'. Estabilshed in 1881 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmanville PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE Michael Spooner and Sheila Stephens Spooner ROSE -ARBOR -ANTIQUES EARLY CANADIAN PINE - 0W LAMPS - QUILIS OPEN APRIL TO DECEMBER > HOURS: Saturday, Sunday and Hoidays - 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. AISÇO BY APPOINTMIENT OR BY CHANCE (416) 983-9091 6i79 Andrews Rd. R.R. 1, Kendal, Ont. LOA 1EO 4.8 km. east of Hwy. 115135 on Clarke 6th Conc. J Antique tractors and machinery show at [fair Mark M. Stapleton f&storation c& Reproduction 6720 Leskard Rd. N., Orono 983-6098- We specialize In, Hlstorical Restoration and Reproduction o Century Homes. Also ail types of General Carpentry. -GANARASKA, LEATHERCRAFT AUTKORýiZEDDAE ' Tandy Crafi The LahrFcay Brso eaths Phone ahead or by chance 3847 Wilcox Rd., Orono LOB 1 MO (416) 983-9540