2 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 11, 1993 Orono '14eekfy '2imes, Pubcaçens ý Madflegi&rton No, W6O , PUbIishr 47 IsSues AnnuaI[i aI the Officeeof PubkËffkon 5310 Main Street. ormno, Ontaro Loe 1 Mo~ Tolephone 416~-9a3-5301 Roy C ForrestEr, Owner.Ed itar Subscriptlw, $1 7.00 perannumn Government Out-foxes The NDP govermnent in Ontario outfoxed the most militant union and federation leaders in the bid over the Social Contract. Such leaders joyfully tore up contracts and agreements a few months ago and were of the opinion that they stood on solid ground in their endeavours to beat-off the govemment over wage and benefit reductions. t has flot been the case and the NDP govemnment in holding to its decision, in the most part, have silenced the most militant leaders over the issue of the Social Contract. There was also a strong feeling amongst a majority of union members, at the local level, tbat costs of services whether in the municipal field, education or health services had finally outstripped the abiity to pay through furtber tax increases. When Bob Rae offered the 20 percent reduction in take-back by the province from public sector employees it had a muzzling effect on tbe militant leaders who were quick 10 realize that holding out against the govemment could infact cost their union members dearly. The militants had something 10 loose themselves and their usual rhetoric quickly dried-up. There is no doubt that Bob Rae has held the upper hand and bas done some out-foxing. There also had to be some underlying support for bis move from the general public and as, well public employces. Making ail the right moves There is no doubt that Kim Campbell is making all the righî moves and sounds at this ime as she crosses from coast to coast prior to this fall's election call. Her latesî reform suggestions to end what she bas called "bad politics" is a welcomed caîl from one thal could be our next Prime Minister. The anties in polities bave gone on far too long. Wbo couldn't support th e elimination of "double-dipping", excessive pensions, the doing away with most patronage appoinîments, toughen legislation as to conflîct of interest and baving a bold on lobbyists. To say the least hier proposed reforms, and the above are o nly but a few, would shakeup the political process. It takes us back bo the period when Brian Mulroney destroyed Liberal Leader Jobn Winters over the political appointments made by Pierre Trudeau prior to bis s tepping down as leader. And Brian did il witb the widest of smiles, and it was his complete victory. As we remember bie tld Winters, "you could bave stopped the Trudeau appoiniments". If il was so for Winters perhaps Brian could have told Kim that she could bave, shuld have stepped in 10 stop bis Iast-minute jewels. New features 1isted- for coming Orono Fail-1 Fair Fair-goers wil bave a wide choice of music 10 dance and listen 10 on September l th at the Orono Fairgrouinds. Tbe traditional "'Fair Dance" will bc held in the Arena feaîuring Bill Taylor and the Tradesmen and anew "Youth Dance" will be beld in the Agriculture Building for the younger crowd. Botb of these dances wilI start at 9 p.m. The Youth dance will featureý "The Baîtle of the Bands with four bands competing for over $600. in cash and prizes donated by local business and individuals. The bands vying for the top bonors will be, Ryan Cureatz's band Grindstone [rom Orono, Justin Orono Arenia Board (Continued from page 1) management consider the dclegatîon of' operalion of thc arena anld comrnunity contre to the Atilt;cAssociation. Ir, iho mialter uf complaints that miay hw lodged a-ainst the operation il was siatcd ihiat they sbould first bc placeti with the Athîcîjo anid witb unisa(rsIlacbry results thal 1-1(.1COruplaint wouLII Flint & Jamie Oxenbam's band "Nepicurian" from Bowmanville, Erin Dodingloni's band "Helium" from Port Hope and also [rom Port Hope, Bill Hodgson's band "Incahodo". 1Advance tickets are on sale now for $2. [rom members of the bands and may also bc ordered [rom committecenebers, lHeather Madeiros 983-6373 or Lea Elîjot 983-9361. Tickets flot pre-sold will be on sale aIthe gale for $3. each, on Uthe nibîof thedance. Durhiam Central Fair wiIl run fromn Septembe-r 9 - 12 Ibis ycar at the Orono Fairgrounds widi rmany othcr rnew fcatures. then be bandled by the appoînted Board of Management. Coune. Ann Drcslinski staîod that a Bowmianville group bas sought 8 hours of ice fine lor the 1993-94 season ai the Oronu Arena but bas bad no answcr tu tbeir writen roquosi. Gord Lowery said hoe knew of' the requesî but diünît know if the request biad been answcred. Ho said îhaî il wuuld flot bc until fie end of August as t l whotbr the requesî could be illed. Hoe said at Iibat finie Orono Nwuuld Lette r to the Editor Dear Editor: 1 am wriîing t0 clarify the issue of public transportation in the Municipality of Ciarington. This malter bas been referred 10 in the local newspapers and I believe that I can provide some iniput on Ibis issue. Over the years, various groups of different times, have conitacted the Mayor's Office 10 discuss the feasibiliîy of a transportation system in the Municipality. In the past few weeks,, Ibere have been two such approa ches made 10 my office. AI Ibis lime, discussions are at a preliminary stage and various options bave been suggesîed, but until there is a formal proposal put forward by any group or organizalion, il wouid be premature 10 extend the discussions beyond the Mayor's office. We have advised both parties Ihat if they wisb 10 proceed, prepare a formai proposal and we wouid Ihen take iltu Council for discussion aI the commiltee stage. This office bas offered 10, ass.st botb parties by providing -any information which would help them in submitting a proposai. Tbe figure of $ 190,000.00 was quoted as a cosî figure in recenl articles, This figure was unly one of a number of options. Once Council bas a formal proposai, many tbings would have to be taken mbt consideration. such as: 1. Is it 10 be a îown-wide service, available 10 everyone? 2. Can the Municipality in these different economie times consider adding such a co08110 the tax levy? As you cani see, the possibility of a municipaliiy wide transit system is very preliminary and 1 hope that I bave clarified some questions about ibis issue., Yours very truly, Diane Hamre have comnpleîed their hockey regis-trations. Il was sîated that Bowmanville alr eady bad fifteen hours of ice lime aI the Orono Arena. The issue of ice lime being renîed to Oshawa îeams was brougbt forth and a generai discussion as t0 whetber preferenecs sbould be granîed to Oshawa when there had been a re quesî [rom a Bowrnanville team i or ice time aI a Municipality of Clarington arena. It was pointed out that ice ltime is flot available 10 any Clarington îeams in Oshawa arenas. Bill Tomlinson did stat e Ibat Bowmanvillrý residents were taxpayers to Clarington facilities and that should make for some consideration. Bort Reid said that the Oshawa îeams b.hve had a Iengtby bisîory of renting ice at Orono. Il was also noîed that Oshawa didn'î have prime time. The Athletic is to provide furtber delails as to the oporationat the noxî meeting of tbe Board of Management. Al meetings of tbe B oard of Management are open 10 the Kendal News by Phyllis Lowery I have been laking a holiday, from writing, but the pasî couple of weeks have be--en busy for some of the residents of Kendal, so here, goes. The Brewer family of Monck St., have been entertaining their daughter and ber family from Petawawa, their son-in-law bas been staîioned there since returning from Germany. On Saturday, July 3lst and Sunday, Augusî Ist the Brewers bosted a famiiy reunion for the Brewer side of the family, there were 74 people presenit. Among those dropping in for a short visil was Bob and Pat Griffith of St. Thomas and John and Marina Griffith and their children Kimberly and Dane of Oosterhout, Holland. ?b1e Griffith families are visiting aI the borne of tbeir mother Mrs. John Lowery. Many of the Brewer families bad trailers and lents and stayed on the Brewer property, soi-e slaying until Monday momning. The saine weekend,,Ed and Helen Couroux of Kendal bosted a family gel logeîber for the Couroux side of the famiiy with a good attendance. Tbis weekend aI the home of Stan and May Playford on Monck St. a family gatheri ng was held for the members of May Playfords famiiy. Members attending were from alI over Ontario. About 100 were expected. I bad the opportunily to see wbere they were goîng lu hold Ibis reuntion, the yard looked like a beautiful oulside restaurant witb the tables and chairs all set out ready for the event. Il is nice to see familiesgelîing togelber for these evenîs. At one lime this was an annual event in the summer, but now. wiîh travel s0 easy falmilies are moving to points far away, and it isn't as easy to gel tîbem al l ogether. It often seems that weddings and funerals are the only lime you gel 10 see each other and Iben cbildren are flot presenit 50 the cousini- hardly knoweacb other, they are only names that îhey bear of in letters. I hope everyone basbeen enjoying this beautiful weather, the summrrer seemns t10be passing so fast, ail you hear on the radio is the Exhibition, that was1 always at the end of the summer and even lhough it slarts so muùcb eariier now, il still is in our mninds thal il is the end of sumnmer. The stores have all the fail clothes ouI on display, schooi supplies are out. We seem to spend our lime wishing the season over. Life is just on e race from season to season as far as tl, stores are concemed and tbis bas-àa great, effect on our lives. I think it' is about lime we alI just sit back and enjoy each season as it is bere. Life passes fast enougb without burrying il along. Please note that the choir, the Westway African Choir, that was going to be at Kendal on August lst, is now scheduled t0 be at Kendal on Sunday, September the IsI aI 10:00 a.m. Come out and hear them, îhey are sure t0 be a pleasure 10 hear. Don't forget the annual serývice aI the Orono Fair, this is always a special event. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall .987-4745 SIJNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTOL CHARGE Minister *Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russei Marlene Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Offce 983-5502 UPCOMING SERVICES FOR SUMMER Sundays, August 15, 22, 29 Newcastle United 10:30 a.m. Regular Services begin at Orono & Kirby on September 5th. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. mu' ii~u ~ Iii ~ ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009