Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Au9ust lie 1993- From Around ihe Region Saturday, July 31st was a day -Orange belts. of great pride for black beit Sensei Congratulations tô the above Rick Jones and brown belt Sensei Pictured students. rnt row: Dan Stacheruk. The Masaru Jeffrey Stacheruk, Jessica Caswell, Karate Club (Shorin-ryu), which Shaughn Caswell; miiddle row: opened in May of 1993, presented Tell Stacheruk, David Cartier, seven students from the cildren's Adam Cartier, Marisha Caswell; class with their hard eaned yellow back row: Sensei Dan, S ensei belts. Rick. The last three months have been filled with fun yet intense training te allow the students Le reach their first milestone, their yellow belts. They have already begun preparing for the next level Raffle winners ,(Con tinued from page 4) Jay tickets - Steve Martin; 2 Blue Jay tickets - Julie Allun; 2 Blue Jay tickets - K. Schmidinger; 2 Blue Jay tickets - Murray Adams; 2 Bluc Jay tickets - David Bebeec. Incentive Prize winners: Player with most ticket sales in aIl of T.0.,N.B.A. - Jason Hoyne, Orono - Anigels T-Bal team (160 tickets) STeam with most ticket sales in aIl of T-.O.N.B.A. - Orono Angels T-BaIl teamn (542 tickets) coach Ken Richards Player with most ticket sales in T.0.N.B.A. 4 - Pitch division - Ryan Campney (60 tickets) Orono Twins "Steve's Diesel" team Other Orono Angels winners: Brandon Allin, Jennifer-Lyn Gunn and Ryan Bal Orono Mets T-BaIl winners (coach Jeff Kerrigan) - Shannon DeJong, Nancy Ellis, Tyler Skelton, Amanda Quinney and. Stephanie Beaucage Orono Twins "Steve's- Diesel" 4-Pitch teamn winners (coach Steve Camnpney) - Justin Caruana Orono Tykes "Hunts Photo" wînners (coach Len Gibbons) - Kasey Timms and William Landmnan IlOrono Tykes "Allinibrook FeedJs" winners (coach Kim lrwin) - Nathan Adcgeeshý Orono Mosquiho "Armstrong's IGA" winners (coach Johni Tresise) - Scott Webb Oroo 10 Peewee c "Pisani Construction" winniers (coach Moindi(er AnglI) - Mlike Smlith, and Brandon Francey Oronio Bantamn "SoilBonl Homnes' wýinners (coach Ron Dec) -Ryan eult n Scott LoganII Honourable mnltion g0cS o Uiec followiyng peopie hodid not wirl pi es but did a super job in New classes for both adultsand' children will begin on August 3th. For more information on the Masaru Karate Club, contact Rick Jones at 786-2793. by Bey Stacheruk Orono Fair Passports Again this year The Durham Central Agricultural Society will be selling Passports to the fair-in Orono on September 9 - 12.-1 These passports will be available at the Canadian Tire Store. in Bowmianville, at the service desk, the Co-op store and the Apple Blossom Shop in Orono and Flowers Plus in Newcastle. Since their inception three years ago, the price has not zhanged. Adult passports are $15. and Senior/Student passports are $10. They will be v alid for the entire fair but will-be available only until Scptembher 8th. Also available and free of charge is the Fair Prize List Booklet. This bookietlists al of the classes available and the entry fée as well as thc prizes ho bc paid for each class. Classes rua from commercial -livestock ho baking and canning (listed as Culinary Arts) as well as classes for photography, woodworking and much more. These 'booklets are available ah Welcome Feeds, Bowmanville Barber Shop, Newcastle Lumber, Reinstra's Garage, Orono Co-op and Pringles Market plus other pla Ces. Most people wiil find their favorite craft from ncedlecraft ho leathercraft (new this year) listed. AIl that is required to enter is a mcmberciship in the Socicty (a deal at five dollars as it includes two free day passes). Anyone not able to locate a Prize Listh may caîl 987- 4406 or 983-9843 f'or assistance. seling tickets: David Richards, Orono Anigels T-BaIl teamn; Kenny Jacksoni and Jason Trowsc, Ormno NMets T-Balilteamn; Ryan Tresise, Armistronig's IGA Miosquito teami; and Anthony DiBartolomeo, Orono Town Hiall Board Pee.wec teami. Held Emergency Food Drive The Northumberland Fare Share food bank opération was forced to hold an emnergency food drive the last week of July due to inecased use of the two banks, Port Hope and Cobourg. .During a, two and a haîf hour o pening on one day the Port Hope bank provided food for 75 fam- ilies while in Cobourg during the samen period 71 familles visited the bank of which many were new faces. Tourism booming in cottage country Many tourist operators are reporting a booming business this year with full occupancy for July and most of August. Such reports are cominfg frorn the Kawarthas, Rice Lake, Scugog Lake and other areas providing summer accommodation and recreation. The reports point te a resurgence of visitors from the United States and especially Ohio. Operators are reporting occupants being American from 75 percent te 90 percen YMCA. returning funding to Cobourg The YMCA who, operates various programs in Cobourg and receives a Town annual grant that dates back to an agreement in 1980 is this year returning somne of the funding amounting to $1 1,000. The money cornes from operating surpluses of the Y. Cobourg had granted the Y an amount of $156,500_this year. The "Y" in Cobourg has an annual budget of $1 million of which amount 13 percent cornes frorn the Town. Provincial grants received Jenny Carter, M.P.P. Peterborough distributed funding to three municipalities in lier riding recently whiçhi funds were to be used for maintaining of landfill sites. ýSmithi township received $12,500 and South Monaghan $29,250 for hydrogeoiogy'and maintenance . Millbrook received $66,750 to pay for leachate control, an, opeýrational plan and hydro geolooy. Social Contract cause layoffs. Northumberland County has laid off two staff members and the provincial social contract is being blamed for the move. The social contract called for a reduction in payroll costs in an amount of $17ql,000. Served Town for thirty-two years T'le Town of Port Hope presentedl Neil Wakely upon his retiremient as clerk, withi a painting of the. Towýn Hall and a Town Flag. A smaill park south of the Tow,ýn Hall hias also heen namecd after the formier clerk, Wakely Mr. akl ad been clerk- of dic m1unicipality for 32 years. Offer scenie driving tours Two organizat ions in Cobourg and arca arc providing self-guided scenic driving tours in North- umberland County. There are five tours involved along with a walking tour, a boat tour and a short bike tour. The tours take from 10 ho 90 minutes in time and over a large part of the County and lhir indivîdual communities. The CobouÙrg Chamber.,is offering a package that takes a look at a %;ombination of site flot only in Northumberland but in neighbourrng Countiesas well. Information, ah the Cobourg Chamber )f Commerce. Friday cilosing to > sae$50,000 The Health Unit serving Northumberland County will be closing its operation on three Fridays to save a sum of $50,000 to help meet tie conditions of the provincial Social Contract. The closings will be two weeks apart. During the closing only emergency responses will be handled. Lower wages 25 percent Hope Township councillors have reduced their salaries, bv 25 percent for the next three years. The total counicil salaries add up to SEALED TENDERS, for the Contract specified below, submitted to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time- and date. TENDER NW93-31 Construction of Sait Shed CLOSING TIME & DATE 2:00 p.m. <Local Time> Wednesday, August 25,1993 Plans, specifications and tender formrs may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. An Agreement fa Bond and a Bld Deposit in the amount specified in the tender documents must accompany each bld submit ted. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Brkett,,A.M.C.T,(A> Puirchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ext 268 Wednesday, August 11, 1993 P.,2966 $20,000 which brings a savings of $5,000 due to the revision in councillors' salaries. The Township is to eut salaries by $21,000 due to the provincial social contract., Job Market brightenS It has been reportcd that Port Hope and Cobourg have had an increase of 200 new rnanufacturing jobs over the past six months. 0f this number 162 were established in Cobourg and Hamilton Township with 37 in Port Hope. Most of the increase was through existing manufacturing plants. TheCoportin f th ISEALED TENDERS, for the contract specified below, submitted to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiCà 3A6, are invited and wil be received by the Clerk until the specified closing time and date. TENDER NW93-30 Truils Delbert Subdivision -Phase 1 Repair of Deficlencies CLOSING TIME & DATE, 2:00 p.m. (Local Time> Wednesday, August 25,1993 The work for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington under' the direction of the Director of Public. Works, involves the repair of defîcient portions of the Storm sewer system and base roadworks, the completion, as appropriate, of surface asphalt, second stage concrete curb, concrete sîdewalk, sound barrier fencing, boulevard grading and sodding, and general clean-up of debrîs located within the road allowances of Phase 1 of the Trulls-Delbert Subdivision located on the east side of truils approximately 760m north of Highway # 2 in Courtice. Referred to as, Plans 40M- 1684 and 40M-1 685. Plans, specifications and tender forms may be obtained office of G.M. Semnas and Associates Ltd., 110 Scotia Court, Unit .41, Whitby, Ontario, LiN 8Y7, for a $40'.00 (including G.S.T.) non- refundable fee payable f0 the Consultants. An Agreement tu Bond 'and a bid deposit in the amount specified in the tender documents must accompany each bld submitted. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, A.M.C.T.(A> Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 268 G.M. Semas and Associates Ltd. 110o Scotia Court, Unit 41 .Whitby, Ontario LlN 8Y7 Date of Publication. Wednesday, August 11, 1993