Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 11, 1993 -7 The Oshawa Rebel Truck Club sponsored, the First Annual Central Ontario Truck Nationals over the past week-end, Friday, through Sunday, at the Orono Fairgrounds. The event featured dustorn Pick-up.trucks as well as 4x4s te Highway Tractors. There was an indoor and outdoor fiee market aleng with rnusic and camping over the three-day period. The program included a show and shine competition along with a Poker Run and gamnes and contests. The abeve Kenworth Trucks were but one cf the displays at the event. With the exception of Sunday attendance cf spectators and entries in the events were iess than had been anticipated. ' Soke fifteen took the eppertunity te camp on the grounds during the week-end. Kendal Himal l Nei Midst the parades and celebrations-held by the Orange Lodges in the summer, the Membens of the Kendal Lodges manage te have othen fun activities. as weil. On Sunday, Juiy l8th, the pîcnic for the Junior Orange Lodge was hield at Orono Park. On Suntlay, July 25th Kendai Orange Lodge chailenged Purpie Hill Orange Lodge te a Charity Lobb Bail game. With the winners giving the moncy te a charity of their choice. Purpie Hill won the game 19-9 with the winning pîtcher being Bro. Roland Lloyd. Highiight of the game was when Bro. Dean Po liey (Tinlin), ca me into pitch for Kendai and waiked 2 batters'on 8 straight pitches, "yea Dean"! After the game players and spectators retunned te the hall for light refneshments and a tîme cf feilowship. Fifty dollars was raised for the Kidney Founidation, and a good time was had by ail. 1This ceoming Thursday the Ladies Lodge wili be holding an informai meeting on their regular meeting niglit, Thursday, August 12th. There wil bc ne Black Parade in the area this August, but plans are underway te hold thc parade in E-va Ni chols returns to Clarke as Acting Principal Through other shuffling of staff the present Co-openative and Alternative Education Officen, Eva Nichols, wili be- corne acting Principal at Clarke High School, repiacing the current principal, Hugh Hubbs, who is retiring. Eva Nichols has been a teachcr at Clarke and as weil head of the Co-eperative pnogram eout of Clarke High School. Orono in 1994. Watch for the Ledî booth at the fair this year. get a bite te eat and say h Like Most ci organizatiens we ne support, te help others. 5 the Fair. Social 11 Contract (Contin ued from pal agreements has beer between ail gnoups municipality. He said ne ene wiii days off and there are effs. He said ail moniE thnough the agreemnents no money te reach thei sum have been tak< reserves or from capita programrs. He said the coursei the rnunicipality and thc involved was the ieast; ail parties. CUPE and the mun reached agneemnen ts as t( lunch time for outsidei evertime at straight tirr for outside workers; lir cf temperary workers,u and allowances waived, rate rcduced and unpaid leaves if required.', Non-Affiliated en and the municipalit NewtonvÎlle Euchre resuits Newtonviile euchre resuits were: high scores Audrey Grieve, Reg Elliott, Doris Jo11, Bernice Soper, Dorothy Stubbings and Bill Graham. Draw winners Hilda Casweli, Jean O'Neill, Nettie Gordon and Myrtie Alidred. Next card party will be held on August 2th. ORON - BECKERS STUTS PHARMACY DULEES NEWCASTLE VILLAGE GUARDIAN DRUGS MIKE'S PLACE G RUFFIES NEWTONVILLE NEWTONVILLE CONVENIENCE PLUS S greed te straight time for over time or equivaient time-in-lieu, aliowances waived, limited use ge'sfood of temperary workers, mileage r.' Stooad rate reduced, menit increases hello. waived and agaîn unpaid leave haiabl if required. eed your As for firefighters uniforms Sec you at will only be purchased ýif needed, Fine Coliege allowances P. Lowe ry and attendance fees waived, mileage and cleaning ________allowances waived, overtime for the first two shifts (24 heurs> will be straight time and unpaid leave if necessary. Library employee have age 1) agreed to overtime at stnaight a signed time, limited use of temporary at the employees, mileage reduction and unpaid leave if required. suffen 12 In ail agreements Ihere is te -ne iay- be ne ineceases' made te wages, .es corne salaries or pnemiums for the and that period, commencing JanuarY 1, re quired 1993 te March 31 st, 1996. Wage en fremn progressions may be penmitted ýa works in accordance with the normal pnocess under the provisions of taken by the established salary grid. ie gnoups It has been agreed through al painfui te the agreements, that any employee that should be ricipality reieased from empioyrnent may to unpaid have acces s te public secter job werkens; security fuind as provided,-in the ne except Social Contract. ited use The Chief Administrative uniforms Off icer said lie w-ae well pleased ýmileage with the local outcome of leave or negotiations and the ce- operation that existed between npoyees ail those involved in the ty have negotiations. 116 KING ST. E, BOWMANVILLE 1.(corner of King & Scugog) 623-0005 SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements listed below, submitted to the Corporation - of the Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, are invited and wiIl be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing lime and date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Off ice at the above address. TENDER NW93-29 One (1) Only 1050 IGPM Pumper CLOSING TIME & DATE 2:00 p.m. <Local Time) Wednesday, August 18,1993 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, A.M.C.T. (A) Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 268 Date of Publication. Wednesday, August 11, 1993 TENDE SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements listed below, submitted to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville,- Ontario, LiC 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Off ice at the above address. TENDER NW93-32 One (1) Onily Motor Grader CLOSING TIME & DATE 2:00 p.m. (Local Time) T hursday, August 26, 1993 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Brkett, A.M.C.T.(A> Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: <416) 623-3379 ext. 268 Date of Publication. Wednesday, August 11, 1993 P.O. 2969 THE CATERING CONNECTION -~ Qur Specîality FamiIy Style Roast Beet Dinner ,Weddings -Aniniversaries - Business Functions H ockey- Basebal Bowling Banquets HOT - COU) - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSIIERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB iMO 983-9679 REFLEXOLOGY A natura1 healing art which Reduces Stress - Releases Tension eImproves Circulation e Revitalizes Energy Sandra Topper, Certified Reflexologist 983-8162 Therapeutic Touch also available Vitamins and Nutritionai Supplernents BY APPOINIMENT ONLY C LIP THIS AU) AND SAVE $5.00 ON 1ST TREATMENT PICK UP A PEN.. and jot this down: Durham College Continuous Learning Calendar available- and registration begins Monday, August 16. For information and to obtain a free ca[endar cal: 721-3052 or to11 free 1-800-461-1306. To register ca[l: 721-3000 or-t011 free 1-800-461-3260. August 26th watch for 'ELIZABETH'S BIRTHDAY and many more 1 specials. 0 loi 1