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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Aug 1993, p. 10

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10 - Oron WeeklyTie sWdeaAust8,19 The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM WeMake Evey Oldier Special« Main Street, Orono 983-915 We Deliver Newtonville, Pontypool, Oshawa L and Places ln-Between "Hagir With Flair" For L ADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric- Ltd. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs- HI Fis Sales and Service Hotpoint RCA White Westinghouse Frigidaire -W\hirlpoo-l Wood's Freezers Magic Chefl Hoover 983-5108 Barina - Ho me Check Vaca tion Home Cftecking Let us make your homne look lived in Wedding Day Gift Sitting Reliable References -BONDED Balb Shef er-Ina Cox NEWTON VILLE (416) 786-2996 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THE RAPY CLINIC 5 George Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-150 Betty Lyceit 983-590e Wlda Middteton, GRUNDY'S Country Upholstory Quality Work ln Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy 0rý MacGregor Auctions ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES, HOUSEIIOLD EFFECTS & BOAT SUNDAY, AUGUST 22ND 11:00 a.m. (10:00 viewing) Agriculture Building OÉ'ono Fairgrounds 'Mis Sundays auction features our usual selection of antique furnîture dressers and chests of drawers; old cupboards; misc. chairs & rockers; misc. tables (parlour, kitchen, occasional, etc.); a quality selection of rare and unique collectables; misc. pieces of glass and china; Limited Edition and Decoratîve art work; old coins; Berkley meat sli'cer and 14 ft. aluminum boat, trailer, 9.9 Yamaha, Eagle fish finder and accessories. This is only a smail portion of this large sale which features articles from the past to the present with something for everyone. Corne ont and enjoy a Sunda y at the Auctîon . CALL FOR ALL YOIJR AUCTON NEEDS. Nexi Auction Sunday, Augusi 29 MacGREGOR AUCTIONS Mike MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 REFERECES AVILAaL B uîiding Suppimes and Hardware Barn Steel - Sikkens Stain, - Hemlock tor Fenoes and Staîls 1 -A Contre lot A# Vaut Building Needs- (705) 277-3381 or (416) 434-6665 evenîngs) ON HWO. 352 MILES NORTH OF HW.15 Ma cGREGOR Auction Service ESTATES. CONSIGNMENTS, HOUSEHOLDS BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS SoId atyour location or at ours STORAGE & TRUC KING CalI for a Free Confidentini Consultation M. MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 FARM AUCTION SATURDAY, AUGUST 2lst 1:00 p.m. Selling the farmn machinery and equipment of Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Foerst-er, R.R. 2, Port Hope (Lot 3,0, Conc. ý5, H-amilton Twp.). 4mile northi on Hwy. 28 to Corte. 6 and 1-1 1/2 miles east to Old Bethal Grove Church and 1/4 mile n orth (watch for signs). J.D. 2140 diesel tractor with JD 145 loader and hay grapple (one owner 3600 hrs,); Dunham il fi. pull disc; M.F. 33 seed drill with grass box; Turnco 225 gravity wagon; Pittsburg 3 pth cultivator; round bale carrier (3 pth); AC- SPI100 combine with W-45 gas engine (cracked block); Kelso. sprayer (100 - 3 pth); Hustler Forage blower (56 in.); Patz 98A silo unloader (20 ft. diameter); Teagle cernent mixer (3 pth); Bear Cat hammrer miii (10 in. PTO); Sure Weigh catle scale (1-112 ton on rubber); Western caîf puller (1/2 ton>; Lincoln 225 electric welder; acetylene torches gauges and cart;, Speecdaire 2 hp. compressor (Portable); Columbus electric chain hoist (1/2 ton); Gorilla drill press (1/3 hp.); gas powered roof hoist; CTC 5 hp. rototiller; wood splitter (3 pth.); Honden 36 in. metal lathe with 2 hp Leeson Motor and accessories; metal cut off saw (64 in. blade); B&D 3/4 hp. grinder; Skil 7 in. disc grinder; 1/2 in. boît cutters; Busy Bee 16 in. band saw (1- 1/2 hp.); Busy Bee 6 in./10 in. belt dise sander (3/4 hp); Busy Bee 16 in. planer (8 in., thickness 2 hp. - 220); bench battery charger; easy wringer washer; 36 ft. alumînum ladder; hardware; etc. Farm Sold - Owners Retired, Excellent Tractor and Equipment. NOTE: Owner or Auctioneers Not Responsible For Any Loss, Injury or Damage in Connection With This Auction. TERMS: Cash or Good Cheque with L. AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton - 786-2244 t 5,ac Upcoming late Summer and Fail Events at Clarke Museum The Great Ganaraska Countryside Adventure The largest rural farm and garden tour ever presented in Ontario will take place August 28th and 29th. There are 65 farms, gardens' and 'point s of historical interest. Along the way there will be food, music, art and demnonstrations. Also, don't forget about the scarecrow contest. Watch for themn along the route and vote for your fav ou rite! Tickets are available now at the 'Clarke Museum. Aduits $10., chîldren $5. Second Hand Book Sale and Community Trunk Sale Our faîl sale of boo ks will take place on September 25 for one day only! Hardbacks are 25 cents or five for a loonie, paperbacks are just 10 cents each. Magazines from, the 1920's, 30O's, 40O's and .50's. Thousands.of books to chose from on every topic, theme, or subject. Don't miss this huge sale of used books. If you have books to donate to the sale, drop them off at the Mruseum anytimeduring regular public hours, Tuesday - Friday frorn 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday frorn il arn. - 4 p.rn.,Books on any topie are appreciated but, we need to restock our supply of westerns, mysteries a nd fiction. On the same day, the Mnuseum will be hostingits first Comrnunity Trunk Sale. Always wanted to have a yard sale but, don't have a yard? Do you have some unique junk or household treasures you want to get rid of but don't want to just toss them out? Why flot corne to the museum and make a profit for a days work! For a fee of just $10 - per car load or $15 per tru ck or van, you can brîng your stuff to the Museum and seIl it during the book sale. Everythiýng you make . .. YOU KEEP! Pre-registration and the féee payment in advance is required. There will be no registrations accepteti on the day of the sale. The ,fée is non-refundable but, you will receive an income -tax receipt for thc full amount. There is no limit to what you bring but the fee applies to each vehicle you bring onto the site. For example, one car load . . . $10; two car loads . .1 . $20 etc. The museum's rain date policy is in effect fo r this event, but we don't cancel unless we see the ark go by. If me do cancel the sale, will be held the next day. At our last sale, even Witth a little ramn, over 450 people came out so we can uuaranteeý you an audience for your stuff. AUl you have to do is sell! To register, drop by the musetim between 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tuesday - Sunciay. For information caîl 98£-9243. (ai proceeds from the books sale and trunk - sale regîstrations go towards the r econstruction of the Cathcart Blacks mith-Shop on the museuni grounds this -October). Milestones in 19th Century Life A Special Ontario Historical 'Society Workshop This one day workshop which will take plac e on October 23 from 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.,, is co-hosted by the Clarke Museum and funded through a grant by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation for' the Province of Ontario. Join your hiosts, noted Historian Joyce Lewis and Curator Mark Jackman, as they, together with their special guest,-take you on a fun filled romp through the customns, traditions, superstitions and practices surrounding birth, marriage, religion and, deatth in the victorian, age. This workshop bas been presen 'ted ahl over Ontario over the past five'years to sold out audiences. Th is will be' Milestones first presentation in this area. Pre-registration is required. Caîl the Museum for more details or to reserve aspot. Harvest Halloween Corne to the Museum for a, very special treat, on October 3lst from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. On the museum site in the 1830's-40's,, the original owners of theland, the Powers famnily, hosted a late harvest community gathering at the end of October. A 'last chance' for the area families wo gather before the severe winter would isolate them, they held pumpkin becs, contesis, a harvest dinner and dance. Today, we have revived this Kîrby tradition and included a celebration of Hallowe!en, the last of our great pagan festivals to survive in the 2Oth century. Visitors can explore the history of this fun day, tracing its origin back th e ancient Celts and their Druid priests. There will be games and contests for the kids and adults. Feats of strength to test everyone!s skills. Costumes, a special exhibition, pumpkin carving, pumpkin drying demonstrations, scarecrows, refreshments and more! Don't miss this family fun da!Regular admission applies. For information, registration for any of the above levents, please cal 416-983-9243 ,Tuesday through Sunday. Or drop by The museum is located at 7086 Old Kirby School road, Hwy. 35/115, at Regional Road 9, Kirby, Ont. (Municipality of Clarington). The Clarke Museum and Archives wishes to express its appreciation to the following for their generous financial support - Municipality of Clarington, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation, Ontario, Our Members and Donors. CROSS -CANADA MARKETPLC T s FAs--ITS EASY' ONE CALL, ONE 4IIL OQES IT lL PERSODNALS PEN PALS rom 40 counis;es. Fniendslvp / Love 1 'Contacts. cortespondence lti.P.O. Box 10810, Edmonton, AB, T5J 2M2. WOULO YOU LIKE te ore spond vilh onaitaacddchristian'peopie across Canada for companionshîp or marnage? 5 A.O E. ree inormation. Sixte vga Asirgrove. P.C. Box 205, Chase, B.c., VOE1tMO, THINK MORE CLEARLY corneot of tire iog ni Orogs and Envronmeniai Ixeros. Rend Clear Body, Clear Mine.150 Rdeau St. 2nd Pinor. Ottawa. (613) 230-6ÏI5I. FLEA MARtKETS CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET EPECIAL FREE nutdonr oending. Wanted. Parmers Market and Vendors Ope Satorday, Sunday to-5. 1t,00o so.tit dxx, spacnto sereuo. ccii (613) 752- 2468. ADOPTION PREGNANT, ADOPTION An Option? Gîve yoor baby a lovin4 home and secure future wîth mer, led couple whu wxuld love pour baby ccii coxlect anytime (416) 731-4902. HEALTH I MEDICAL NATIONAL AUTO LEAOUE 38 years in Business promides HEALTH PAîT for any trps op oe 18ÔOAr'5. SINGLE & FAMILY RATES onde, cge 73. $t million coverage - IRECT CLAIM PAYMENT from $49 txoSt1440 CALL t 000 265ý 1657...SALES AGENTS iN VOUR AREA NÉE6OED VACATION ITRAVEL MYRTLE BEACH RES;ORT Vacation hentaîs Pully trnîshed condos. Pools, tennis and more' Golf packages/ mnter tentais available. rail rates Iroro $32V/meeb PREE BROCHURE. 1-600-448. 5653. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND memberohip or timcsharn't Weil take i! Americas largeot resale clearînghoxse. Cxli Roson Sales International. 1t 800-423-5967 (24 hourol BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE RIGHT COMPANY, 1th.ight rîgbt rmarkreting plan. Maire yoor lînanciai dreamo a reulity, Ortrîbutorohipo avaîlable. Training pr ,1ded lutdapI >19> 752- 0998 Sx-mr 6 8pnr EXTRA INCOME! Grom haîtronîmoio Yb., basement or garage. Odoriess oporatixn. Low inveorment: Market goarunteedi Free intormatîio Eariy Bird Ecxixgy. R.R . Brnîmtbsi.Ontario. LOA 2AO. (416) 643-4252. c', HECK 0F A OECK Otters: 1- învestment excellent returos - hsme-bcsed ground finor oppounity -protested terrtores - lerrîlîx training - branded producto & services. Dealer inguiries. 1-800-461-3651. HELP WANTEO TIREDO0F BEING UNEMPLOYEOl Why nxt workirn beautîful Hualibunton Hî1hiands ai Wîgamxg Inn. Wcît and Bar Stafregared to st Septeniber t, t993. (705) 457-200 -CAREER TRAINING LSARN AUCTIONEERING aftEe Soutircestero School of Auctioneering. Nex Cias Noocrober 20-26. ltoformatio, contact: Soutircostern On tarix Sohool of Autioneerîng. R.R.65. Woodstocir. Ontario N4S 7V9. (5t19) 537-2115. EARN A LIVING PREPARING-TAS RETURNS, Baseanad Computer Courses by seff-study. Free brochure. Cal] 1-600-563-EARN, Pro (204) 254- 6172; Writa lJacks Institute. 002-t167 Lombard Avenue. Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3IB OWt. EARN EXTRA IMONEY. Incoma Tuo or Boobireepiog corses by correspondence. ree Brochures. No obligation. h & R Tex Services Ltd, 1345 Pembîna Horyr, Winnpeg, Manitoba, R3T 2B6.1-800-660-5144. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ARE YOU BETWEEN the ages of 18-30? En,oy travelling and lerm flie? Contact tire International Agrîcoltorai Exchange Association,' 1501-17 Aenue 5 W, CagayAberta, T2T E2. t-800- 263-1627. STEEL BUILDINGS, BEOT BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitrocil Type - not quooset- 32x54 $7.744. 40x72 $11.690; 00090 $16,622; 500120 $25.375 -other sizes uvaîlahie- Final Sommer clearance - Patagon - 24 Hoors t-800-263-8499. MUST SELL: b Ail Steel Buildings. Go Pactxry Oirect On t o x40% DISCOUNTS. Many sîzes. Fal/Spring delioery Ideal for ail oses. PIONEER 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS. A cheap Biding oltero no ilooîbîlîty, may even cool more mxvey. The ansmer 1cr Oxalîty. lntegrity & Service - FUTURE STEEL. Thoosandsofvipeople cao? ha mwrong, Cati t-800-68-0053. Yxuracoudapeinîcomnranityrrewspapers in Ontario, or rightacrogs Canada. or any îndeîdaf rovnce Spce s Limted, .. Cali Thîs Newpaper 7Tndayr JON STORY Ul; SCOTSTORY 'q~;tittl)cUI 416-983-5491 SERVICIES L AN D SCA PIN G INSTALLATION - GROUINDS MAINTENANCE' *SEEDING \SODDING -CONSULTING (Authorized WeaiI & Culien Contractors)

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