4-Orono Wekly T-Ime; Wednesday, August 18, 1993 "lWelcome back" Coach O'Neil After five weeks of holidays, coacb O'Neill came back to assist Coacb West of the Novice Girls # 1 team. Things had been goîng great witb lots of wins and now 1 think to much hoiidaying. Everyone is finisbed tbeir holidays and back on the field but only in body flot mind. Hits for Orono were far and few between at Orono Park on August the l2th when tbey were defeated by the Courtice Blue Jay's 24-3. Amy Walton had a good night at bat with a single and a first time double. Asbley Bickell earned a nice triple on a well bit bail. Heaffher Bangay, Terina West and Jennifer Hendersoin al bit a single. Better luck next game. Donut Gallery Bantams execute perfect run down Shelley Etmanskie was credited with the most points in the flower and vegetabie show sponsored by the local Horticultural Society and staged last Thursday evening. As the top exhibitor for the Mrs. Etmanskiedisplays her show Mrs. Etmnanskie is the trophy with Doreen Lowery and winner of the Canadian Imperial a former winner of the award Bank of Commerce Award. some years ago, Isabel Challice. Excelent showing of flowers anmd The Orono Horticuitu ral Summer Flower and Vegetable Show was held on Thursday, August 12, in the main hall of, the Orono United Cburch. We did exceptionaily well with our flowers and the vegetables-were up a littie from last year. Our President opened the Show with O'Canada, with Doreen Lowery at the piano. Shelley read a lovely poemn and wcecomed ail to the show especiaily guests from White Vale, and Lorna Atkins aunt from EngIand. Flo Sharpe was called on to give the Secretary report and Adele McGill the Treasurers report. Shelley then introduced our guest speaker Anna Mutton of Port. Hope, whose topie was on1 bow to work with "Dried Flowers". She had just picked some weeds along the roadside and made themn into wedding bouquets. She demonstrated bow to make 'a w reath and Aif Pigott tried his hand at it. So you may bave a new business in town. Isabelle Challice thanked the guest speaker for a delightful presentation. Doreen Lowery was called on to give the Show Report, which is to follow. We'd like to thank Mostert Greenhouse for the lovely roses wbich were given away as door prizes along with some vegetables as prizes. The lunch committee for the cvening were Carol Mostert, Hazel Pigott, Dini Schoenmaker and \ýera Staples, and served fruit, b read and cheese. Thank you ladies it was lovely. Shelley cl osed th~e meeting with the singing of' Tbe Queen. Thecre were nineteen exhibitors and two hundred and thirty entries. Mrs. Marilyn Curson of Port Hope was the judge for the show. Speciïal prizes were as follows: Best Rose in Show - donated by Donna Hutton was Mary Tamiblyn Best Dahlia - donated by Cornie Dciong - Carlos Tamiblyn vegetables Best Giadioli - donated by Mrs. Nellie Baird - Joseph Toth Best Arrangement - donated by J&D Evergreen - Minnie Zegers Judge's Choice - other than decorative - doniated by Nellie Baird - Carol Mostert (green beans) Most points in Specimen Cut Flowers - donated by Mr. & Mrs. Ed Milîson - Shelley Etmanskie Most points in Vegetable donated by Mrs. Eileen Biilings- Carol Mostert Most Points in Decorative Section - donated by Apple Blossomn Shop - Minnie Zegers Most Points in Entire Show - donated by CIBC - Shelley Etmanskie Most Points (flot eligible fer CIBC) - donated by Orono Hiorticultural - Mrs. Isabelle Challice with 56-1/2 points Best Annual in Show - doniated by Isabelle Challice - Carol Mos tert As the CIBC Award can only be won every fourth year, we bad to go to the se cond runner up as both Isabelle and'Carol hiad won within the iast four years. Show Results: Section A - Flow-ers Asters - 1) Shelley tmanskie; 2) Carol Mostcrt; 3) Doreeni Lowery Asters, 5 bloomns; - 1) Carol Mostert, 2) Isabelle Challicc, 3) Shelley Etnanskic Marigolds, 3 bloomns, undcr 2" - 1) Cor Mostert, 2) Carol Mostert, 3) Al Pigott, 4) Shelley Etmnanskie Marigolds, 5 blooms, over 2" - 1) Shelley Etmanskie, 2) Isabelle Challice Bowl of Petunias, mixed - 1) Eleanort Terrill, 2) Mary Tamnblyn Petunias, double - 1) Isabelle Challice, 2) Shelley Etmanskie, 3) Eleanor TerriIli Zinnias, large - 1) Shclley Etmaskic 2)Isabelle Challice Zinnias, Pon Pomi - 1) Isabelle Cijce, 2) Shielley Etianskie; 3) OrvilleC hallice Snap Dragon 1)Doreen LoweiY, 2) Shelley Etmanskie Cosmos, 3 stems - 1) Shelley Etmanskie, 2) Joseph Toth, 3) Loma Atkins, 4) Eleanor Terrili Any other annual not lîsted - 1) Isabelle Challice, 2) Carol Mostert, 3) Minnie Zegers, 4) Eleanor Terrili Salvia, 3 spikes - 1) Shelley Etmanskie, 2) Lorna Atkinis Collection of Annuais - 1) Carol Mostert, 2) Isabelle Cliallice, 3) Lorna Atkins, 4) Shelley Etmanskie Tuberous Begonia, 3 blooms in low container - 1) Hazel Pigott, 2) Minnie Zegecrs, 3) Doreen Lowery Any other annual - A) Small - 1) Minnie Zegers, 2) Carol Mostert, 3) Shelley Etmnanskie B) Medliumn - 1) Minnie Zegers, 2) Carol Mostert. 3) Lorna Atkins C) Large - 1) Carol Mostert, 2) Shelley Etmnanskie, 3) Minnie Zegers Red Rose, single bloomn - 1) Carol Mostert, 2) Lorna Atkins, 3) Shelley Etmanskie Rose, suitabie to variety - 1) Hazel Pigott, 2) Carol Mostert, 3) Aif Pigott, 4) Lorna Atkins Rose, any one bloomn, floating in glass bowl - 1) Mary Tamibtyn, 2) Carol Miostert, 3) Shelley Etmianskie, 4) Isabelle Chiailice Dahlia, cactus - 1) Mary Tamnblyni, 2) Carl Tam-blyn Dahlia, decorative - 1)l Carl Tamblyni, 2) AUl Pigott, 3) Mary Tamblyn Dahilia, bail typc - 1) Carl Tamblyn, 2) Orville Chiallice, 3) Isabelle Challice Gladiolus, miniature - 1) linez Harris, 2) Lorna Atkins, 3) Isabelle Challice Gladiolus, rcd - 1) Lorna Atkins, 2) Isabelle Challice Gladiolus, yellow - 1) Lorna Atkins, 2) John Budd, 3) Joseph Toth, Gladiolus, pink - 1) Josepbi Toth Gladiolus, wbite - 1) Lorna Atkins, 2) Inez Harris, 3) Isabelle Challice Gladiolus, bi-colour - 1) Lorna Atkins, 2) Shelley Etmnanskie, 3) Isabelle Challicc, 4) liiez Harris Gladiolus, 3 mnixed - 1) Lornia Atkins, 2) Joseph Toti, 3) Isabelle (Continued page 5) On August l2th (Orono 1) the Donut Gallery teamn faced Orono II, and again our pitchers took the mound, Brett Maartense went for 3 innings only allowing 3 runs and recording 4 strikeouts. Tomas Wakefield went the iast 4 innings shutting out the Orono 11, squad, and struck out 7 batters. The Donut Gallery Bantams won the game 7-3. "The Major Highiight" of the Oshawa City workers refuse Social Contract, Both outside and inside civic workers for the City of Oshawa refused to becomne involved in agreement on the Social Contract plan as offered by the Ontario governmrrent. t bas beeii stated that workers understood that it could cost them more not to support the bill but tbey were willing to pay tbe price. Botb the outside and inside workers are now forced to go the route of the Provinces cutbacks. MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE À. Â623-0331 PINE RIDGE giffI NSURANCE gamne was whien the pitcher, Tomas, caugbt the runner taking off for second, he tbrew to first baseman Brett Maartease who quickiy tbrew over to second baseman Corey Stapleton who put the tag on the runner witb time to spare, executing a picture perfect run down play. To date our record stands at 9- 3-1. Our next game is at Orono Park at 6 p.m August l9tb, hope to sec you tbere. The team would also ike to thank our friends at the Donut Gallery, especially Nick! Tbanks Again!! C.S. (Team Representative) ORONO FIGURE SKATING CLUB REGISTRATION August 25 and Sept. 15 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. at Orona Arena Junior Faee<2 hrs./wk.> $1 92.00 intermediate (4 days/wk.) $357 Senior (5 days/wk.> $431 Fees include CFSA, EOS Partial Senior and Intermediate Memberships subject to availability. Non OFSC members subject to $25-00 fuindraising fee. 60% due at registration plus, postdated cheque (Dec. lst) for balance. $1 5.00 late registration fee. Orono Minor Hockey' Registration 1993194- FEATURING: House League BRHL Teams OMHA Rep. Teams REGISTRATION DATES: W,%ednesday, August l8th 7:00 p.m. -<9:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 25th 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (SKATE & EQUIPMIENT EXCHANGE WILL BE HELD ON AUGUST 25TH) PLACE: Orono Arena Mite (Instructionai Hockey)1 hr .................................. -$80. Tyke, Novice Atomi, Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget..............$210 ORIMA Rep. Teamns-......................................... .. ..$250. NOTE: Tyke to Midget House League will have split ice practice. Registration Fee to be paid in full by cash or by cheque, post dated for September 15, 1993 - Family Pass and Teamn Photo included in Fëe - No Rebate on Registration Fce aftcr December 1, 1993 (except due to injury or mnoving ont of area) - No Rcbate for any reason aftcr January 1, 1994 - No Gates on House League games ORONO AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION