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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Aug 1993, p. 7

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(Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Augu~t 11993 - 7j Join forces to assist Helping Hands food drive The Bowmianvilie Zoo and Sharon Isles of Helping Hands have joined forces in a week-iong food drive te assist residents of Ceurtice, Oshawa, Bowmanviiie, and Oreno areas. The food drive will run the week of August 23 te 29. Ahl area resîdents can make non-perishable food item donations te the food drive at the Bowmanville Zoo ticket gates. With each donation, one child wil be admitted free te the Zoo. Corporate donations te the food drive are aise welce me. Zoo heurs are lOam te 6pm daily. Bowmnanviile Zoo and Heiping Hands are looking forward to seeing you at the zoo and thank you in advance for your assistance in mnaking this food drive a success. Use the Classified Section 983-5301 by Helen MacDonald , pottery instruction, which, "The Visuat Arts Centre in included the'rmaking of masks Bowmanville has been and statuettes, as well as conducting weekiy Art additionai instruction in Workshops ail through the sketching, collage-making and suimmer. These creativc artists other crafts. The proud artists are: recently coipleted a week of (Back row) Candace McClelland, Clarington CLG -Up date by John Veldhuis The Clarington Community Liaison Group at a recent meeting, sclected John Veldhuis for an additional twe year term as Chairman of the Ciarington Community Liaison Greup. The Chairman made a full report of the activities of the first year and was reinstated as Chairman for an additional two years by the Members of the Clarington Community Liaison Group. The Chairmnan stated much, has been accomplished, much more needs te be done, but some interesting and exciting parts of the program are now compieted. The first year end report is available te anyene who wishes te pick up a cepy from the office. We also have available, copies of the Public Needs Assessment which is a survey of the cencerns and questions of sixty of the residents of the Municipality of Claringten that were intervîewed by a trained group of interviewers. This information wiil ge a long way in helping us reach better communication methods and it told us that you, the readers, appreciate these periodic updates that we place in the newspaper. We will continue te de so, we will continue te keep you informed. We are working on two additional reports which shouid be available seon. One is a report indicating why the material cannet stay in its present condition in Port Granby. A second report is caled Clean-up Criteria which establîshes both numbers for background, the desired numbers for dlean-up and the volume of material that needs te be remeved. Althoughwe have a rnuch better idea of what is in the Port Granby Waste Management Site, we have- discovered that we need additional material in seiected areas. Thcrc were some surprises, the materials, arsenic espccially, has moved, much further down than first anticipated. We are aiso very pieased te be able te confirm that the materiai- did net move iateraliy off site. The materiai is ail confined te the site and did net move east, west or north of the presenit site. We aise, of course realize that some of it did move seuth, which is th e prevailing direction of the water flow and this water flow has carrieci with it certain of the. contaminants and we had already seen evidence of this through visual inspections. All of these reports are available upon request and some of you readers have in-fact asked for and have received some of these specîfic reports. They are al free ofcharge, we simpiy need te know which one you want and. how many copies you wouid iike. We do net wish te send eut al of the reports te every citizen in the Municipality of Clarington because for some people that would bc just junk mail and you have indicated te us that is net what you want. But for the people who are concerned or înteres ted in the precess, the reports are available just for the asking. We are now ready to move ahead with the Remedial Action Plan, aise know as the "Dig Up and Move Plan". in this work which sheuld take a year, we will look at all the engineering methods available te us and find eut the answers te the questions that have been plaguîng se many of you. Can the material be safely removed off site, without contaminating the neighbourhoed? We are confident that answers will be availabie in the affirmative, but we want te investigate this whole process in much more detail. To do this, a second subcommittee will be set up te look at these questions and we wil keep you informed as te our progress. F or those people who would lîke te get some independent information, we do have a name cf a person who hias some e(xperience' in this fi,ý!d and we will be giad te give1 that te you and ask, you te contact that persondirectly or Kyle MacDonald, Instructor Barbara Kimbaîl from Oshawa, Tabitha Eaton, and Jane Latimner. (Front row) Mara Berzins, Garrett M4acDonald, Erik1 Berzins. The VAC is stili taking registrations for "Celebrate Crafts of the World"', and "Creative Constructions", phone: 623-5831. Book' Review from Crystal Pages THE HAUNTED SISTERS - This is historical fiction, no fewer than twenty-two books being listed in -the b ibli ographiy, and one has the feeling, upon reading it, that events actually did occur in close approximation te the text. A very interesting topic, the time of William and Mary, in which the young princess, forced te marry a very disagreeable but important warrior in Holland, came te love and honour this man. Home they came te England, usurping her father's throne, anid the story gees on fromthere. Mary and her sister Anne were at loggerheads for most of their lives, and neither seemed able te produce a child who couid sustain life for very long. The court intriguers were very powerful . But still,' one cari see that the British system of.justice honed its values and buiit many of its considerable strengths from living through such times as these. Pan Books - Recycled Cobourg gets library funds The Cobourg library board have been informed that they will receives $1 million from the province fer a necv $3 million main library in the Town. Hamilton Township who was te provide a further $300,000 for the project are now showing semee reluctance in their support. Many resicisnts from the Township make use of the Cobourg library., The $1 million from the province comnes fromn the recentiy devised $300 million jobsOntario Community Initiatives program. through our CLO. If you know of anyone with expertise in this area, we aise like te know se that we can contact that pcrson and add them teou list of experts. Michael Spooner and Sheila St ephens Spooner ROSE * ARB OR -ANTIQUES EARLY CANADIAN PINE - 011. LAMS QUILTS OPEN APRIL TO DECEMBER HOURS: Saturday, Sunday and Holidays - 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ALSO BY APPOINTMENT OR BY CHANCE (416) 983-9091 6179 Andrews Rd. 4.8 km. east of Hwy. 115/35 R.R. 1, Kendal, Ont. LOA IEO on Clarke 6th Con. : REFLEXOLOGY A natural healing art which eReduces Stress - Releases Tension oimproves Circulation * Revitalizes Energy For more informnation caUl Sandra Topper, Certified Reflexologist PICK UP A PEN.. and' jot this down: Durham College Continueus Learning Caiendar avaitabte and registration begins Monday, August 16. For information and to obtain a f ree catendar cati: 721-3052 or toit free 1-800-461-1306. To register cati: 721-3000 or toi! free 1-800-461-3260. WARNUNG! THIS AD MAY MAKE YOU UNHAPPY' WITH VOUR PRESENT AUTO INSURANCE RECOMMENDED COVERAGE FOR CAREF-UL DRIVERS! . 91/92 medium size - $250 deductibte collision * 1 milliion iability . $510 deductible comprehensive * Accident benefits - Family protection endorsement * Loss of use/reniai vehicle NOTE: Carefut Drivers Over Age 25 -With Preferred Driving Records May Qualify, this Rate Aise includes Limited Driving To Work. Two car policies may qualify for additional discounts. SEMIANNUAL PREMIUM (Including Tax) $425.25 * 62 3-0331 PINE RIDGE INSURA&NCE 3 Silver Street, Bowmanvîlle Estabilshed 1978 Oshawa - 436-6239 1

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