Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Auus2193- ¶,n TÙuCl"wxithiDUhfm "In Touch1 with you The Canadian summer, unfortunately, is not of a long duration. In fact it is bard to believe that in a matter of weeks the kids will be dragging their heels back into the classroom for another year of schol'astîc enrichment. There is no natural explanation as to why summer-days fly by, despite the longer sunlight hours. It is just another curious natural phenomenon. > But what is summer w ithout the smell of a wet tent, a damp, sleeping bag, the kinks that come froni sleeping on the ground, and gooey, toasty marshmallows. Aaaah, yes. Camping! Camping, like the IGA, is a great Canadian tradition. And, with the recession that has hit everyone s pocketbook with a fair whap, this summer pasttime is 'making a huge comneback. There can hardly be a vacation as easy and relaxing as camping. I'reparation for the trip is minimal. No reservations, unless you anticipate you-,will be spending your time at Ontanio's, most popular spots. You can't be bumped from a flight. No delays, except in traffic. AlI you need is your tent, your sleeping bag, matches, hot dogs,- marshmallows, and Muskol. There is no need to lug a suitcase, and no need to agonize over which appliance to leave at home. Unlike a hotel room, you can choose your carnpsite carefully to fit your needs. Near the lake? Near the outhouse? The choices and decisions ar e yours to make. You1 may even be lucky enough to make a custom fit. As dusk falîs, it comnes time to put up the tent. Inevitably, after the tent is up you will find that no matter which way you lie, you are lying with a lump right in the small of your back or perched on the top of a slight incline. Darkness comes over the sky, slowly blanking out the glorious reds of the sunset. The boon caîls out for the last time before retre ating for the ni ght. Now it is time for the entertainment. Some people sing campfire songs. Somne people. tell stories. Others (unintentionally) lean back to far on the log that they have chosen for a secat, and to the great delight of others, topple over backwards. Marshmallows are burnt black an-' -iushy on the stick that was 50 painstakingly chosenh earier in the day. The out-of-doors, fresh summer air soon makes you tired and you hit the sack... and. the lump. Before you know it, morning has come again. Make your plans for the day. Then go and sit in the lake for hours, at 90 degree heat until thoroughly cooked. Life doesn't get much better than a weekend getaway in the woods. Neyer a phone to bother you, no traffic, no deadlines. Just you, and the Canadian Wilderness. What summenr is ahl about! Places to Go Skate and Hockey Equipment Exchange The Orono Hockey Parent's will be holding a Skate & Hockey Equipment Exchange at the arena on this Wednesday, August 25th from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Please bring items priced. Any questions cal Neil Allin at 983-5791. Family Fun Day at Newcastle Connection The Newcastle' Family Connection wîll be holding a Frçe Family Fun Day next Tuesday, Augusi 3lst from 10:.00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the Newcastle Community Hall. Experience face painting, crafts table for the kids and much more. Clarington Library offers fali programs Discover what the Clarington Public Library has to offer you and your children this faîl. Join, us at the Bowmanville Branch for Tales for Twos, Friday mornings, Septenib er 24 - October 29. This thirty minute program full of stories, songs, and fingerplays will introduce you and your two year old to the Library's wide range of resources 'and services. Registration is required and begins on Tuesday, September 7 at 10:00 a.m. You can register in person at the Bowmanville Branc h or cail 623-7322. Don't forget our regular storytimes! Preschool Storytime takes place at the Bowmanville Branch on Wednesday afternoons beginning Septemnber 15 from 1:15, - 1:45 p.m., and Thursday mornings beginning September 16 from 10: 15 - 10:45 p.m. Preschool Storytime is alIso held at the Newcastle Village Branch on Wednesday afternoons at 1:30 until 2:00 p.m. starting September 15. The Newcastle Village Branch also offQrs a haîf-hour Bedtime Storytime on Thursday evenings beginning September 30 at 7:00 p.m. Registration is -not required for Preschool Storytime or Bedtime Storytime. Annual Arts &- Crafts Show & Sale The Bowmanville Museum, at 37 Sîlver Street, is now booking tables for our Annual Outdoor Arts & Crafts Show & Sale. If you want to exhibit or sell your crafts it is only $ 15.00 a table. This event is on September 11, 1 993, from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Ex tra tables are only $5.00 each. For. more information please contact the Museum office at 623-2734. C.L.O.C.A. Wants You! The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is looking for CRAFTY people who are interested in displaying or selling Alex Shepherd Liberal Candidate for the Federal Riding of Durham Re: SMALL BUSINESS A fresh start is on the horizon for small business. The Federal Liberal Party has'released it's plan for building small business. Objectively, it is one of the most comprehensive programns to deal with the small business segment of our economy. I think most people who operate, or are employedby small business will be impressed by the detail and consideration to our changî ,ng business climate that has gone into this report. As a chartered accounitant, practicing in the small business field, I know that the costs to government has been authenticated by external sources. The report takes into accounit the requirements of changing information, technology, export markets, the need for proper financing, as well as the necessity to encourage efficiency in the private sector. It also revolves around the necessity to get the massive amount of regulatory requirements from ail levels of govemment under control so that business can flourish. The highlights of the release are as follows: CAPITAL REOUIREMENTS -Ensure the banks live up to' their responsibilities by maintainingestablishied credit lines. -Fostering greater retention of 'retained earnings' (moving away from profit sensitive taxes) -Doing away with die need for personal guarantees under the Small Business Loan Act. -Provide for a small business (low cos t) equity market for over the counter trading. -Creat ion of a Canada Investmnent Fund funded by. govemrment, baniks and the private sector. -Creation o f longer term financing to encourage innovation. INFORMATION FLow -Provide for -networks so that small businesses can share their knowledge in targeting successful projeets. -Assist smaller firms in accessing international markets. Doubling ýthe government commitment to research and development and making these projeets assessable to all small firms., -Enhance joint venture projects between small businesses. their handiwork at its fifth annual, Autumn, Craft Show. This spectacular event takes place on Sunday, September 26, 1993 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Enniskillen Conservation Area. This is an all outdoor event. if you kn it, sew, paint, make stained glass windows or take part inany other artistic activity, this is the place to be. For more information or to regîster please contact the AuthorityOffice at (416) 579-0411. ASSISTANCn TO DoMEsTIC MARKETS -Reduction and elimination of interprovincial barriers to trade. -Creation of -'one-stop- shopping' centres for ail levels of government to reduce licensing requirements, certification costs, service charges and generally reduce the volume of paper flow required by the governments. The Liberal Government will commit 30 million dollars to the first year of operation of this plan as part of the government's overali concept of reducing the deficit while at the samne time 'growing' the economy. Anyone wanting more information or the full text of the report should contact me at 985 -3832. (Jntended for last week) YOUTH EMPLOYMENT We cannot continue to sit by and watch a whole generation give up hope and belief in a system which has served us and our forebears 50 well. I am a father of three children under the age of twenty-one, and 1 have a great concemn for what is viewed by this current generation 'as a hopeless environent; where dreams and goals, remain unfulfilled; where hope in attaining worthwhile careers and challenges in the future is dim. 17.8% of Young people agcd 15 to 24 are unemployed, even though they are actively looking for work. When they do find employment, often they can only obtain part-time work with little prospect of advancing. 1 pose to you this question, "How can we conscientiously proceed on this course?", 1In addition to the creation of new employment by assisting small business, for which 1 have written'other articles, the.Liberal Party also has the following alternatives: -Formation of a national (Continued page 10) TENDER> SEALED TENDERS, for the contracts specified below, submitted to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, are invited and MiI be received by the Clerk unltil the specified closing time and date. TENDER NW93-34 TENDER NW93-35 -1) Wiliowbrook Subdivision Repair of Deficlencies -2) Street TreePlanting - Newcastle Meadows, Phase 1 - Trulis Delbert, Phase 1 - Wiliowbrook Gardons CLOSING TIME & DATE: 2:00 p.m. (Local Time) Wednesday, September 8, 1993 The work for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington under the direction of the Director of Public Works, involves: NW93-34 1) the repair of deficient portions of the sto.rm sewer system and base roadworks, the completion, as appropriate, of surface asphait, second stage concrete curb, concrete sidewalk, boulevard grading and sodding, sound barrier fencing, and general dlean-up of debris located within the road allowances of the' Willowbrook Gardens subdivision located on the north side of Concession Street approximately,700m east of Liberty Street in Bowmanville. NW93-35 2) the supply and installation of boulevard tree planting conforming ta the Canadian Nursery Trades Association within the road allowances of the followving subdivisions: -1- Newcastle- Meadows Phase 1 located on the west side of.Liberty Street approximately 950m south of Concession Road 3, Bowmanville. 2 - Truils Delbert Phase 1 located on the east side of Truils Road approximately 760m north of Highway # 2, Courtice. 3 - Willowbrook Gardens located on the north side of Concession Street approximately 700m east of Lberty Street, Bowmanville. Plans, specifications and'tender forms may -be obtaîned at the office of G.M. Semnas and Associates Ltd., 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41, Whitby, Ontario, LiN 8Y7, for a $4000 (including G.S.T.> non-refundabie les payable ta the Consultants. An Agreement to Bond and a bid deposit in the amount specified in the tender documents must accompany each bid submitted. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Date of Publicatn Wednesday, A l Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, A.M.C.T.(A) Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 Ext. 268 G.M. Semnas and Associates Ltd. 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41 Whitby, Ontario ILiN- ý8Y7