O ro~~~a eky'R e Serving Orono, Newcastle, Newitonvllle, Kendai, Starkville Vol. 57, No. 31 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25,1993 ,rono resident part of MIS Bike Tour Orono Downtown group 'support bike policing by Durham Regionals, The Orono DBIA gave approval to participate in the sharing of cost of equipment, bike and gear, for a police officer who will be on a bike patrol in the near future. The program is being set-up in Bowmanville and could, at times, reach out to Orono and Newcastle Villages. It was noted that bikes for this purpose would cost in the area of $800 to $1000. The Orono group approved up to $250.00 in fundinig. In speaking with Inspector Paul Pugh of the Bowmanville detachment he said ail arrange- ments have yet to be mnade but expects one office could bc~ on duty in Bowmanville by late summer and in full service in the three communities next spring. He said the equîpping of the program has to be done outside- the regular Police budget. Durham Regional Police wil provide the officer. The Orono Downtown Business Association is to purchase a sign that would be placed in the vicinity of the Armnstrong IGA store in the north of the Village. The sign is to carry the names of businesses -in downtown Orono at a modest cost. it was stated by Murray Taylor, president, that the sign would cost an estimated $750.00 and would be two-sided. Others outside of the downtownhave asked if their names couid be included which is to be considered before a final decision is made on the sign. Councillor Ann Dreslinski stated that the Orono Hall Board wanted to retain shrubs in the front of the Town Hall rather than filiing in, the area with concrete bricks. She said bushes will be replaced that cannot be trimmed or reshapcd. The hall board has since received an contract-price of $750.00 to replace necessary shrubs, and to dlean-up and trim those shrubs which have not been destroyed through neglect. The work is expected to be completed this week. Murray Taylor'spoke of the condition of the sidewalk just north of Centre Street on Main Street to which Councilior Dresiinski said public works was aware of and likeiy the work would be undertaken in the next budget. Ontario ]Rodeoevent cornes to Clarington r For Dr. Sandy Cooke, D.V.M., of R.R 2 Orono the Orono to Peterborough Noranda Forest M/S Bike TQur over thie past week-end was a first as a cyciing participant. The Doctorlcyclist joined with 300 other cyclist to face the' chalienging and gruelliing,85' kilometer course from the Orono Fairgrounds to Trent University, Peterborough. In speaking to Sandy Cooke in the first group to leave Orono Saturday morning she was excited over the venture, her first ever. Speaking to her after the event she said she was so happy to have finished the Tour and certainly wouid be back for such future events. She aiso said it was a wonderfui way to maise funds for Multiple Scierosis and she intended to work to have more participate in the Tour and provide pledges in the future. The Orono/Peterborough Tour is renowned as the most difficuit Tour of those heid in Ontario but s well ttfz most spectacular as far as scenery is concerned to which Sandy Cooke agrees. Sandy Cooke mnentioned that it was a lot casier coming back to Orono than cyclifig to Peterborough, the first leg of the Tour. "Tt was ail down hili coming back with the exception of a couple major his" she said. The comment was made that it was a strenuous trip but that she had been cycling during the summer. Sandy Cooke spoke of the competence in the organization from start to finish and that a lot of the volunteers for the Tour were actualiy victims of Multiple Scierosis. "Lt was amazing , a super job",' she said.* "I intend to get more invoived next year." The Orono cyclist also spoke admirably of the feliowship on the tour and the comments by those from western Ontario as to the terrain , his a nd valleys. Another feature of the tour states Sandy Cooke was the great treatment and entcrtainment provided for the ovemnight stay at Trent University in Peterborough. "t was wonderful and enjoyable." And how long did it take to, cycle to Peterborough Saturday. Sandy left at 8:30 fromn the Orono Fairgrounds and with time out for lunch reached Trent University at It's officiai, the Town of Clarington has won the bîd for the 1993 Ontario Rodeo Association Finals, The event to be held the weekend of October lst, 2nd and 3rd, wiil host the top rîders on the circuit, "This is going to be BIG", said Jeff Davis project Chairman,. "With everything that we've got planned we can miove 15,000 people through the town." The event site will be heild at Webster Downs farms on Down Road just outside Courtice. Tickets are $12.50 for Aduits and $8.50 for children under 12 andseniors, "W've instaiied a ticket caîl number (1-800-661- 7488) to accommodate the volume" said Mr. David, "We hope that local residents will plan to get their tickets early and not be disappointed -as we will be getting cails 'from aIl over Ontario." three in the afternoon. The return trip was not that long as far as time was concemned. There. is Ilittie doubt that Dr. Sandy Cooke will make- an appearance again in 1994. More wili follow on the events of the Rodeo week, inciuding,, it- is rumoured that "Sledgehammer" the meanest Brahma Bull on the circuit will be making a visit. For more information on THIE RODEO caîl the ticket uine 1- 800-661-7488. Corne out and have sorne fun September 9 to 12 WMiW~ pJMrA. It's the weckend for thc Great Ganaraska Countryside Adven- turc, August 28 and 29, Saturday and Sunday. t offers to those with a tour button and tour bookiet the opportunity to visit some 65 interesting aspects of the immediate arca, dairy, shccp, horse farms, ranches, historical homes and buildings, trout ponds, Uic Orono Trcc Nurscry, flowcr and vegetable gardens. 1The final construction of a log cabin, and as well an art display and tea serviced on a spacious vcrandah or at a Bread and Breakfast home along thc banks of thc Ganaraska Rivcr. 0f course the opportunity arises to make purchases of frcsh vegetables and fruit in season. The Tour Booklet and Tour Buttons are still available at the Apple Blossom Shop, Crystal Pages in Orono, Flowers Plus in Newcastle. The booklets and tour buttons are also availab le at the Clarke Museum in Kirby as wcli at Dorothy's Museum House in Garden Hill and will continue to be so during the week-end. 1Aduit admission buttons are priced, at $ 10.00 while those for children have been set at $5.00. The tickets are good for both days so if the course is flot comiplciced on Saturday there is stili Sunday lcft to complete the tour or thait portion, of thie tour you s0 wish to complete. Lunch is being scrvcd on thc iawns at the Clarke Museum in Kirby by the ladics of thc Kirby United Church and as weil lunch is bcing served at Shiioh Church from 11:30 a.m. tili food runs out on Saturday only. .There is much natural bcauty to aiso enjoy on the tour as outlincd in the tour bookiet. This week-end is the only time to catch the Great Ganaraka Countryside Tour. Its bath Saturdayand Sunday. Happenings .eee SKATE AND HOCKEY EQUIPMENT EXCHANGE The Orono Hockey Parent's wili bc holding a Skate & Hockey Equipment Exchange this evening Aug. 25,at the Orono arena from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Please bring items priced. Any questions cali Neil Alin at983-5791. CLARINGTON CONCERT BAND KICK OFF NEW YEAR The Clarington Concert Band wiil be kicking off their second season of music with rehearsals beginning on Thursday, September 2nd and Wednesday, September 8 at the Orono Town Hall from 7 - 9 p.m. in preparation for the Orono Fair performances. Ail prevîous members are encouraged to attend land any new musicians Who would like to join us are most welcome to attend. Contact Janet Cringle at 987-1569 for more i nformation. FAMILY FUN DAY The Newcastle Family Connection will be holding a Free Family Fund Day next Tuesday, August 3lst from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the Newcastle Community Hall. Experiencing face painting, crafts-table for the kids and mnuch more. %w»ý eýW»,Â0 %L.ýUWU qFýW,!jý ý,,,wAe