2- Orono WeekIy Tîýims Wdnsdy1Agust 25,1993 The Great Ganaraska Adventure There is a wide choice of options being offered tis week-end as to interesting fecatures of, mainly the former Township of Clarke, as il relates t0 its people, its scenery, ils endeavours and its industries. 1>The plan has certainl y received a lot of support from those who have offered their homes, gardens, enterprises 10 be sbared tbrough the tour. In total the list of places 10 visit number 63, more than lîkely could be visited in a day. But it is a two- day event and well worth some effort to join in tbe fun. Next week-end will be 100 late. Beset by the NDP pro gram Organized labour tbrougli their unions and professionals through their federations and others tbrougli their own organizations have become beset with the program of the Ontario NDP govemment especially as it applies 10 thesocial contract. The unions and federations seem to take the stand that il was through their efforts that the Ontario NDP came to power. Their knocking on doors, their management, their money, that dealt Bob Rae the Premiership of Ontario. Having attended some of the local NDP's candidate meetings we- found no hordes of workers in attendance or out knocking on doors. And from wbaî we understood at the lime the budget was limited. No spend-thrift could the local candidate be. It is more than likely thal the election of the NI)? came from the swing vote and only during the last few days before the election. We have neyer understood that labour was ever solidly behind their leaders in supporting the CCF or the later version, the NI)?. In fact, at times, one bas to wonder as to the part the individual really plays in the operation of their unions. Certainly the vast riajority neyer seem to have time 10 go 10 vote on direction being souglit by their union. A good case in point is the recent strike vote -aien by the Chrysler unionized workers. Only one in six saw cause to turn out to cast their ballot. When lisîening to the union leaders il is as if those outside of organized labour don'î count. Il is however a responsibilîîy of the, gvrmetto have an overail concern. As to labour legislation for labours interest the NDP legislation, bas 10 date been generous. We have always been intrigued with the position that labour had' pushed the NDP in that supplies and printing for the party must corne from Union shops. Il stili exists. Can we ask is Iis a fare sbake for the non-union'shop that is just as mnuch a part of the success of the business world as is the union shop? The NDP is the only parîy 10 have such a polîcy - total exclusion. Il is difficult 10 find sympathy for the unions as lhey make thecir case to-day. How do we measure up? There is litme doubt that tourism is one of the major industries in any country and area This was noted most recenlly by a report fromn the Development Deparîment of the Region of Durham as il reported as to the extent of îourism in Durham Region and the employnient opportunities. iIHow do we measure up in the Municipality of Clarington? Il is to bceaoted that residents througli a questionaire compiled by the local planning deparinient listed jobs are the number one concern of those answering the survey. What action if any is being or bas beeni taken by the munîcipality to foster tourism over the past almnost 20 years. Very little other than the opening of a Tourist Centre which few seem 10o know much about even on council. No doubt the Municipality will make note that they will bc hiring a Developmenî person in the' near future and tourism would bc up front along with indlustrial and commercial developmenî. It bas been noted that the îourism bhas 1101 been a major conceni of the Mayor's Task Force nor of the consultants wbo have been advising the Municipality of development. It is interesting te note that Northumberland Counly has set ouI a nuinber of driving tours of their municipality wbicb surely is nol a major undertaking. .It is also interesting that the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce bas said that an increasing number of residents in'Dur ham are seeking information as 10 day trips within the Region. A good indication that tbere is a market out there and 1101 that far away. Unfortunately we don't sell our communily nor our municipaliîy. t lias always ueen a feeble effort wben an altempt is made andtben it is soon forgotten. Will the new Clarington employment make a différence? SCARECROW the Editor: Be a winner, This week-end, August 28th, 29th, is targeted in this area for the Great Ganaraska Countryside Adventure. There are. a number of activities in which one can ta ke part flot the least being the Scarecrow competilion and there are financial rewards for the winners. Everyone-is entitled to take part and eligible for the prize money of $100 for first place, $50 for second and $25 for third place. Ail it takes is some imagin- ation, in design and construction and the time to coimplete the project. No need for a greal amount of money to be spent if any. Theý scarecrows will be on display on the route as outlined in the tour-map and those taldng the tour will vote for their favourite scarecro ws1 and pass this information on 10 the organizers for die final tally. The winners will flot only receive tinancial reward but will have their creative works' on display at the coming Orono Fali Fair. To have your scarecrow entered in the conlest and numbered s0 votes can be tallied contact Kristen McRae, 983-9339. Kristin will provide you with your number and suggest the place- mient of the scarecrow for viewing by those ýtaking part in the event this week-end. Have some f un by ge tting involved. Book Rev iew from Crystal Pages THE JOY LUCK CLUB by Amy Tan - If you would like to read something that smacks your solar plexus, bits you 'rigbt between the eyes', and becomes a most powerful description of the paradoxes of life, read "The Joy Luck, Club", abeautifully wriîten jewel of a book. The psychological insights revealed by the many encounters between Chinese - born i others and their American daughters are astounding. Each page offers up sinigularly exciting material. Sixteen intricate, interlocking stories trace the poign ant destinies of two generations of tough, intelligent women. They bring botb pleasure and sadness to ibis complex story, a story of the mother-daugbîer. bond, a story -of' surging, enlightenment. -Recycled Use the Class ifed Section Orono Fairgrounds Neighbours NOTIJPSET with Popular Orono Fair Event as staîed by Mr. Ron Locke intwo local newspapers. The following petilion was presented 10 the Fair Board at a meeting on July 19, 1993 caused by the people renîing the horse barrns at the fairgrounds. # 1i DUST - from jogging horses, dragging the track during the dry summer weather without any consideration of the people living in the surrounding area especially on Sundays. At a similar'meeting in the 1983-4 a motion was passed and entered in the minutes of the meeting that borses would 11o longer be permitted 10 jog. or train on Sunday giv ing tbe local residences one dust free day per week. We demand tbat the Fair Board, enforce this motion immediately. # 2 KEEPINO PREMISES CLEAN ,- Horse manure is piled up for six-eigbî montbs at a Lime (flot 2 montbs as stated by R. Locke). Residents are boîhered witb odour and flues. We suggest dump buckets which would be dumped on a weekly basis. # 3 HORSE TRAILERS - Parked ahl over backyard behind residences creating odour, flues and blocking their view. # 4 SOUTH ENTRANCES - We asked that the road between these two entrances have chloride put on ilt on a yearly basis due bo the large amount of traffic into the Fairgrounds and Arena. This does flot take place until someone complained.,, # 5 COMMERCIAL VEHICLE PARKING - Parked overnigbt at the south end of Fairgrounds Another birthday Emma Galode, .0sbawa celebrated lber 111 îb birthday over the week-end and in.the celebration was taken out for dinner. Emma G alode moved. 10 the Hillsdale Manor in Oshawa just last, month. She is in excellent bealth and thouglit 10 be the oldest woman in Canada. Build a Letter to leaving at 3:30 - 5:30 a.m. waking up the residents when they leave. Our concern is that it will eventually become a commercial vehicle parking lot. We have called the Departnient of Health and Dep-artment of Environment tb evaluate the situation but to take no action until we reqqest it at a later date if it becomes necessary. We understand most problems have been taken-care of with the exception of jogging horses on Sunday and the dusî situation and are waiting for word back from the Fair board on these issues. We trust this will clarify any misunderstandings that might have occurred from the articles that have appeared in the local papers within the last monlh. Concerned Orono Fairground Neighbours St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREBET ORONO. ONUARO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO c. PASTORAL CHARGEI 1- Mlnlster * Rev. Dr. MervynRussel Marlene Rlsebroug, Secretary 993-5702 Church Office 983-5502 UPCOMING SERVICES FOR SUMMER Sunday, August 29 Newcastle United 10:30 &.m. Regular Services' begin ai Orono & Kirby on Septemnber Sth. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m.