- Oroo WekIy lmesWednesday, Augst 25, 1993- .Telling Frames" Artist Jordan MacLachlan by Helen MacDonald It somnetimes happens that the work of an artist strikes to the core of one's being. Emotions are evoked and consciousness is stirred. This is the case with "Telling Frames", the current exhibit at the Visual Arts Centre in Bowmanville. The inixed media works of Jordan MacLachian and Wendy Wallace reveai deptb in tbeir interpretation of women's issues and of iandscape. Margaret Rodgers, in ber narrative of Wallace's painting, acquaints us with the artists' technique that contradicts its own impulse toward painting and whicb achieves energy with attitude: what the artist refers 10 asa search for 'the polarities of the tension between man and An Oshawa-area artisl, Wallace brings with her work a regionai voice t0 address issues which surround the relationship between bumans and Nature. This is clearly seen in ber three-by- four foot construction entitled "Second Mursh, Parkland". "Park accessories that welcome the human visilor struggle with those GMstart truck shift General Motorsopened ils third shift at the Oshawa Truck plant last week. Training and final preparation, for the new, third shift was completed on Monday of last week with the first night truck rolling off on Tuesday. 11 ,ýThe third shift employs an additional 650 workers. The empioyees were workers who bad been laid off from the van plant in Scarborough earlier this year. IvAge of Concern", news for Seniors that offer synthetic sanctuary to wildlife." Jordan MacLachlan's active sculptures deai with the issue of today's woman taking control over her own life. Anonymous women are captured in mid- action, struggling with decisions, arrivais, departures, leaving whal bas been, searching for what might be. "A sense of restlessness and ionging pervades the work", film mnaker Martha Davis writes. Each piece invites the viewer 10 create his/ber own narrative. A series of sculptures called "Untitled Outdoors" places women in Nature. In "Untitied 0utdoors # 3, a woman with antlers faiters back as she grasps the arrow wbich pierces hier heurt. Nature, often seen as 'woman', is victim of a brutal slaughter at the hands of the hunIer. Woman, hunted, defiled and exploited as often and as violently as Nature, is also victim. With shocking poignancy, we are forced ta confront the pain of the slaughter: of women, and of Nature., "Teliing Frames" is at the, Visuai Arts Centre until August 27th. GM truck ýsales have increased in recent months with the JulY sales for 1993 being up 50 percent over thaIof 1992. George Peapples, Canadian presi dent of>,GM, said the third shift means getruse, of existing facilities. h 'also ýsends, a strong message, that Oshawa is prepared t0eaSrn the righl for new jobs. Buzz -Hargrove, CAW national president, states-that the move to three full shifts at the truck plant is a first for Canada. The Ontario governmellt <provided $5 million 10 GM for retraining of workers at the truck plant. Under the start-up phase production workers work from 11:30 p.m. till 7 a.m with other shifts from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 3:30 p.m. ta 11:30 p.-m. from your "Senior" a Queen's Park - Gord Mils The mind isn't what it used to ýbe... Rubbish 1 say! A reduction in, mental processing speed with age is flot a proven fact. However, exrcs myslowor p revent somte of the'inteliectual decline previously thought 10 be part of normal aging. Research suggest thtphysical activity, at a moderate level, can relieve some, of the symptoms associated with mild to moderate depression, and anxiety. As well, regular physical activity may help to improve self- image, social skills, cognition and mood. Even if older aduits become physically active later in life they will respond to a fitness-oriented prograrn very much the sanie way as young individuais. Participating in regular physical activity is i mportant. But regardless of age, everyone should start slowly and increase the amount of exercise gradually. No runnîng off to try a marathon the first day without first checing with your doctor!!! Did you know that 33.3 per cent of our workers will bc 45 by Carol-Ann Osier Hi again folks. 1 do hope: that everyone'is stili enjoying these last few weeks of summer., It won't bemuchlonger'until Newtonville Public School becomes it's usual centre of activity again. , In the meantime, remember ta mark September Ist on your calendar. That's the day that Newtonville United Church wil years of age or older by the year 2001. We just can't afford to ignore this change or its, implications. Thinking about going south this winter? Having doubts about your health care and the costs down there? Why flot do something about it. When 1 was south last winter, I visited the local hospitai and told themn that 1 wanted to be prepared in case 1 was taken ilI and didn't have sufficient funds on hand. 1 told tiiem that 0H11' would provide up , w $400 a day (in U.S. funds) my civil service retiree benefits would cover more costs, and that the insurance compan y with whom 1 have my house, insurance with, would provide compiete health coverage, through Medex, for 30 days. The administrative staff at the hospital took down ail my details, and now 'm registered for care with them, no fuss or hassie. 1 have found through speaking with other seniors who winter in Florida (dont gel me wrong - m y plans are on hold) that by discussing your coverage with them, before be holding a corni roast with an evening of gospel music to follow. The music will be provided by the Sellwood Familyï. The card score from last Friday are: Arthur Bedwin 91; Edna' Dickson 87; Norma Moffat 85; Glaclys Greenwood 84; Eileen O'Hara 81, and Gwen Nesbitt 76. Draw winners Frances Cathcart, Ed Hoad, Dorothy Slubbings,,May Tabb and Norma Moffat. you need care, deals can be struck without costiy health care insurance. It seems that many hospitals settle for sure cash for treatment as opposed to getting the run-around from private insurance companies when time for paymnent cornes. These are hard times for everyone, but many of your have lived through harder limes, so how did YOU manage, what tips, hints and advice w ouid you be able t0 share and pass on. 'Vou can help people of al ages to cope better in these difficuit urnes - and to bc honest - because you have aiready faced this at least once, you are well placet t help. Send me your tips for future columns at Box 183, Orono, Ontario LOB 1IMO. Until next week - ta ke care. Continu-ous Learning Opportunities Durham College is offering what they eall Continuous Learning Opportunities Calore. The courses making up the learning opportunities are being held at the new Whitby Campus which isî to open on December i 3th. A. news release from the Coilege state that over 100 varied courses are being offered in the brand new facility on Champlain Avenue in Whitby. Courses named apply te computers, trades, arts, crafts and business. Durham College asks that you cali and request one of their Continuous Learning Courses Calendars which will be mailed to you. Call 721-3052 or 1-800- 461-1306. ~Reminder You are invited to the' Ross 'StevensOn Bar-B-Q and ornRoast (Rain or Shine) Wednesday, Sept.Lst 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Blackstoek Fairgrounds South of Hwy,. 7A, 8 mles east of Port Perry i:.-