A rn ekyTimes, Wedcnesday:ý, September: 1, 1993-9, August 3Oth and will be the largest employer in the township. The 30,000 square foot plant, Nor-County Frozen Food plant is owned jointly by Frew Farms of Hope Township and Hunco Farms of Hamnilton Township. The new plant is equipped with the first laser- sorting technology te be usedin Canada. The frozen vegetabies, carrans, parsnips, squash, lima beans, and peas will bc grown locally and the owners expecit t place $1 million te local farmers for produce this year. Government office closings hurt The three Friday closures of the Ministry of Revenue office in downtown Oshawa is having somne effect on downtown businesses especially food outiets. Only 3 percent vote on strike action, A mere 400,Canadian Automotive Workers from the Genieral Motors plants cast ballots as ta strike action if iv-quired to get a contract. The four hunidred workers represent only 3 percent of the 16,000 workers who were eligible te vote. The turnout of voters at Ford and Chrysier as to a strike vote was as meager as at General Motors. In ail cases more than 90 percent of those voting favored strike action if necessary. With a concern for beach pollution Over 1000 'water tests have been made in the Ganaraska River, the Cobourg and Baltimore C=eks as well as the Port Britain Creek and along the south shore cf Rice Lake. It is ail in an effort to determine the source cf pollution that closes beaches during the summer months. 0f a recent date a dyetest was taken along these water ways te assist in the determination cf who, why and where pollution may start. Capitol Theatre to re-open in fal Plans are well underway for the refit cf the Capital Theatre in Port Hope that may open for some uses this'faîl. A three-phase strategic plan has -been adopted for the refit cf the building. In phase two such formal -uses as film screening, music and dramna productions and Public forums will be possible.,, The third phase cf the programi will sec the enlargement cf the theatre for larger productions. Fund-raising plans wiil be announced in September for the restoration of the building. Port'Hope considers youth centre A number of organizations "~along with the Town's Recreational department has had preliminary discussions as te making use of a town building as a drap-mn centre for youth. During the summer the town has operated a Youth Drap-La Centre in the Jack Burger Sports Complex with an, increasing attendance over the past weeks., This facility will not be available for the centre once ice is put in fer winter sports. Cobourg offers, neighbours water For the last 17 years Cobourg has refused ta provide water toaa sub-division on its boundaries but in Hamilton Township. Cobourg bas always su ggested the area would have to, become part of the Town for such a service. There bas been a change of heart as *Cobourg bas offered the supply of water ta the area. The project is estimated to cost $4. 1 million of which amount Hamil- ton would pay 15 percent with the province paying the other 85 percent. There are a number of other conditions. To sit on Advisory committee Charlotte Clay-Ireland. Reeve of Hamilton Township bas been appointed as a member of a Ministry Advisory Committee on Rural Development. The reeve bas said she is iînterested in rural tourism and rural economic development and wiIl speakup on these two subjects. Plane crash still a mystery The cause cf the fatal plane crash just north'cf Courtice this month is stili under investigation with ne resuits as ta the cause. The investigation is only' partially completed but it was found that there appears ta have been ne problem with the planes air frame. Th 1'e accident claimed the, life cf Pilot Dennis Zoeîman, 26 cf Bowmanville R.R. 4 east cf Orono. The accident happened when Mr. Zoelman was crop sprayîng.. More than just parking The two dewntown Oshawa parking garages and open parking lots owned, by the City are offering perks ta get more customers. Phonîng ahead a person is able ta have escort ta their car in the twc parking garages as a safety measure. As well negatiations are underway so that custamers could drap off cleaning at the garage which would be cleaned during the day while customers are at work. Old Fire Hall opens The aid firehali in Millbrook located behind the Cavan Town, Hall is now open ta the public ta vieW items cf interest. The building has been leased ta the Millbrook/Cavan Firefighters' Association. t was built around 1884 and was in service until 1967. The museum cf memnorabilia reiating ta fire fighting include a 1945 Ford Bickle-Seagrave pumper,, a 1920 LaFrance-Foamite Hase Reel, along with a couple cf hand pumpers,'dating back ta 1855 and other items cof interest. New plant opens in Hope Township A new frozen-vegetable processing plant is to be in production in Hope Township by o f _____ = = = = - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - --- - - - - -- --- - - - - - -- --- - - - - ---- - - -- - - - --- ---- -- -- --- ---- - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - --- --- - - -- --- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '-a ~ -- -- ---- AVAILABLE FOR- FARM DELIVERY FROM DURHAM FARMERS' COUNTY CO-OPERATIVE GRAFTON 1349-2411 ORONO 983-9134 UGO PETROLEUM ING. AND MEMBER GO-OPERATIVES HAVE USED 150,000 BUSHELS 0F ONTARIO GORN TO TH-E END OF MARCH 1993. GRAFTON& ORONO WOULD LIKE TO RETURN SOME CORN TO LOCAL FARMS IN TH-E FORM 0F GO-OP E77HANOL GASOLINE. YOU CAN HELP CREATE A DEMAND FOR -ONTARIO CORN UGO Petroleum wili sel 1lu million litres of Co-op Ethanol Gasolines next year. These sales will use 6.6 million litres of ethanol which will take 660,000 bushels of Ontario corn ta praduce. Existing farm customers will take delivery of one quarter of this volume with the balance being purchased by aur rural gas bar customers. If ail gasoline.used on Ontario farms contained ethanel we wauld use an additional 1',300,000 bushels cf corn. FARMER SUPPORT IS NEEDED We need your support ta make an Ontario ethanol industry a reality. We need ta put eut a signal ta farm fuel suppliers that they must support Ontario agriculture by supplying ethanol gasalines if they want yaur business. In addition, your commitment will assist us in praviding efficient delivery of Ce-op Ethanel Regular Gasoline which will result in a farm delivered price thats competitive ta canventional gasalines. We will be holding Ethanol Information Meetings in yaur area and calling ta explain the Co-op ethanel initiative. ETHANOL CAP WITH lst DELIVERY Co-op will deliver Ethanol Regular Gasaline ta farm custemers that are aise taking delivery of Co-op Diesel fuel. Your Co-op Petraleum Driver Salesman will quality check yeur storage equipment and provide you with a Co-op Ethanol Cap with the initial delivery. 19j *