45-,Orono 'Ieefcfy'Tintes Servng Oono Newaste, Newtonvfle, Kendal, Starkville Vol. 57, No. 32 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1993 4nthony starts Countrysîde Adventure GreatGanaraskaCountryside Adventure, great success story by Carol-AnnOster Spending day after day-among the setting of the <Janaraska Forest and the Oak Ridges Moraine,-it is, possible to take for granted the beauty of the area, and the diversity of the folks contained in the area. The SAGA Great Coun tryside Adventure, however, gave us an opportunity to rediscover what life in the area is aIl about, and allow an insight to, a unique area to those on the outside. The adventure took participants [rom as far west as Tyrone to Campbeilcroft in the east. With sixty-five places to visit, the adventure conveyed, very weli the diversity of the area. Each attraction had its own story, and its own special elemenits. (See Great Adventure page 8) 1000 But Stili Counting Numbers do not always determine the success of a venture but it was interesting to hear on Monday, witha'partial counit completed, that over one thousand were involved as visitors in the week-end Great Ganaraska Countryside Adventure, it may be a few days b efore the -final resuits (See 1000 But Page 9) Anthony DiBartoiomneo of the to)visit alil65 exhibit s being though the event stretchedf seventh line signs up for the offered for the week-end. mid Claringtoin to some nm Great Ganaraska Countryside There was no question that into Hope Township. Adventure and is about to leave Anthony would reach ail 65 Anthony was an enthusi2 the Clarke Museum starting point destinations on his bike even participant. JoàPhn Veldhu%,i's p1e-Udgaeswatèr pump for Hxaitc-zan co.%ýjmm--unity John Veldhuis, one of Ciarinigtons noted environmenit- alists has submitted his corn- ments as to a months stay in Haiti e-arlier this summier. Mr. Veldhuis made the trip to learn first-hand what life in a deveiopinig country is like, and what he feit he might be able to do to assist people to become, seif-sufficient. Hie was also interested in the state of the environment. In his report-Mr. Veldhuis describes is flight to Haiti by way of Miami. The first leg of theC flight was by comfortable Air Canada to be followved by a transfer to the Haitain Trans Airway in Miami. The Hiaitain plane was in stark contrast to the Air Canada jet and according to Mr. Veldhuis major chaos with passengers dragging huge bundles of baggage to the plane. 0f course Mr. VIelhuis baggage was lost with his landing in Haiti with only the cloth hie wore. Hie notes thiat as they approached Port Au Prince thie colour of the ocean was not the Mediterranean blue or Bahiamian green but an indescribable colour which one 'would ge t with a mixture of leachate, raw sewage and sea water. 'Mr. Veldhuis states that after leaving the airport without his baggage the trip into Port Au Çff-apenings. 0 0 CORN ROAST & GOSPEL MIUSIC "Ail You Care to Eat" corn-on-the-cob, hamburgers and hot dogs folIlowed by the best in Canadian Gospel Musi c - The Sellwoods, this evening Wed., September lst at Newtonville U.C. Corn Roast begins at 5:30 p.m. Gospel Concert 8:00 p.m. KENDAL DIAMOND HOSTS O.B.A. PLAYDOWNS The Senior D OBA playdowns are being hosted at Kendal and Port Hope Friday and Saturday with the finals beîng played in Kendal this Sunday. The Kendal Eagles meet Markhamu in Kendal Friday at 6:15 p.mn. There are eight teams involved in the championship toumamnent for the Senior D top honours in Ontario. PERRIN BEATTY TO BE PRESENT Perrin Beatty, Canadas Secretary of State f'or External Affairs is being present at the Ross Stevenson barbecue be-ing held tonight, Wednesday in Blaickstock.ý The event start at 4. BOOK SALE SEPTEMBER 25th The Clar-ke Museum is holding another book sale on September 25th. The event also features a community trunk sale. If you wish to be part of the trunk sale phone 983-9243 [rom niles iastic Prince was unbelievable with giant pot holes providing irregular traffic flow on what they called streets. At ail time you honk your horn, he said. The roadwýay is lined with garbage, two, three metres high and Mr. Veldhuis points out there has been no garbage pick-up since 1985. Pigs and goats roarn the streets anid what garbage they dont eat is bumned. Mr. Veidhuis states that sewers lack manhole covers and during ramn they overfiow carrying garbage further towards the harbour. Electricity is unreliable resulting in no refrigeration or lightinig. Traffic lights are generai out-of-order or perhaps you would [mnd green for ail traffic lanes. M0r, Veldhuis states the poverty is depressing and Haitians try to seil you anything no matter how minor a sale. The visitor from Clarington did state that those Haitian that he did meet were most friendly, most being hard workers and did have a s ense of humour and were rcady and wiliing to learn. Mr. Veldhuisspeaks of befriendinig Brooklin Bobby ,,,lo emnigrated to Haiti after becominig discouraged with the materalistic worid. H1e now actsas a dentist, undertaker, physiotherapîst and couniselor, Againi the visitor speaks of fildi iný the commnlites. As to transportation 40 cents (Coninued page 2) Events proclaims September Big Brothers, Month for '93, September is Big Brothers Month and will becelebrated al across Canada. The Clarington Big Brothers Association had the officiai proclamation of Big Brütthers M6ofth -la-si rday,- August 27. There aire a number of events planned for Big Brothers month. On September 11, a kite flying day is to be held at Courtice Secondary School. The event is open to the whole communîty, with the hope that it will raise awareness of the organization within the community. Everyone is invited to corne down and build their own kite. Prizes wiil be awarded in a number of categories, including most colourful, and, if the wind is right, there will be a kite flying contest. On September 12, Big Brothiers will host a pet show at the Orono Fair. It is scheduled to start at 1:00 in the Agricultural Building. ýThis past wcekend, as part cof the SAGA Great Country Side Adventure, Big and Little Brothers were at the home of the executive director of Big Brothers, Nancy Scott. Together, the Big and Little Brothers buiit bird houses. An orientation meeting is to be held on September 30. If anyone is interested in learning more about becoming a Big Brother, this is your chance.' Big Brothers currentiy has 20 active matches. There> are, h owever, 10 young boys stili waiting to be matched. Helping Mayor Hamre to Scott, executive director of Big proclaim September as Big Brothers, Mark Benschop, Big Brothers month is Tyler Griffin Brother, with Little Brother Rob (seated) an unmatchecd Little Pascoe, and Scott Hlall, Vice Brothier, and (back row) Nancy President ofithe Board.