4 * Orono We.kly rime., Wsdne.day, S~t.mber 1,1993 Orono loses out in league championship round Orono Novice -#1 basebal practice proves to pay off The Orono PeeWee Gir's Although the Orono girls had Softbmfl team reached the finals in PreviouslY'won out over Tyrone the league championship they were short on the score of 19 tourament held over the past 10 13 ini the final event. Tyrone week-end. were determined as league The Orono entry bad won their champions for the year 1993, fîlst two games to advance to the Orono came in second. final feafture of tic event where Pictured above:back row, Ray they met the Tyrone entry. Bester, coach, Chrissy Bester, He--alth Ofi"ci*ais warn, of increase in 1Health officiais of Durham Region continue te urge residents that incidents of rabies is stili on the risc. flic warning bcing issucd also sureuses that residents flot tangle with wild animals. Sevcnty-one residents of the region have been given rabies shots this year. Agriculture Canada bas caught 61 rabid animais this year whicb includcd 36 foxes in thc Uxbridgc arca. Scventecn skunks. five cows, two bats have also been found te be rabid. Tbcrc is an indication that rabies are travelling south to the urban arcas in the Region of Durham. Incidents of rabies risc and fall rabie cases in five te six year cy cles -and Dr. Dorotby Geale of Agriculture Canada says the recent increase is related to a risc in the fox and skunk population since the last epidcmic. In 1991 the region recordcd only 13 cases which compares with 39 in 1992. Geale states thc best way wo stop thc spread of thc discase is te avoid wild animais, especially foxes and skunks-and 10 gel their pets vaccinatcd. Suspectcd rabid animais should bc reported 10 Agriculture Canada ai 623-5759. Animal bites sbould be reportcd 10 Durbam Regional Health Department, 723-8521 and to adoctor., Paula Partner, Diane Jenkins. Shelda Marie Woods-, Carol Baxter, Front Row, Erica Hawkshaw, Melonie Allin, Leslie West, Ashley West. Clarington Fire, Depa miment CaIlis Pire cails for thc Clarington Pire Department, Station 3, Orono for Uic wceks August 12 - Augusi 25th. August 13th, at 10:31 p.m., rubbisb fire at 3747 Conc. 10. -August 15th, at 2:47 p.mi., 911 assist at Mosport Oval Track. August lSth, ai 11:00 p.m., moter vehicle accident ai Taunton Road and Wihnont Crcek. .August 241h, ai 10:56 a.m., car fire at Hwy. 115 south of Hwy. 11 5 and 35 junction. Officiais in Ontario are' awaiting an outbrcak of rabies in racoons wbich is advancing from the south, New York state. It is statcd that rabid racoons can be especially dangerous as 1Uiey live amongst us in the urban areas. Orono Novice #1 team cornes back with anotber win to kcep them in the fight for first place. Having a fair turn out to practice on Tuesday night was a pay-off for a couple of our batters. Katie ONcili was like a ncw breath of fresh air when she batted 4 singles in one game. Heather Bangay surprised herself and everyone else with a first inning triple followcd by two single bits. Confidence is a big issue witb these girls when they have donc it once, it doesn'î secm bhard te do it again. The gamne started with Ashley Bickell on the pitchers mound and with Melanie Allun making a great catch on the firsi batter. No runs werc scored by the opponents Roy's Enterprise in the first inning. Melanie Allin, Terina West, Asblcy Dwyer, Katie ONeill all bit singles 'and witb the bases loaded Heather Bangay bit ber three mun triple te put Orono i a 3 - 0 lead. Roy's came back and scored one run in Uic second with Tina Taisma and Asbley Dwycr making -,two fantastic catches to get themn out of the inning. Melanie Aluin was thc only bitL in Uic second nmig for Orono #1, with no runs earned. 1The third inning was another situation, The only out of the inning was the firsi batter with a nice catch from Asbley Dwyer. Roy's carned nine runs in the third to give tbem a 10 - 3 lead. Thec bottem of thc third inning was once again a littie weak for Orono with only two bits. One great triple by Asbley Dwycr that was then bit in by Katies second single. In the fourth inning, Asbley Dwyer went on dhe mound as the relief pitcher. Terina West made a great catch in this inning and no runs wcrc scored by Roy's. Orono #1 came back this time to go right through the order. Melanie Allun hit a two mun home run. Katie O'Neill, Heather Bangay, and Melissa Barchard al bit singles to make the score 10 - 8 for Roy's. The final inning of the game was tense with Roy's getting 2 batter's on base. Wiih one out, the girls pulled it off to have no runs scored. With determination for a win Orono # i had their bats swinging. Melanie Allin got a single and was then bit in with a homerun from Terina West to put the girls in a tied game. Ashley Dwyer bit a go ahead double. Katie ONeill bit a single to move Ashley on. and then Heather Ba ngay with a load of confidence drove in the winner. Final Score - il - 10. And wbat a deservcd win. Way to get back mbto it girls and good Iuck with your next two games against the Cardinals to finish off the scbeduled scason. Jailguards object to inmate allowance The 77 jail guards at the Whitby jail, object to the extension of a $10 a week canteen allowance for those prisoners awaiting trial. The guards note the strapped financial1 condition of the province and the economic pinch they (guards) feel over the social coniract. Guards are to take ten unpaid holidays this year., H F T.O.N.B.A. House League Standings as of Aug. 27/93 Tyke (ireenawiays 1'etro ('an Newcastle 1Honie 1 Iardware Tyronc Alinbrook eedb Henry Buildal 1Hunts Plioto M & M Meats Shoppers Drug Mail Burger King Courtice Caugar-, Regional Office Supply Mosquitil Sugar's Bakery Bleacher ('reature ILiwinen 1 Permanent Pools Steeves Auto lyronc 11 Armstrong's 1(GA Discount Auto l'ails 1 lorners Petrco Service ('.O.A.W. I Ieritagc larnms Kenny's(Ca tering ('heckers Varîety Peewer I>isaii ('on.qtruction 136 72 Ili 116 165 122 Ili 65 163 79 139 83 1.39 152 W9 124 toi 99 124 155 119 141 94 187 64 184 89 50 8 1 O0 1 111 48 8 I1 O 1 Peewee Newcastle 1 lome 1 lardware Meniorial Park Rivetts 1 lardware Raxx's, Unique Awards Skliglht Donuts Beaver Lumiber Vantder(iaiist Roofing Tyrone Banlan National 1 lomie Vjdeo Bownianville CGlass l)onut (ialierv ('liampIion Te'cam Wcar Cirenawavs Petro ('an Sonilon H-omes C & C Motors, Shoppers t)rug Mart Midget/Juvenile (jofor Sports Garden ,MIii Demp.sters 1 leLm' egal 1Beagles 1 lopper's I*rtolJl Cobhourg J.i Pelhotogîaphy loitypooil Royvals TWO GREATSAWSAT SUPER FALL SA VINOS Mode! 45-15" ,"cc of compact power Save $9Q00 349 llw $95 Mode! 61 -18 "(illusted) Big enough to tackle the toughe st jobs 150roy 60 Dlow $4995 WHILE SUPPLIlES LAIT LONGERBAR LENGTHS AVAILABLE. CHECK WIT YOUR DEALER FOR MEA ILS ,MHusqvarnaffl ROLPH HARDWARE MAIN ST, ORONO 983-5207 'HIJ Fili