Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 1, 1993 - 7 Country Cloggers entertain The Country -Cloggers entertaineti at the Shiloh and Kendal C hurches this past weekend. Pictured (back) Doris Sinclair, Carl Robinson; (front) Mary Brown andi Jennifer Hayward. by Roy Forrester legitimate sighting. The above numbers are magic The decision was made that numbers for Bill Bunting who is the bird likely would stili bc in neaning the 300 mark in lifetime the same growth of weeds and s0 bird sightings. The excitement it was off to, the lagoons again has been increasing of late and last Sunday. 297 was a sure-fire number on the Really the lagoons, at-the past Sunday. present time, are a real bird It was Sunday, August, 22nd sanctuary especially for ducks, when Bill and I visited the shorebirds, swaliows, sparrows, sewage lagoons , Port Perry, and Common Snipe and Bonepart through some assistance from Gulis. 0f course there are others another group of birders were but it is amazing, the quantity and directed to the sighting of a variety of birds that have been Virginia Rail and a Sora. making the lagoons home. Both birds are of marshy areas We did advance to the area in and most secretive and as such which the Sora sighting had been sightings are not that numerous. made the previous week and set- In any case the Virginia Rail, u p the scopes for viewing. Lt on the above occasion, did corne couîd be a long wait but we were out into an open space and was prepared to accept this just to get in clear view. On the other hand a clear view of the bird. the Sora kept to cover in -the . Ten minutes passed and it weeds and you only got a glimpse must have been 'nearing the as it wouid walk back in from the fifteen minute mark when, out edge of the weeds. from the weeds came the Sora, I did however get a good, but oniy to dash back in again. This short view of the head and upper was repeated a number of times body while on another occasion and the bird was quiet skittish. Bull gets to look at.the'birds feet. But then it came out for a waik in It just wasn't enough that the the open and possible gave us bird could be recorded especially close to five minutes for a full this was the case for BillI. The- viewing before returning to its Sora was the first sighting for weed haunt for good. both Bill and'I and its important When 1 looked over to Bil in the dash to the 300 mark. there was a wide smile from ear On a number of occasions to ear and there was no doubt during the wee k Bill cornes in for now that the his record could coffee and on ail occasions last show number.297 - a Sora. week the Sora was generally an This target for 300 certainly item of conversation as to has me wound-up as well. t whether it could be regarded as a could have been 298 at Port Perry A totally far-out, groovy sort of party has tossed its love beads into the political arena. The 'Natural Law Party of Canada has opened its pre-election campaign and pending its abiiity to get candidates ini 50 ridings, it wiil be a registered politicai party corne election time. The party has plans to mun candidates in ail 295 federal ridings by thîs fall's election, whenever it cornes. This in itself is quite a feat. The Natural Law Party embraces the teachings of trncendental meditation guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This is the same guy who taught the Beatles how to 'chili out'. 'Me party has the right idea: if elected, they plan to pay off the national debt, reduce taxes, andi elirninate unempioyment. The platform is good. The methods behind it are somewhat skewed. They beiieve they could solve the country's probiems if everyone wouid iearn it's Naturai Law teaching s. This inciudes meditation, yoga, massage techniques, and yogic flying. Meditation? Aren't there aiready toomany people in the Senate who sleep through the House sittings? Yoga? This more than likely would simply add to the high costs of health care,,and sick days, as caucus complains of puiled muscles and strained backs. Massage techniques? Another termi for 'Back roora hanky- panky"? Yogic flying? This one is a good suggestion! This could virtually eliminate the need for private jets for ail of our most important politicians. IAIl they need to do is concentrate very, very hard and ....: You're right it could neyer work. If's difficuit even to imagine a party like this sitting in the House of Commonis. Instead of the power dressing, would be long flowing tunics in batik prints, beads, beils on the endi of the turned up toe of a Gucci shoe. Gone would be the days of shouting in debate and banging of, fisns. Rather, meditation would bc the way. After a long drag on the peace pipe, Ms. Speaker would address the House in calm, melodic tones. Speeches wouldbe littered with words like 'groovy', 'love', 'far-out', and 'drug-induced'. Crystals wouid regulate tempers. The stars would rule the agenda. "It's not a good day to discuss the economny, my moon is in the House of Venus!" A crystal bail would help pave the road to the future., Weil, looking into my crystai bail, examining my tea leaves, andi double checking with the stars, 1 predict this will not happen untîl carpets tly. Man must reh abilitate fish habitat destroyed An Agincourt man has been convicted on charges related to the destruction of fish habitat in Uxbridge Township. Achim Eberhard was sentenced to a fine of $500.00 or 20 days in jail. He was aiso placed on probation for one year and, ordered to restore and rehabilitate damaged fîsh habita-t. The estimated cost of the rehabilitation is set at $ 10,000. The Ministry of Naturai Resources charged Eberhiard in January 1991 after 250 to 300 on Sunday when a sparrow flew out of the weeds to perch on top of a shrub for at least five -to six minutes but try as we might it was impossible for us to make an identification. Time after time we went through the sparrow section of the bird books but the bird perched on the shrub looked like nothing in the books nor has it since. The bird had to bc recorded as an unknown and will iikely stay that way. It is not likely that further search of such a tiny bird wiii be followed up at this timne. it is reported tiiat a- barred owl is a' resident in Presquiie Provincial Park and both of us would liked to view a flock of those wild turkeys that are often reported north into Manvers Township. Wili the magic 300 be reached this year? Only tirne wiil tell. truckloads of sand and gravel were dumped onto the shoreline of Wa gner Lake anti the adjacent Uxbridge Brook wetland area. .In July Mr. Eberhard pleadeti guilty on charges of - violation section 35(1) of the Fisheries Act which prohibits works that resuits in- harmful alteration or destruction of fish habitat - violating Section 13a (1) (e) of the Public Lands Act for filling shorelantis without first obtaining Bo'ok Review from Crystal Pages THE HAUNTED MESA by Louis L'Amour - The South Western United States area referred to as the "Four Corners" is the scene for this haunting, mythical, mystical tale told by one of the most prolifie novelists of our time, Louis L'Amour. Inspired by a centuries-oid enigma that has baffled historians, the book outlines an adventure into the unknown by a renowned investigator, calied to the aid of a friend. The sudden disappearance 'off the face of the earth' of a race of South western ciiff dewellers the Navajo called the Anasazi, is ex plained and expounded upon in this fascinating novel. A sure knowledge of Indian lore makes a quite believable read, as we cross tie frontier, and leave behind the laws of man and the known laws of nature. Bantam Books - Recycled New traffic computer t is likely that the trip through the Region of Durham later this year will take a little less time. A new computer system is to corne into full operation for the 237 urban traffîc signais . The system has cost the Region somne $1.5 million. The new computer System will time traffic lights s0 one gets a continuous series of greens. The lights -will be, set for a specific speed and will take inito account dif fernet traffic flows during the 24 hour period. a work permit authorizing work from ýM. The protection of fish and wildlife resources and their habitats continues to be a high priority front the Ministry of Natural Resources, stated Mark Wickham, a conservation officer with the Ministry. "Landowners planning to work in and aro ,und water are required to obtain a work permit from MNR before beginning any work." The Durham Region District Health Council is now requesting: APPLICATIONS for MEMBERSHIP on the DURHAM REGION LON G TERM CARE PLANNING COMMITTEE A Long Term Care Planning Committee is currently being formed. As a dedicated volunteer you will become part of a skilled'and innovative regional planning team made up of both consumers and provîders of long term care services, and othe r interested people. Through ongoing community liaison, your team will develop a progressive plan for a coordinated and accessible long term care system which will meet the needs of the Durham Region as a whole. If any one would like more information or an application package, please contact the Durham Region District Health Couficil by calling (416) 433-4262. The office is open weekdays'between 8:30 and 4:30. THE DEADLINE'FOR APPLICATIONS IS SEPTEMBER 15,1993.