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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Sep 1993, p. 9

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( rro WeekIy TJmies, Wednesday1 Septembera,13g "Age of 'Concern" Column for Seniors by your 'Senior" atQuee4 Park - Gord Mils MPP As promised in last wei column, more of the Bill Rights for people who livi Ontario Nursing Homes.. 6. EVERY RESIDENT the right to be informed of h her medical -condition, treatir and proposed course of treatir --1-in other words--- You have right to understand y, treatment;, Your doctor someone else in charge of - care should tell you: what irn health card you need; w treatment you are getting, what treatment is being plani for you. 6a. EVERY RESIDENT the right to give or refuse con to .treatment, ,inld medication, in accordance the law and to be informed of consequences, of giving refusing consent --- in oi words--- If your doctor suggec way to help you, you can de4 to; ... do what the doctor says, take the doctor's advise, or tal another doctor or qualif person. You must be told m will happen Wo you if you agre take a treatment or drugs what will happen if you do You Fan make yourc decisions if you are compet You are competent if, understand what you are dc and you understand consequences of your actic You can have someone help make decisions if you want. have the right to be involve decisions about your treatment 6c. EVERY RESIDENTt the right to have the opportun to participate fully in makinga decision and obtaining independent medîcal opini concerning any aspect of his her care, including any decisi conceming his or her admissi( discharge or transfer to or fretr nursinghome --ini other words You have the rîght to talk someone outside the nursii home to get a second opini about the kind of care you net You have thle right to ha family, a friend, or an advocý with you when you meet wi doctors and nurses. This perso cari help you decide what tod You have the right to be involv in any decision that could chan where, you live, such as dîseharge or transfer from t nursing home. If you do flot agr with the decision, you can get second opinion. 6d. EVERY RESIDENT h the right to have his or I medical records kept confident in accordance with the law --- other words--- The law says yo medical records are private. On the people responsible for-yc care can sec your medical file unless you give your permissi( to some one else. Your recoî must be, kept in a place whec others cannot sec them. 7. EVERY RESIDENT h the right to receive reactivati and assistance towari en's independence consistent with his or her requirements --- in other words--- You have the right Wo get eek's help to become as independent as Il of you can. You have theright Wo do e in such things as exercise, games, handicrafts, and other programs and activities available in the has nursing home that can improve or is or help you keep your mient independence. mient etde 8. EVERY RESIDENT who is pour. being considered for restraints .or has the right W be fully informed your about the procedures and the id of consequences of receiving or ,'hat refusinig themn ---ini other words--- and You have the right to get nned information about restraints. A restraint is anything that limits your movement. Different kinds r has of restraints are: medication or nsent drugs, wheelchairs with lap belts, ding mittens - 50 you do not scratch with yourself, and bed rails - so you do f tie not faîl out of bed. Sometîmes or you may need a restraint for your ther safety. Restraints should not hurt sts a you-or make you uncomfortable. ecde Your doctor has to tell you if he not or she is planning to use a Uck W restraint on you. Your doctor fied must explain the steps. You must what be told what will happen to you if ee Wo you agree to the restraint and and what will happen if you do not. If not. you are competent, no one can own make you use a restraint if you do lent. not agree. You may want a ftiend, you family member, or advocate to [ong help you decide. the ions. 9. EVERY RESIDENT has you the right to communicate in You confidence, Wo receive visitors of A in hîs or hier choice, and to consuit t. in prîvate with any person without interference --- in other has words--- You have the right to nity reet and ta,1k with people1.1 an can invite your family, friends, or ion anyone else to visit you. If you' Sor want Wo speak to someone alone, iion you have a right to do so. Tell on, someone fromn the nursing staff if in a you don't have enough privacy i your room. They should make to arrangements with proper notice. ing Space is getting quite short so ion we will finish up on this item ed. next weck. ave How to know when your ate g'etting older-Whnyusk ith your teeth into a steak and they ZIfiS stay there!!!!! Until next week, do. take darc. Book Review from Crystal Pages DETOUR - A Hollywood S tory by Cheryl Crane with Cliff Jahr. Cheryl Crane, at 14, put a knife into her mother's boyfriend and killed him dead. This book deals with the enormously difficult childhood that she endured, her adolescent shenanigans, the run-away ventures which she embarked upon, and her feelings of hopelesiness in a life surrounded by physical luxury. She grew up as a Hollywood "Star Baby" in the glamorous 40's and 50's. She was in the company of a series of 'uncles' and stepfathers, some of whomn ignored her, others of whom lied to' her, and one of whom repeatedly raped her. The coroner's jury ruled the Stompanato killîng justifiable homicide, and she was neyer charged with any crime. SShe has now grown beyond al that and has achieved a business career, self respect, and a loving reconciliation with her famous mother. She refers to 'Detour' as a "temporary interruption that love and determînation finally overcame." Arbour House - Recycled Places to Go (Continued fromn page 8) of Victoria Street approximately 2.5 km. west of Highway 12. Clarke Museum holding another book sale The Clarke Museum will be holding another book sale on Saturday, September 25th. The event also features- a community trunk sale. For further information, or if you wish to be part of the trunk sale phone 983-9243. C.L. O.C.A. Autumn Craft Show The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is holding its fifth annual Autumn Craft Show at Enniskillen Conservation Area on Sunday, September 26th fromn 10 a.m. Wo 4 p.m. 1You won't want to miss it! There will be various homemade arts and crafts available for all to enjoy and take homne. If you are interested in selling or displaying your handicrafts or want more information, please cail Gord Geissberger at 579-0411. Family Education Centre offering fail programns The Family Education Resoucre Centre of Durham House Child and Family Centre has their faîl programns of parent education and family enrichment study groups and workshops ready Wogo. The ten,' nine, eight, and six week study groups being offered in Oshawa, Whitby, Newcastle, Port Perry, and Beaverton reflect the community's request for if youi're 'terrified at the thioulght of your teenager out on the highiway with a driver's licence, rnaybe thiere's a reason why. Rernember your own drîving test?, Wasn't it two nervous left turns and a lucky parallel park that put you on the road> Well the world has changed. And there's a farnousý driver training course that actually teaches kids to drive for real, and. survive. H ow to avoid head-on collisions specifie programns for parents with teens and basic parenting for young familles. The workshops respond to specifie requests from the community. For specifie study groups or more information contact the Family Education Resource Centre, 1521 Simcoel St. N., Oshawa, 579-2021 or 686-6459. Viewing Day on Sunday, September l9th at LyndeShores Conservation Area. Members of the public are invited to gather between I'p.m. and 4 p.m. on the north east viewinig platform of Cranberry Marsh (reached by foot travel only along the road extending south from the parking lot). CLOCA staff will bc on hand to assist nature watchers in identifying a variety of waterfowl species. A spotting telescope will also be available for those people interested in a dloser view of individual birds. Binoculars and field guides will corne in handy and photographic opportunities may be available to those with cameras. This event is free to the public. For more information contact the Authority office at (416) 579- 0411.-1 SThe Lynde Shore Conservation Area is located on the south side at eighty, and how to brake in impossibly short distances, just for example. in your day al you really had was a litile nerve. And a lot of luck. Your son, your ...... daughter, will have 50 rnuch more. Young Drivers of Canada OYour, licence to survive. FOR FALL COURSE DATES CALL US FOR MORE INFORMATION AT 623-7017. 98 KING STREET WEST, BOWMANVILLE Maclçenzie Mortgage securities or GJCs? You compare. Intr'lMogage SurtiesFund CURRENT ASSET Mi X 46.2% NHA Mrgage Baciced Securities 10.0% Governiment of Canada Bonds 21.6% Canadian Equities 22.2%/ Gomerment of Canada T. Bis 100%4 Invested for consistenhly compeititive Income "lugrowth. Ail figures showni are for the period ending JuIy 30, 1993. FO-rtu-n---é,KEN RICHARDS FINANCIAL GROUP O. 983-8263 zc, 9 p 10

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