ï"r~r v ,~ Graduates Mr. and Mrs. Ross Starnp are proud to announce their daughter, Lisa Stamp,ý graduated from Wilfltd Laurier University witb a Bachelor of Business Admin- istration. Lisa is presently working aýt GMA Cover Corp., in Guelph. Local school board to increase emphasis on student assessment/evaluation The local public school board is changing one of its central, office positions in order to place an increased emphasis on student assessment and evaluation. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education will hire a programn resource teacher specializing in research and assessment, said Trudy Lum, superintendent responsible for curriculum. The position is critical as the province introduces a number of major changes to the curriculum, she said. They include the transition years project, and a new "common curriculum" which integrates subjects under four broad headings. As well, more curriculum changes are expected fromt the Ministry of Education. The teacher will act as a resource for classroom teachers and will be responsible for developing and integrating new and effective methods of assessing students. "The board bas not added staff but bas re-aligned staff to deal with what is required by tbe province," said Lum. Given the new curriculum, "we have to develop new ways of assessing bow well our students are doing. Assessment has to play an integral part in understanding how well children are learning, what they are learning and bow relevant our programns are in addressing the academic needs of children in an ever-changing society." Lum said the new resource teacher will also beip the board and parents better understand how well students are performing on provincial and international tests. "What happens now is provincial data is given priority and that doesn't give our public, a clear portrait of wbat's, happening locally." - We have had a foc us on 'the. 'In Touch" with Durham "In Touch" with you Alex Shepherd Liberal Candidate for the Federal Riding of Durham T/w Need For A Fresh Start Many people ask the question, "Wbat is this election ail about?" I could list all the issues such as, NAFTA, the deficit, jobs, national unity, Iaw and order, and so forth, but ultimately tbey come back to a basic belief in ourselves and our abiity to control our own lestiny. The Tory agenda on the NAFTA trade deal, the GSI, changes to the patent drug legisiation, among others, were al examples of agreements forced on the general electorate without their consent. As a resuit, people feel helpless and despondent, as if there is nothing they can do that will put their lives back on course - and few seemn happy witb the course that they are presently on. Depending on your view of history, when the first settiers arrived in this country,- they were not beset by restrictions and taxes împosed by governments. Nor were they subjected to forced agreements with their fellow citizens. Tbey were able to develop of their own free wîll. The obstacles, however, would have been horrendous - notably, a harsh environment. Wi th belief in tbemselves and mnutual respect for others, a country was born. In order to restore integrity and honesty in government we mnust also do so among ourselves. For instance, we must stop asking for seiVices (medical, incomne support, etc.) that we do not 'really' nee-d. Financial integrity is mnerely an extension of one's personal views to these social aspects. For instance, you would not expect a reasonable person to go and acquirv great assets (a 3000 sq. fL. house or a cadillac) witbout first havîng expended energy in acquiring it. Here, I note, that money is simply stored energy. Ibis view must follow through society and be reflected in the governiment in general. What difference is there between 43 belicopters and 30 helicopters if you have no money in the bank? From a belief in ourselves we also extend to a be-lief in others. It is only human to be concerned about the plight of the sick, the poor and the homeless. This raises questions as to what one is going development of progranis and we now need to put as much of a focus on quality assessment and evaluation." The creation o f the position comes as the Board introduces a number of measures to improve accountabilîty for its programs with parents and others in the community. These include a new method of reporting to parents which is more detailed. The new position is' part of' a -re- organization of the board's curriculum and resourçe staff undertaken to. meet the directions in which the province is heading, sid Lum. to do about it. Obviously people, attempt to help their neighbours where their neighbours are in genuine need and unable to help themselves. In a nut-shell, help must be help to restore one's self respect, help one wbo bas fallen to be able to stand, not be carried. It should not mean a perpetual life of social assistance unless that person is s0 disabled as to be unable to participate in society in any meaningful way. As a consequence, if we believe in ourselves and each other we must move to restore the dignity and self respect to those who are now unemployed, or on social assistance. To do this we must create new jobs - we must develop an active programn to create new jobs and challenging careers by assisting the formation of small business. Ibis is clearly more sensible tda a single minded attempt to reduce inflation to zero. WE must restore dignity and self respect to ail those able to participate by getting them to contribute to a useful expenditure of energy on society. Once we believe in ourselves and in our governments we can' startbelieving in our place in a world environment. This will mean that we will be putting our best foot forward alI of the time. Ibis will mean that we will be working to the best interests of our own people al of the time. It would'not mean locking us into' international agreements witb other nations wbose overwhelmiing strength is going to affeýct our laws and our ability to execute policies for the good of Our own people, In conclusion, we need a fresh star and this- fresb start must start witb tbe very tbinking of pe-ople in this country. It must get us back to the concept of individual free-thinking in alI of us. eS Ëd. September 9 - l2th WINL Gettung your littie ones started reading. *Start reading to your children when they are just babies and like the quiet tîme and the sound of your x'oice. Soonthey wiil start to recog- nize shapesand colours and identify pictures. * Set aside a quiet time every day for reading together in some com- fortable spot. *The length of time need flot be long. It will depend on your child's age and attention span. * Choose from the wealth of materials available: picture books , poems, fairy tales, real life stories, funny stories, animal. stories. You'll probably wear out a book or two when your child dlecides what his favourites are. Then he will "read" the memorized stories to you.- S - (Continued page 11) Childrens Shouider Pads CCM B-SP90 Boys Toro's Red Tackia Pants Officiais Equipment Bag Childrens Skates CCM Jr. 15.2 Tack, Children's Skates Bauer 30 Charger Boy's Toro's Red CCM Supra Pants Boy's Aluminum Stick Bauer Jr. Boy's Practice Jerseys Athletlc KnIt Children's Pants Cooper HP1 Reg. SALE $ 32.95 $ 27.99 149.99 124.99 54.99 39.99 99.99 84.99* 69.99 54.99* 149.'95 114.99 4.99 33.79 14.95 11.49 39.99 31.49- SEASON OPENER SPECIALS Top Quality at Competitve Prices for 4 BIG WEEKS 0F SAVINGS!! BOWMANVTLLE 121 KING ST. EAST, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Phone (416) 623-0322